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Everything posted by Aircraftkiller

  1. That's nothing but speculation on your part. There's plenty of hostile forums everywhere you go, and hostile gamers attached to the game those forums are dedicated to. This isn't something new and it's never going to change unless there's Internet censorship in the future. You're always going to have teenagers that abuse people on forums and shout racial slurs in-game, but none of that ever hurt CoD's sales or community participation. So yes, we're fully aware of the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory - but most people just ignore things like that and move on. Hate: We're arguing for argument's sake!
  2. Welcome to the Internet, where people are different from you and are not always going to say things in a way that you'd like them to. If you think that people being rude to you here are going to turn away other potential RX players, you've apparently played no other online game in the history of the Internet. I mean, you must've played something else or participated in other forums, right? You obviously know that being a dick is just the the way some people communicate, and the amount of people who lose interest in a game over it are minimal. Boink is probably not going anywhere. It's part of the Renegade experience. From what I've read so far, they're potentially going to allow you to adjust your kill sound - so wait it out and toughen up. You'll live through it, I promise!
  3. DH's post was annoying, but in a different way than yours. His is just "I'm being a dick" trolling whereas yours is "I'm using cliched catchphrases without realizing what I'm actually saying when I say them!" I find both posts obnoxious in different ways, not at all equal to one another. Your concern trolling is noted, however.
  4. lol, Iran, your troll posts are legendary.
  5. Of course it's NOD. Their clan is called Naval Ordnance Disposal. What else did you think it was?
  6. That doesn't make it any less obnoxious to read: http://gawker.com/5259560/phrases-to-be ... just-sayin Lots of stupid things are said and done because that's what we've always done. If you're going to make an articulate point, you make yourself sound like an idiot at the end by disregarding the entire reply with "just sayin'". Say what you mean. If you mean to say "I'm just telling you that I said something",then continue saying "just sayin'". If you mean to say that your writing isn't meant to provoke, then say so explicitly. Otherwise, you're hiding behind weasel words - and that's not nice at all.
  7. If I'm not lazy tonight, I'll post a screenshot of the traffic barricade I'm rebuilding. I'm taking all of Metro's props and redoing them, plus adding others where appropriate. I've been wanting an excuse to create traffic barrels, too, since I want to create the traffic barrel monster that was featured on Jalopnik a few years ago: I was thinking of turning it into a 3D print via Shapeways.com and putting it on my desk at the office.
  8. Scruffy had his heart set on this map last year for jelly marathon, It was absolute dogshit to play on though unfortunately. especially with GDI's epically unbalanced homing lightspeed rocket humvee. the only reason it would take as long as under is because each base had so many buildings, and you had to hit a mission just getting to the other teams base. every aspect of the map is a complete drag. Titan knew how to make some decent graphics, but his gameplay fundamentals were... lackluster, and that's really being nice about it. Most of his maps suffered from Too Fucking Big and Empty syndrome. They were always Stealth Tank/sniper matches. STanks could go anywhere unhindered (on Terrace, they could even climb those big dirt mountains and attack the AGT even easier from there for extra lol) and good luck trying to do anything with infantry - as PG said, you'd need hiking boots. Big has to be done right. I always ask my wife to stop setting up Catan with the largest possible map size (we've got all of the expansions) when we're only playing with three people. She loves big maps, but they play terribly with only three or four people. Far too many custom maps suffered from TFBES like Titan's work generally did. I never did get why people were so averse to adding foliage, rocks, et al.
  9. Probably because there weren't any medics in any C&C game outside of Red Alert/Tiberian Sun that I'm aware of, and RenX is very loosely based on Tiberian Dawn - which had no medics. Engineers somehow fulfill that role in Renegade/X.
  10. Yes, we know you were "just saying". You said something. There's absolutely no reason to tell us that you said something after you said something, unless you think we're incapable of reading. In which case, we wouldn't know that you said something to say that you said something in the first place, rendering your "just saying" moot. /The more you know
  11. I played it many times and had no issue winning as GDI. I actually found it easier because Nod has no air defenses once the SAM Sites are down, and GDI can rush past the Obelisk and take out several SAM Sites without too much trouble.
