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in a sence the cyborg commander could also need its team to be more usefull its a slow moving infantry. so why not let it enter the subterain vehicle's of other ally's but not able to enter the driver seat. or alternatively the cyborg subterain vehicle the vehicle can only be bought when a cyborg commander is in play. needing an ally to ride it then pick up the cyborg commander. the cyborgs subterain vehicle could be immuun to vehicle stealth detection but not with base defences. this buff is only active when a cyborg commander hase recently(30sec) or is still in the vehicle then for the subterain weapons 1 of the normal weapons and a 2nd cyborg commander weapon. this weapon gains ammo when a cyborg commander is in the vehicle. when its exits the ammo is drained over time giving the user of these weapons a small time frame to still use them depanding on how much the commander charged these weapon by staying in the vehicle. the vehicle itself hase hase the same timer as the normal subterain vehicle unless a commander is in it then its infinite time it can stay underground due to the commander providing the power supply then while we are at it if the vehicle's still to weak why not add in a stealth generator thats only active when its not shooting and if a cyborg commander buff is active/refreshed with him being in there then for the cyborg commanders weapon same typ of ball of destruction energy it hase in the c&c games able to abliterate buildings with ease thats much better then giving them air superiority that gdi hase gdi during this time hase the overwelming fire power of vehicle's and air superiority afther all nod is gorilla tactics and stealth with future tech weapons so infantry epic unit makes more sence for nod because only in c&c 3 with the scrins invasion did gdi lose there air superiority due to the scrins battleships
What if reps were able to rep enemy units and buildings?
slashes replied to Radec's topic in Renegade X
same over here roweboat i would love to have this back in because it was like this in original afther all when ya used it on an enemy player/building ya would lose points tho maybe do the same for regenagde x with some tweaks. the main fire will heal everything. the 2nd fire(right mouse click?) can damage neutral/enemy's deals minor damage to vehicle's, infantry and buildings -
any thought about adding a mobile construction yard for both nod and gdi to build. they could be used as alternatives for outpost to construct a small/medium base on the firestorm maps. with a truck high cost of peronal credits to build. they would move slow have a good bit of health/armor and cant be undeployed. when deploying them u will get kickt out of the driver seat and it taked about 20-30 seconds for it to construct a smaller construction yard. the construction yard gives a small/medium build size. like 1/2 or 2/3 of the capturable outposts. it doesnt share any of the upgrades/power from the outposts/base. the construction yard wil have the name of the player written on it that bought it. so pretty much a personal construction yard vehicle. the upgrades u do with the construction yard are saved for when ya buy or use another players construction yard.limit 1 per player (1)or squad not per team) the player owned construction yard doesnt share the team funds and rally's only on the players credits. the tiberian ref build in this outpost could share with the team if player allows it could just add in a command like -ref share of to make the personal harv only supply credits to u all other buildings will be based on both u and the players personal research. personal research cost less credits then the team one. example i upgrade my wf to be rank 3 vehicle's diff player is rank 2 he wont be able to build lvl 3 only lvl 2 vehicle's from my war factory the upgrades could if possible be given to the entire squad if thats going to be a thing. with anti cheese mechanics. player only elligable for squad upgrades when its been 3-5 minutes in th squad when leaving it it resets the timer. so what do any of ya think of this? 1. thats only if squad yards would be a thing.
its best to keep the cyborg commander with a 1 player limit with ofcourse how a truck load of firepower and health. to kill them effectively u need to shoot them with eather anti tank vehicle's. or using a good bit of tanks to kill them with constant fire. give them half the health/armor of the mammoth mk2 make them regenerate a 0.5% base hp a sec in tiberian. this means that 1 cyborg commander needs multiple people to kill with vehicle\s. or high powerd anti vehicle for a good bit of time shooting at them. the cyborg commander should have very low movement speed like make it move slower or the same speed like a mammoth when its running. give it a very high damage projectile when it hits a wolverine its death. when it hits a titan its death or barely alive. the projectile is slow and tracks the closest target no lock on required. it can however miss due do the slow projectile. it takes no damage from being driven over from normal vehicles however the titan will severly damage it it wont outright kill it but it will take immense damage due to the preasure. then nods uber unit could be remade into just a 1 max limit special alien aircraft.it will have a little bit more hp then a banshee it could use the banhsee's projectile and be very costly to use due to introducing a fuel source. due to it being a prototype scrin ship they couldent fully make it last long. so for that it could just run out of fuel in like 2-4 min of flying in it. when it runs out it will eather slowly decent or just crash straight down. if it slowly decent get it to a helipad in time to fuel it up. or it slowly gets damaged and blows up. iif it should crash it just blows up instantly. dealing damage to everything around where it crashed. thats my solution to yours because gdi always had overwhelming air and ground fire power so they indeed should remain the most powerfuller. while nod runs with experimental crap. which fails and sometimes doesnt with the alien craft this could be how the craft crash landed on a test flight to test out the weapons and what not.
