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Everything posted by Generalcamo

  1. In order to import w3d files into 3dsmax, you will need 3dsmax version 8, and this tutorial: https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/index.p ... pic=414512 Find "Option 2" and work from there. Unfortunately you will need 3dsmax 8, you cannot use other versions. Also, personal use is totally fine. I personally would love to see a 3d printed Titan.
  2. Those.. "cliffs," look like you just cloned the same rock X amount of times. You are actually supposed to be able to get on top of the cliffs, I don't see how that is possible here.
  3. I would rather wait until a full release. Can't have another MP release day, where we have a ton of players the first month, which dies out after a month.
  4. Rogue server? Servers are perfectly welcome to modify their game if they want (although, they probably should have advertised it). In addition, why are you pointlessly blaming America? Could be a server from Europe for all you know.
  5. Are you simply posting this because of what the dev said? Yes, it was slightly uncalled for, but you are taking it out of proportion. He meant that the dev team does not want to attract players from the lowest common denominator that play CoD and buy EA games even when they protested against them. And I for one support his opinion.
  6. A kickstarter for thousands of dollars? Would fail quickly...
  7. Funny enough, I googled this and it came out with Hassan, which is only partially correct...
  8. You just dissuaded me from coming to your server with that terrible grammar. At least work on basic English grammar so you show you actually care about your server...
  9. Oh no... why did you tell everyone this? Now the maps that everyone and their dog made (especially those of a certain low quality) will be ported to Renegade X.
  10. Doesn't solve the fact that stealth units are hard to see. Most of the people on this thread have been playing Renegade for years. And they are the ones complaining.
  11. I have severe doubts that people will move on, for a while. There is quite a few new content being planned, both in-house and out. I even have my own plans for something that will be worked on when Renegade X is more stable.
  12. I think stealing vehicles does the same thing.
  13. Where are you getting this poorly-stated information from?
  14. I really think that the drama should be kept out of this thread. As for Metro, I did like the map, in both Renegade and the revised version in APB. I do agree with Xpert on the lack of good tank battles however. I feel that there should be more space. Perhaps widening the roads would be a good start (It's a modern city, and it has such small roads. How are people supposed to get around?). Perhaps adding some rubble around the city and large potholes from artillery and airstrikes might add to the apparent atmosphere of the map. Another touch I did like about your revised Metro was the propaganda. Perhaps similar stuff with a Tiberian Dawn theme (probably themed to Nod) in your new map would be a nice touch. If you do not feel like making it yourself, outsource it. I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to make a nice one.
  15. UDK does offer an option for voice-chat. I recommend making it an option for servers (DISABLED BY DEFAULT).
  16. Any particular reason why?
  17. Uhh, these have nothing to do with either Tiberium Dawn or C&C Renegade, so I have severe doubts they will be implemented by default. Of course, server owners may modify things IIRC.
  18. I'd actually go so far as to label Black Dawn as "OUTDATED" and "UNSUPPORTED."
  19. Generalcamo

    New forums!

    Couple things: All Linkbacks to the old forums (even inside of this forum) are completely broken. Those that point to a specific thread won't anymore. The Live WIP forum is not hidden. It should be.
  20. Generalcamo

    New forums!

    Also: You may need to reset your bookmarks if they point directly to the old forums.
  21. If you notice, the yellow on the Renegade weapon looks less "clean", which might help to alleviate the concerns. Perhaps put that noise in this model as well, and perhaps that will fix the toyish look it has now.
  22. Is that texture on the Chemical Sprayer final? That yellow on it doesn't look good to me. It looks like a Plastic Texture with a Metal-like model, which doesn't look good. Perhaps add a Normal Map to it or something to make it a little rougher?
  23. Are you guys going to implement a stealth shader in any form? I personally think it looks better then what is currently used. In addition: Is that a new version of I Got a Present for Ya? Why wasn't the one from Chicajo used?
  24. The problem at the moment is that we are simply talking about getting it onto Steam. We should start ACTING to get it to Steam. Steam Greenlight would be a reliable way to get it on, and we should look into the ramifications, but how are we going to get this out there for people who do not use Steam or before we get it on Steam? We need these people to make Greenlight successful. We should discuss other PR routes as well, to take time off the developers, and get them working on Renegade X instead of worrying about getting the final product out there. I'm not saying we should act on it now, as Renegade X will take time, but we should discuss PR strategy. My best recommendation is to post everywhere: Reddit, SomethingAwful, C&C Communities, what is left of the Renegade community, etc. But what should we post? Who should do this? And when should we do this?
  25. Could you imagine 2,000 players in a game per hour? Renegade only gets 1,000 per day...
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