  12. There's too much linear thinking in "but lol if maps are bigger then Nod always wins lolz" - the issue with Nod winning consistently comes down to a few different issues. 1. Terrible design. Terrace was a great example of this problem. A map entirely devoted to barren terrain with nothing in-between two bases but mountainous dirt. I'm pretty sure there was a version without base defenses, but having an AGT made no difference at all. Stealth Tanks could easily maneuver around anything that tried finding them and they almost always destroyed the AGT in moments flat with little or no warning. 2. Wide open spaces with no warning systems. If you're going to make big maps, you need something that will make them at least somewhat defendable. I always added regular Guard Towers to my maps for a few reasons, primarily being an obstacle against "lol stealth" that always permeated Renegade and made it play terribly. If you're going to lol stealth around in many of the maps I made, you had to earn the right to do it first - that meant disabling defenses that could automatically spot you. 3. Regular players always kind of... suck. That's just the nature of the beast in any game, and that doesn't help keep win/loss ratios for GDI/Nod consistently equal. I made some pretty big maps that had what I consider to be pretty great gameplay, like Fjord, which came out a good 10 years after Renegade's 2001 release: It's big, yet Stealth Tanks aren't "I win" buttons. The map is purposely designed with two AGTs set up with TD-style defenses (two missiles, no guns) while Guard Towers back up the AGTs with machine gun fire. If you lost to Stealth Tanks, your enemy was better than you. Big isn't bad. It just has to be done properly, and that requires thinking on multiple levels when you make a map - instead of the simplistic "LOL I MAED MAEP 4 GAEM" stuff we saw over the years.
  13. I'm not sure if I should be offended at the obvious subtext to being compared to Michael Vick and Michael Jackson, or maybe I'm just looking at it in the worst possible way
  14. I don't currently have any interest in joining any team of anything right now. I already have my hands full running my 200 member fleet in Star Trek Online, raising my family, and with my career. I'm just fine making my own stuff.
  15. I'd rather see a return to C&C95 gameplay where Nod has SAM Sites scattered across the zone, and GDI has to destroy all of them before any air strikes are permitted.
  16. Boink has been around since the Renegade beta in 2001. I still have my beta disc around somewhere. It wasn't ever meant to be used in the final game, but like many bugs/errors/glitches in Renegade it became part of the game and nobody wanted to get rid of it. I personally like the sound. I don't care what sound gets used (I've been in CS:S servers over the years where knife kills made Howard Dean scream ) - but I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoy the boink when I kill someone. I always have.
  17. The original underground zone was a sewer system filled with green sludge that was reminiscent of Tiberium. I'm not a huge fan of making the stuff grow in un-canon ways, but I think I can manage to get the underground zone to keep the spirit of the original while having a subway system simultaneously added. I'd probably have some kind of Tiberium growth in the sewers, but keep the subway area clean (at least as clean as grungy graffed areas are going to look) in comparison. I'm at the office now, so I don't have any renderings of the stuff I was doing last night, but I did start work on some props that I'm building high-res versions of in case I end up baking normals to them. I'm not even sure it's worth tossing object-specific normals on barricades since a spec map would probably look just as good and help with performance. I'll have to play with it and see - and it'll be really helpful to eventually get my hands on the tools so I can open the RenX models in UDK and see what their target polycount per prop was.
  18. I'd like to keep most of the original layout if possible, but expand it in the center so that there's more room to maneuver between bases. I'm hoping it'll open up new strategies, too, since there were only a few methods to reach the enemy base and most of them were covered by base defenses. Speaking of those, I'm entertaining the idea of going light defenses only, so no AGT/OoL to prevent turtling in each base.
  19. I had good fights in it, but it definitely needs more space for tank battling to happen - that's why I'd like to expand the center of the map to make it roughly twice as large, perhaps three times. It'll clear up congestion too.
  20. I'm currently building art assets for a HD remake of my old map Metro from Renegade. It needs things like barricades, streetlights, trash cans, etc. Things of that nature. While I'm working on props and waiting for the tools to come out, I'd like some ideas on what to do with Metro. I was considering expanding the center of the map and making it roughly twice as big in the middle with something like a railroad running through it because I'm lazy and I already have railroad tracks modeled with signals and whatnot. Toss me some ideas while I work, if you don't mind helping me along. I'm doing something that's deliberately easier than remaking Glacier right now because I want to get a feel for how much work it'll take to get a UDK map running versus what I'm accustomed to. Although with the modeling I do for a living, making maps feels like a much less complex process. Here's some old screenshots I just took using W3D View to jog your memory. Man, this old stuff looks horrible! Keep in mind that I'm going to attempt to preserve the visual theme and texture style while upgrading it.
  21. Changing vehicles doesn't require coding in Renegade. You change out the model and re-rig it to work with the engine. It's a visual change that also impacts the code, but requires no coding on my part. The other changes were scripts changes that were just GUI stuff. I clicked what I wanted to change, that's about it.
  22. I'm flattered you think I'm capable of coding, but I'm just a simple artist. I can't code unless there's a GUI that does the work for me. Looking at notepad for hours makes me want to punch my monitor.
  23. The classic Renegade trees weren't that thin. Their trunks were 300% thicker and the branches didn't hug the trunk like those do. It's why they look like pipe cleaners instead of trees. /Those clouds don't fit either, it looks like you're using a photo from CG Skies instead of procedurally generated clouds //They're photo-real while your environment, characters, weapons, and vehicles are not
  24. The environments look interesting, but the trees are reminiscent of pipe cleaners rather than firs or pines.
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