might wanna check the internet speed ya got then could be that its to bad compared to the other people and giving it a false positive to the server itself like during the day people have crap connection in some games this also makes them better at dpsing if its based on there speed vs the boss. like how some shooters have the best for the shooter if the shooters ping is cray high if on hise end he can see someone but due to the fast internet speed of hise target there long gon the shooter can still hit the player behind cover....
i am 100% sure the vote dident show up hasent even been the first time eather. when i had some game nights of like 8-12 hours in the weekends noticed it triggering alot more. dident help that during these weekend that i noticed the game over poll/change map poll player playing aswell. pretty much 1 player in the community that always polls surrender/change map whenever a map he doesnt like comes up thats alot of maps kinda ruins audio bug aswell with less people rejoining...
not a fan of this becomming a new ingame vote with current vote system unless the vote could be reworked to include all players then why not with all i mean everything that doesnt vote yes will automaticely be voting no on inportant votes like kicking someone because of afk is just not in there and acts like it does now a poll to surrender/change map on the other hand would work with this system in place. this also would resolve the dam cheese with votes sometimes not popping up litterly have had experiences where a surrender vote was getting polled/new map with it not showing up on my screen just out of nowhere with couple of others players also being pissy about this that it just popped up out of nowhere with these votes.
with how the weapon crate is pretty much nerfd with the advanced repair tool being replaced with an inferior+verry irritating repair tool because its pretty much a copy and paste of the one ya buy from the terminal. any plans to eather remove this from the weapon crate this is just from personal experience and couple of discussions in the game about it. 9 out of 10 weapon crates i pickt up its always been a repair tool. the game doesnt even check if ya got a repair tool its just gets ya 1 without recharging it. ya repair tool could be like 5/350 charges left ya pick it up and ya roll the repair tool its still at 5/350. the advanced repair tool ya first had was just balanced high hp heal per charge just 250 energy very very long recharge doesnt interfear with others bought items. like i rather just get a nuke/abduction crate then a repair tool when i hold an ion/nuke/airstrike. because atleast ik could rebuy them faster when i respawn then walk all the way back to rebuy the nuke/ion beacons or the airstrike. so with that anyone else that would like to speak out on the repair tool i am aware that the discussion in the game always ends up when talking to the forum its a waste of time but come on try it ones ya stop trying ya already gave up on possibly game idea's
if there protection is from base defences only then there just kinda useless. spy crate in general should just be fake teamate's so spy's make people second guess if there enemy or not. thats how it was in the other renegade there name would swap from nod to gdi or whatever then the name was considert friendly untill ya tested with shooting them. then when they took damage or not would have revealed it friendly or enemy. this system was better much better then what we got gdi gets sbh=an easy building killer if done right. any other spy well ya got shot... nod pretty much doesnt have this any spy character is easily killed of due to the no name plate. reason why a stealth suit would be the nice added thing maybe only for nod tho. with it being rng based like if ya trigger the stealth suit sph crate ya just turn into a special nod sbh for defences.
100% yes dont see the reason not to even have it inside the crate dont give me the balance bs because there is no balance in this it just needs to be added. if the balance talk is stil done REMOVE STEALTH BLACK HAND CHARACTER SPY CRATE. ya want to talk about balance remove that character because thats pretty much the only real spy character. stealth+not visible unless ya to close THATS A SPY. whats not a spy is just a normal character without a fake name or something when people look at ya. no name=spy=death. thats how spy crates go ya cant blend in because everyone hase the name taggsssssssssssss on . so eather spy crates should also give ya random name also or just give the player a stealth suit. the stealth suit would last till death.
