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Everything posted by Jam

  1. So what we're trying to say is that there is no estimated release date available. Of course, the devs could say we're going to release it in March of next year, but nobody knows what the future holds, problems may arise, new ideas may come to mind, and being forced to deliver a game that is only 50% finished would most likely turn out negatively. The idea for the standalone multiplayer release, is that they're going to deliver a finished product. The only thing I can tell you is that it will be worth the wait, and this will soon be made clear, just keep an eye out on the Renegade X website!
  2. No.
  3. You guys should get that award solely for the awesome purchase terminals, boy do they look good!
  4. Ha, indeed! Loving the environments we have seen in the video, they look very detailed and I'm glad I've bought a new PC with the multiplayer around the corner!
  5. That first question only makes sense if you translate it to Dutch.
  6. If we would all donate a dollar we could easily reach this goal. CIRE - the C&C Community Manager - says that there is no problem with putting Renegade X on Steam, as long as it remains free of charge.
  7. You could easily implement a delay. There was talk of marking enemy players on the map for a limited period of time, which may be a better solution than text messages.
  8. Renegade X will mainly rely on dedicated servers hosted by third-parties.
  9. I'll try to find some time for making a new episode, but as mentioned on CNCNZ.com I cannot promise anything.
  10. Yeah, I accidentally uploaded a video of the standalone multiplayer, luckily I disabled it after a few seconds, together with all my other videos. But most of them should be back now!
  11. The VIP's on this forum are beta testers.
  12. Jam

    New Teamspeak?

    There is currently no public TeamSpeak server available, wether the devs will re-open it in the future is unknown. I doubt this will happen, because there will be enough servers with their own TeamSpeak server set up.
  13. Jam

    A lost jewel

    We need RypelCam support
  14. Jam


    Yes I am still alive, but have decided to wait with new episodes until the multiplayer will be released.
  15. Before you reinstall the game, make sure to delete the Renegade folder located in your Docs/My Games folder.
  16. According to the logs there are missing values, which indicates a faulty installation. Try reinstalling, it should do the job. There are currently no server hosting the UT3 Renegade X beta. We're all waiting for the UDK Renegade X release.
  17. No problem!
  18. Oh, here is where you can find his contact form: http://www.sebastianaav.com/ (Double posted because of lazy admins not fixing the forum!)
  19. Hey RacerX, The best thing to do - for the C&C music - would be to contact Sebastian Aav via e-mail, he remixed the soundtrack for Renegade X.As for Got A Present For Ya, I've no idea who made this song, it might be Sebastian Aav aswell. But a lot of composers have made music for Renegade X, same counts for and .
  20. It would be smart for Vavle to put it on the Steam Platform, as this would bring new players to the plaftorm, in addition, a portion of these players will most likely keep using Steam and will purchase other (Steam) games aswell.
  21. The developers are open to putting Renegade X on Steam, but it is unknown wether they have taken steps to submit Renegade X for the Steam Platform.
  22. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!
  23. Hey guys, just a head's up in case you were wondering where yesterday's episode was/is. I've recently transferred from Windows to Ubuntu, and the sound quality there seems to be really really low, so I'm going to arrange another laptop in a few days from now to start recording. Stay tuned!
  24. Episode number four of the Renegade X Community Q&A! This week: - Is Renegade X the best remake ever made? - New singleplayer missions? - Multiplayer levelling - Vertical Sync in Renegade X - Glass shooting on Islands - New character classes - Weapon zoom feature - LAN/WLAN support - Renegade X Tournament - Player-controlled harvesters - Sunday night MP games - Announcement date for announcement date announcement http://facebook.com/CNCRenX http://twitter.com/RenXGame [align=center][video=youtube;XaMAoGy24Zw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaMAoGy24Zw [/align]
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