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Everything posted by Renardin

  1. I would love to see them as map props to defend on specific maps. Like objective is to destroy / defend the kodiak/montauk.
  2. Like this?
  3. I would rather ask EA to let Totem Arts lead the project. And it would be an outstanding move from EA considering how they are seen by the CNC community right now. Someone brings Jim Vessela and Greg Black here ? Oh wait I might as well contact their old Friend (Amer Ajami) as we are still in touch Anyway, great message
  4. Problem solved with Limsup. 64 bit version allow me to use more than 3 Gb of memory. No more crash so far in 4K
  5. I use the launcher and I play at 1080p because in at 4K, it crashes more often with the same message.
  6. I have been experiencing this bug for many years and it seems to happen more often when we are more than 50 players online. The game crash with the following message : Ran out of video memory. I can't even believe it. I have a 11 GB of video memory (GTX 1080 Ti) So any way to stop this annoying crash from happening would be welcome. PC SPECIFICATIONS taken from steam : Informations de l'ordinateur : Fabricant : Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Modèle : Z370 AORUS Gaming 7 Type : Ordinateur de bureau Aucun écran tactile détecté Processeur : Fabricant du CPU : GenuineIntel Marque du processeur : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz Famille du processeur : 0x6 Modèle du processeur : 0x9e Révision processeur : 0xa Type de processeur : 0x0 Fréquence : 3696 Mhz 12 processeurs logiques 6 processeurs physiques HyperThreading : Pris en charge FCMOV : Pris en charge SSE2 : Pris en charge SSE3 : Pris en charge SSSE3 : Pris en charge SSE4a : Non pris en charge SSE41 : Pris en charge SSE42 : Pris en charge AES : Pris en charge AVX : Pris en charge CMPXCHG16B : Pris en charge LAHF/SAHF : Pris en charge PrefetchW : Non pris en charge Version du système d'exploitation : Windows 10 (64 bits) NTFS : Pris en charge Codes Fournisseur Crypto : Pris en charge 311 0x0 0x0 0x0 Carte graphique : Pilote : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Nom du pilote DirectX : nvldumd.dll Version du pilote : Version du pilote DirectX : Date du pilote : 10 10 2018 Version OpenGL : 4.6 Profondeur de couleur du bureau : 32 bits par pixel Taux de rafraîchissement du moniteur : 59 Hz Carte DirectX : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti ID fabricant : 0x10de ID périphérique : 0x1b06 Révision : 0xa1 Nombre de moniteurs : 1 Nombre de cartes vidéo logiques : 1 Aucun SLI ou Crossfire détecté Résolution de l'affichage principal : 3840 x 2160 Résolution du bureau : 3840 x 2160 Taille de l'affichage principal : 23.90" x 13.58" (27.48" diag) 60.7cm x 34.5cm (69.8cm diag) Bus principal : PCI Express 16x Mémoire vidéo principale : 11263 Mo Modes MSAA pris en charge : 2x 4x 8x Carte son : Périphérique audio : Haut-parleurs (Realtek High Def Mémoire : RAM : 16324 Mo Divers : Langue de l'interface : Français Type de support : Indéterminé Espace disque total disponible : 11684112 Mo Plus grand bloc disponible sur le disque dur : 4032469 Mo Date de l'installation du SE : janv. 01 1970 Contrôleur de jeu : None détecté(s) Casque VR : aucun détecté
  7. I don't see steam be a problem for any players on pc. Most of the pc gamers (99%) have steam. So it would be a good start.
  8. Sarah, it would take some boring time to make new email and new steam account. Also evading ban on steam is quite hard without a new account. Right now it takes seconds to the hacker to evade ban. Let’s make thing harder for them. And I think that steam is more efficient for bans they provide tools for it also.
  9. probably the best thing in Renegade and Renegade X
  10. will just post that here also. Zap19 on this game. All buildings got destroyed by a single player in 3 sec. He was able to edit the power of his weapons, speed, etc. He ruined 10 games. Still convinced that nobody hacks? I still think some player uses hack at their advantage. I run this game with a connection with heaven speed, a 6700k and soon a GTX 1080 ti. No lag at all. I can assure you that some people here have "skills" beyond human ability. Well enjoy a proof here : Steam should be forced on every server.
  11. ok thx. I miss the ramjet sound of Renegade.
  12. A hacker kept coming back and shot all buildings with one bullets. He ruined 10 games so far. He was able to evade ban or whatever the mods did against him. People were saying me there is no hack and yet when I say that I get shot with a single bullet of normal soldier or sometimes lose a tank for no reasons, no one cares... but it happened and tonight everyone saw it, nobody will deny it. So the hacker can obviously edit all the value of the game to his advantage or when it is needed. How can we play seriously if nothing is done against this ? One of his nick : Zap19 This asshole waits an hour of game, then ruins everything. (PS : yes I am playing on an intel chipset. Waiting a delivery from amazon for 10 days :p)
  13. Is there a way to use the original renegade sounds in Renegade X ? I can extract all the sound from the original game but where should I put them and what names should I use to replace them in Renegade X ? Any help is welcome.
  14. would love to see that map back
  15. lol right but again, can we then get the stats for short games and too much hs ? Is such data recorded ?
  16. then UE4 is the best solution
  17. A switch to Unreal Engine 4 should be started maybe. It will require a lot of code from what I know but it would be better for this game. Anyway, the leaderboard seems to record data from all servers : Example : http://leaderboard.renegade-x.com/profile?id=76561198272283093&database=All-Time 23000 Headshots for about the same amount of game as me... and I have 56 headshots for all my games. 23K headshots... go trough the leaderboard, it's easy to spot. his many nicknames are : っぽい poi ぽい. ぽい✿ ぽい.✿ ぽい Cheeky BiiBii bibii ㅇwㅇ For JPJ palyer : 3 accounts : http://leaderboard.renegade-x.com/profile?id=76561198155078298&database=All-Time 12800+ HS Just make a Ratio of HS VS game for each player on the leaderboard. For an example; Dr.Schrott has 1,5 headshot per game. Decent ratio for a good player. Also the top 10 players of the leaderboard fails to go above 1K of Headshots. Anyone to make me a an export of the full leaderboard ? I will then make a Google Sheet with the stat conclusion for each.
  18. I have the model from EA, the full one from the CG Videos. Gave it to renx team.
  19. Here you can find a 460*215 pixels image of Renegade X to use on your steam library if you decide to add the game there. You can also edit the image with whatever you want. (naked Hotwire & stuff maybe if it's your thing...)
  20. I would recommande to check the games of yesterday for Shpetim and Striker on UNDER map.
  21. I am a bit amazed by the skills of some people on this game. I was able to witness situations where it is nearly impossible for the sniper that I was attacking to make a headshot while dodging my bullets. Anyway, the sniper was able to make a perfect hit on head on me on several assaults even when surprised by me. He only had to turn toward my direction and it was an instant hit on the head. Those players reach 80 kills each game (in less than 10 minutes) and are able to wipe out a full team of support for tanks. Yet nobody will do something about it and the sniper will tell you he is legit. From my point of view, it is too much luck/skills to be honest. What are the plans on this game to prevent hack/aimbots ? It is really ruining the game, I know several names of those "skilled" sniper and I leave the game as soon as I see them online.
  22. I will try to be there more. Playing from Europe, I see german players mostly.
  23. playing it tonight with GTX 1070. Hi all
  24. Can 't wait to make reborn ready on it!
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