A moderator switched me after i've killed him, is it fine?
slashes replied to Reivax's topic in Renegade X
i can see why using the official servers is a better plan then. i would also be angry if i was swapped of nod to gdi or other way around if i dident do it myself. with there discord i wouldent find it a better place discord tends to in my experience forget the discussion......... plenty of times when 3-4 people had discord disucussion then 20-30 people start talking other things then the entire discussion of is pretty much forgotten so a forum thread is a better solution people tend to check the renegade forum anyway. if someone needed to be team swapped back for balance reason ask if the other team would swap for balance gameplay the person ya pickt dident like nod in that match at that time no need to ruin hise game and make him leave. that is pretty much what ya did with it. having the command to even grab a random person to enslaveh im to the other team is something that should be disabled or never used. pretty much if i start with gdi in a map i like to play as nod i will keep trying to swap to nod. should a moderator swap me back i eather leave or i dont do anything. this is fair with me i pickt nod so by that means for me i am nod. which also inclines i wont be any usefull to gdi if i get force swapped. -
infiltrating is always an option tho because that was always done in the original renegade. with this adjustment ya just need to be more carefull+on gdi this will make them slack of more overall because main reason right now why gdi gameplay on certain players is always to continuesly look around is the mine limit..... 18-24 mine limit makes people be on edge all the time. this by itself makes sbh infiltration alot harder then just increase mine limit+decreasing mine damage to compensate for it. main reason why i even liked the personal mine limit to begin with that was tryed out minus them despawning on death ofcourse... made gdi less tense then being like THEREI IS AN SBH SOMEWHERE WHERE IS HE. IS HE OVERHERE OR THERE where is he IK THERE IS 1 SOMEWHERE!!! every match there is always 3/6 people doing this on gdi end looking for them even if hand of nod is destroyed they cant help there hase to be an sbh in the base.just havent found him yet. if the emp crate would promote to much camping why rework the anti vehicle infantry a bit on there weapon then make the personal ion cannon+railgun eather damage or 1 shot destroy mines ya target with it. this means ya can have the emp for vehicle's only and there weapon used to disable mines. while also having them be used for tanks. this also would make the piercing ion if that thing wasent scrapped/removed a bit more usefuller with the crap aim of it.
think with the mine banning option is to instead have more mines again like the other renegade remember the mine limit if 80-130 on the maps. this allowed them to be used both for buildings and the base defence itself take field for example on the c and c renegade people used to mine 5 on the door entrances ea to kill 1 or a grouped up inf in 1 single swoop. then the fields front was entirelly mined mostly no sbh's could infiltrate unless nod did a tank or apc rush with atleast 2 being needed to fully break in to disarm 1 side of mines. a return of this would be nice for nods side this was the same ya could easily destroy a mammoth tank on full hp when it went inside. ya also had eventuelly some lovely turrets at the front and tunnel entrance which is still something field misses if ya ask me. then for the emp being able to disarm mines remove this option from the anti vehicle infantry group make it so it only disables vehicle's and not any mines themselfs. then add a empowerdt emp grenade in weapon crate's. they could eather be 1 use with a cooldown on reload time or have the same frag grenade use in the crates. pretty much right now if ya get frag grenades of the crates ya get like 3-6 grenade ya can throw in quick succesion pretty much a grenadier from the original renegade. because the renegade version uses a grenade launcher the one in the 1st renegade just threw grenades instead. all this should make the game more friendly to new players+ make it less likely for people to be salty if 1 mine is in the wrong order because mine banns are done by someone with 1 mine in the wrong position. that strict gameplay is what ruins it so just triple to x4 the mine limit while rebalancing the damage to like 30-40% of the current seems like a good compensation for some better gameplay mechanics
oh yes i still play that sometimes did all the campaign missions when covid lockdown started... also still remember the online gameplay back in the 2012-2016 time. playing on the visceroid survival map with 3-12 people on ea corner with crap ton of visceroids and planned expensions. or that map with 6vs6 north vs south with the middle having stealth generators. was fun sneakily capped the generators in the middle then when team was i was targeted and base entirely wiped out or last one standing they had a hard time to search for me. good old times even had 1 game i remember winning this way on the 6v6 nobody used mobile sensors on there end no more because was only 2 nod players then when the stealth generators got placed just right the sneaky arty deployments killed 2 players. was fun tho stealth for the win played also others maps but these 2 stand out with people playing them alot because these capturable stealth generators is jut very sneaky gameplay for the start because even tho its an old map nobody almost checkt the neutral buildings they where always uncapt if i dident take them. was very suprised because they gave like a 1.5x to 2x the stealth area around them then the normal nod stealth generators. that by itself is like nice. think nobody just looked at the area of effect of them. used to people not paying attention to this in real time strategy games. the cyborg commander was very dangerous in the 2nd map also because submerine very tanky large crap ton of damage. used alot in hit and runs when it survived standing in tib field got him to full hp like like a minute then people repeated or retrained him to use again. th stealth apect was kinda crap tho for static locations people always waypoint+bombarded the ground which was bs but a powerfull tactic also never with neutral buildings tho so that was plus
could have just made ram damage be a thing. think of it this way humvee/apc go's with a good bit of speed against a cyborg both the apc/humvee and the cyborg get equel damage. of like 50-100 or whatever. slow speed wouldent trigger this effect so unless a vehicle hase such big preasure against it it wouldent hurt it. with them being somewhat the same with other infantry kinda sucks ya would think a cyborg thats pretty almost entirelly made of metal to not be just 1 popped when he shows hise face in the open by a sniper or in a couple of seconds by 1 basic soldier. would think explosives is the way to hurt them the most then regular bullets like how mrlses and artillery's only take a low/medium bit of damage of sniper rifle shots. thats what i thought the cyborgs would be no heashot multiplier snipers wouldent be very effective on them while there more advanced high ressistant anti infantry for the mk2 part kinda sucks thought it would have more simulairity's with the tib sun one meaning unless that mk2 was a heroic it wouldent 1 shot basic cyborgs and veteran cyborgs. then the cyborgs last stand or crawling mode i guess was that also though of would be funny to see when ya on low health the cyborgs could lose its legs making it a crawler unless ya refill at a terminal. the last one would cyborgs and partly/fully loaded harvesters leave a small bit of tib on there death?? with this one if ya guys thought of degrading tib crystal could just place a small to medium crystal depanding on cyborg/cyborg commander and partly/fully loaded harvester destruction on the spot where they blew up if it could be placed there. the crystal would also leave some tib damage ofcourse. the degrading tib crystal field was of a modded renegade server where they had like 40-50 different type's of nod and gdi vehicle's ya could buy they all also had different growth rate i noticed the red crystals would renew very slow ya could depleet it with 1 harvester in 2-3 gathers ... the blue tib depleted slowly on 1 harvester and the green tib field with this mechanic some maps dident apply it to green tib field could entirely survive 1 harvester and 2 harvesters would depleet it slowly.
well kira if enough people join the poll for yes any specifics on the server typ of could just check which ones are decent like the one with the crap ton of different vehicle's. could give some idea's to players what they could model in with crates or what not
Thoughts on Commander (and Public game social situations)
slashes replied to Handepsilon's topic in Renegade X
1.indeed every ability could indeed be given to normal players yeah and i see why not. the buffs should just be normal to everyone. it can eather cost credits or same command points. with a twist if it credits it like 2k-3k credits per buff. it is command points they wont auto generate. to get these points ya would need to put in effort to get them every it would it could give like double or triple the vp ya currently get or something. 2. why wouldent ya support this with a new unit being creditless to test out for players for a limited time then afther the 7 days or so it gets a credit cost. this way players can experience the infantry first hand if its usefull for there playstyle or not for them. same with other infantry certain players only preffer to play with sniper so they pick marksman,deadeye/blackhand sniper and the sakura/havoc characters. this is another way for them to try this out 3,now what i also find missing for players is to call in reinforcements and an ammo refill. anyone else remembering the !cammo command to call in an ammo refill for free or 100-500 credits depanding on which server ya played with ofcourse a cooldown. then ya also had the 1k credit basic reinforcements ya could call in every 180-360 seconds. the commander in that game mode hase there own credit pools aswell with no limits+the ability to in advanced reinforcements for like 2k-3k credits from there commanders pool. the turret costed around 9000-12.000 credits to place 1 on the same location that the commander was when they used the !cturret command. the commanders should have these commands instead if ya ask me being able to drop in turrets/defences on the battlefield or inside the base with a large cooldown with ofcourse a credit cost to them. i would really like to see these things added to renegade x because it was part of the other regenade servers it was worthwhile because it was kept for years and years with the servers pretty much being kept up due to players themselfs.the server with these commands also had a long player lifespam with it being full mostly same with renegade x servers.+back then ya had like 500 players stil playing that also helpt in filling atleast 4 servers with the 64 player limit in them -
Encouraging small games by changing what Maps are avaiable.
slashes replied to isupreme's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
cheese map under is already in there with ya able to walk from tunnels to power plant but this time in 1 single go instead of ya getting killed by ob and agt trying to do that. in the original the ob would kill ya if ya dident stop halfway and crouch for gdi it wasent possible alone because agt hase auto aim of death -
Encouraging small games by changing what Maps are avaiable.
slashes replied to isupreme's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
artic stronghold hase a cheese path which means ya can ignore the defences to destroy buildings it isent good for small player teams of 5-10 its made for bigger teams due to this cheese. field cheese because tunnels exist both tunnels can easily be cheesed by any infantry+against nod this is even easier against because ob needs to charge ya can safely walk in ref in small teams or attack the airstrip. for gdi this is harder because agt insta kill infantry pretty much so gdi will have the upper hand because gdi can walk into the ref due to ob charge nod cant do that which leaves them with attacking agt. or barracks from the tunnel. field x hase even more cheese ya can safely destroy the pp and wf+barracks with time for nods end while gdi can safely destroy pp.hand with also the option for airstrip ref because of how nods defences act ob needs like 5-7 seconds to fire on charging up which is kinda long.while agt dishes out atlready like 150-300 damage a sec on inf=insta death pretty much with vulcano's on removing for small teams i agree its a map that lasts at most very commonly 5 ish minute's. itspretty much a rush and destroy map most people i see in this map just wait till the 5 min mark to get a defeat/victory so they could play a better map. i just harras the harv mostly with chem and wait in tib field for it to end same with gdi just buy a rocket soldier or a grenadier and just only shoot harv. i believe all maps should have some sort of defence with atleast gt's then secondary turrets with maybe some player enterable inproved turrets.because right now the maps that have no defences is a 5 min max map. same for the map with the fake defences because playe turrets have a huge flaw making them pretty useless unless the target ignores or destroyed the other building already 1. they have to short range. 2 ya can lock on targets ya can even reach. 3. there to easy to be destroyed(i get it they can respawn but still every vehicle can cheese kill them including buggy's and humvee;s) 4. there all placed in crap spots. take the map with the pyramid ruins inside a mountain forgot the maps name. the player enterable turrets cannot defend the base. ref and power plant can be directly safespotted effectively by any vehicle. only way for these turrets to do something is if they enter the base and going for barrracks or war factroy. for nods end the turrets cant defend airstrip,power plant and ref. because of how crappy there placed. moving them into a bettere defencive location is a better option like make it if tank can attack ref/pp/strip the turrets can and have the range aswell to hit the vehicle's. the easiest way for the range is just to double or atleat 1.5x it with these player turrets. it isent a problem with this tho travel time of the rockets can still alllow them to miss very easily atleast now ya could hit people dumb enough to stand still in long range. this will atleast make if someone notices a vehicle its not wait till there at the entrance for the turret to be able to hit. but more like when they can see them. any vehicle can outrange them pretty much right now which is bs for a defencive structure... the canyon turrets there also placed kinda wrong nod and gdi can freely attack the wf and the ref from both ends i would move them a bit closer if not directly i a defence advantage so the team would target the turret first of fear of someone shooting at them instead of ignoring them the entire game... nobody even enters them due to this faulty location with reservoir i wouldend mind if there was a way to rebuild destroyed defences be this with a tech building when capture ya can buy a turret beacon at the tech building costing ya like 4000 credits. ya could only call in a turret around ya own base aura then. with like a 3-5 min global team cooldown. -
anyway 1st. i like field x due to it being somewhat a bigger map versions of the normal field so it leaves more ways to attack the enemy bases of. wouldent oppose if the map gets bigger. there is 1 thing i dislike about it tho the tunnel to the pp's that would be awesome if it also had a way for smaller vehicle's to enter think of 2 non destroyable captureable turrets between gdi and nod on that path way a mammoth tank wont fit in them any other vehicle would just fit right in there.the water of the waterfall is also fun to jump of of because if ya time it right ya can easily disapear without being spotted without using the parachute. 2nd.lakeside due to it having both acces to air and ground+a big battlefield that ya can both play on the high ground and the low ground. with a sneaky pathway for stanks to be usefull when they succeed in getting over safely to harras the vehicle's. the 2 silos also help with more credit income. other then that crate spawn wonderfull 1 in the sneaky path. 4 on the mountain itself 2 on the low ground and then the unwanted ones 1 in the inf path and 1 up the hill on the inf path. ya also have due to transport a cheesy way to kill of the ref hand/barracks then with apache's the wf. 3th. island one sucks that island x is not here but for me its the swimming aspect of it. ya have acces to water when ya get a hover mrls of the crates in this map oh boy ya gonna have so much fun. because ya hover over the water on island x its more fun tho. 1 thing i dislike about is the crate spawns the crates should be in more open vehicle ground the tunnels themself have like 5+1 extra in field on closed crates. with 2 crates being in the open. on island its more irritating with crates because ya keep the 2 vehicle crates but have like 14 different crappy spawn crates..... 4th is xmountain i mainly like the map due to the 4 vehicle crates and every time i play this it reminds me of the awesome halloween version of it. its very easy to baselock on this map. then with mrls or artllery to baselock the inf path 24/7 also so ya could on this map easily just demoralize the team into surrendering+its easy for sbh's to go in and there is some cheesy spots to do something. 5th is just a thing i would see to see in future or current maps an abandonded or warpt in helipad titans/wolverine's already exists so why not include some other vehicle's from firestorm in them or more armored orca's apache's from these helipads like armored apache/armored orca x1.5x different armor more rocket reach. ofcourse walls would win............... crappy map to small. ways to improve the map is to add some defences what they did to the renegade servers at some point like 2 turrets at the base entrance then 1 turret on ea tunnel entrance. to guard against early sbh or other inf rushes meaning ya need some time to destroy them. gunner rushes/rocket rushes would still be deadly tho mostly for gdi against nod when they controll the hill.
ya could just go and check what the power useage is without a power cable. ya an do that in the right bottom screen at that battery right click power options considering its a new laptop ya shoudlent have adjusted that yet if ya dident wanna see the charge levels. just put everything to high performance without a cable this can half ya battery charge ofcourse. which it did for my laptop without high performance crap and just the basics it lasts for 12 hours without a cable everything set to max and i get 4 hours this should resolve the problem if its only the cable problem because renegade x is very heavy on performance use so having a weak sytem or settings can end up it it freezing
why couldent it fit and with the weapons on it also could have just have it build with a round base with 1 movable turret on top. meaning when its constructed its already manned in the game so just the bottom is reflects the vehicle while the top just reflects it already having something in even if its empty. for weapons have it just fill slot 2-0 it will only count the main weapons. it could also just be like picking up a weapons crate how it forces u to swap to it when ya pick it up. could do the same for this one slot 1 would be 2 weak rockets. then slot 2-0 will be ya main weapon just being granted to the vehicle untill ya leave
well how about this the ifv hase alot of different weapons on itself. to use them ya need to own the class of infantry when ya enter it. then ya unlock that weapon to swap to. this means if ya enter a vehicle and dont have the class modification to use it auto swaps back instantly. and to make sure ya cant abuse the crap out of all these weapons if ya mannage to fire it for a split sec it need to be reloaded when ya enter it. this pretty much that ya cant shoot the weapon untill ya let it reload. then with normal/advanced repair tools tere excluded from the class restrictions if ya own any repair tool even if ya could buy an emergency repair tool ya can swap to it in the vehicle to repair
are cyborgs in the firestorm edition the same like the original ones. with that i mean cant kill or damage them by driving over them. anti infantry dishes out pretty much almost no damage no headshot multiplier. snipers dish out almost no damage to them pretty much a tank but then its an infantry with a machine gun+tiberian heals entirelly also remember them being able to survive 1 hit of the mammoth mk2 main cannon. sometimes 2 with the 2nd shot breaking there mechanic legs+leaving small bit of tib crystals on death. cyborg commander also shared this with more armor+more lethal damage
so any of ya remember the old renegade with the repair it had a main fire healing everything and the alternate fire would damage enemy's and unmanned vehcle's. considering this isent yet in the game what do ya guys think of this suggestion for the eng/techs/hotwires/normal/adcanced repair tool to have as a function. would clearly make these guns usefull they would dish out the same damage as they would heal so the hotwire repair gun dished out a 40 dps a sec well that the damage when ya right click with no modifiers. the repair guns with ammo would sill react like they are right now only losing ammo when they damage/heal then for another repair tool any of ya rememeber that repair tool in renegade that used a charge up function to give a 1 time big heal with ya needing to reload it. would like to see that possibly added to the game aswell. it could for example use mobius hise secondary fire to charge up the electricity in it. then when its at full charge ya would fire a bolt of healing up to a medium range. to heal the target. this weapon would be from a crate the healing is around 100-400 health on a target depanding on how long ya charge it. the reload time is around 5-7 seconds with the charge time taking 5 seconds for a full charge keep in mind ya only have 1 ammo clip regardless of ya charge time ya could charge it for 1 seconds to heal like 80 or hold it for 5 seconds to heal 400 hp.