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Everything posted by Nyxblow

  1. Nowadays with commanders we have a large panel of options that can turn the tide in a team's favor and destroy buildings. In OG Ren however I can clearly remember hotties/techs in APC being a major way of winning games (I have almost never seen this tactic ever in RenX, it's usually with Chinooks). Some buildings dying to arties was also common certain maps. Do you remember other strategies from the old times and in particular some that don't exist today?
  2. Is Steam running in the background when you are playing Renegade X? The leaderboard entries are related to Steam accounts
  3. Oh yes also the whole "magazine" design of Raveshaw makes no sense, as the reload time is the same as the "recharge" time between two shots. Couldn't agree more, it is cancer and actually makes no sense.
  4. There's been a bug around since an update two months ago or so. After entering a vehicle and seeing the camera being too close, have you tried switching between third-person view and first-person view (default key F) ? This fixes the issue for me. I'd be glad if a dev can pick this up, it's quite annoying to reset the view a lot in games where you do a lot of tanking.
  5. Me too but I think we're just too focused on other things. It's like some surveys, sometimes the team surrenders and wasn't even aware there was a vote.
  6. Has to do with your timezone maybe, EU server is usually full every evening lately
  7. Nyxblow


    Garage Simulator 1.0
  8. You could do a Doodle maybe with a few dates and people can say which ones work for them
  9. I wouldn't be so sure though, can you imagine sniping constantly moving targets from a tremendous distance ? I doubt it will be THAT easy. I'm very curious too what the meta is going to be when it comes to repairs. At this point we don't have enough information. Wait and see? I'm sure the devs know what they are doing. To me on the current game version, repairing feels fun only under certain conditions, like when there are multiple vehicles around the same spot, requiring you to make a choice as to which to repair in top priority. With larger maps in Firestorm, I imagine there will be less clusters of vehicles (which occur in choke points), thus more repairing of a single vehicle at a time. This is fun when the driver is a skillful player, you become like a pair. If they're not, then I agree this is a boring task. Now, if a dev feels generous on the forums about this topic...
  10. This is getting off-topic but that'd be a great way to spot certain cheaters.
  11. Interesting idea, I always found that Nod was struggling on this map whenever they lack teamwork. Giving them proper tanks might reduce their reliance on teamwork and give them a better chance on this map.
  12. Thank you, @Handepsilon!
  13. Hi, So I've always had great trouble in reading the blue text that comes from private messages. As they are less frequent and important than team chat, I wasn't bothered that much. But now that we have a lot of NvN maps in the rotation, it is an absolute pain to try and decipher what my teammates are trying to say. I've actually given up in NvN games, I don't even attempt to read the team chat anymore. The same goes for the blue dots on the map, those are barely visible. Is there a solution to this, as in changing the color of those texts somehow through some command? In any case I think the default color should be something more readable, or let some half-transparent background on those text areas.
  14. I'm sure he smuggled a few M2 Bradleys as well
  15. First of all thank you for the suggestion, these are always welcome and cool to read. Before reading your last paragraph, it looked pointless since you're talking about situations where your team is base-locked, and indeed if the enemy team controls the battle field entirely, then your engineer will probably get demolished trying to harvest anything. The idea of crystals outside the battlefield is a cool idea, but I see the following risk: the enemy team is already ahead of yours economically since their harvester is at work and yours isn't. Now imagine if the enemy team also dominates those tunnels and caves where the crystals are -> then their economic advantage would just get bigger. Also I do not really see what is wrong with earning credits from repairs. When you're base-locked, there's usually a continuous pounding from enemy tanks onto your tanks and buildings, which makes it quite reliable. Think about maps like Field and Under. I rarely do it for the credits only, I like repairing tanks, you usually cannot win games without repairs anyway. In a way I am also in favor of not bringing too many gameplay changes compared to original OG, because if you make one such change, then the door is open to other significant changes. And in no time you can end up with a pretty different game.
  16. An easy fix would be to only include BH maps in the rotation after every 3 or 4 matches.
  17. Also getting a smoke grenade when your character already has smoke grenades is... meh
  18. I would agree with a 5 seconds bind at most. Losing a crate vehicle to an SBH is lame. Edit: there are enough negative-effect crates, getting a vehicle should have a happy outcome
  19. Same view as DugeHick: whether it is additional time between maps or during warm-up, either way it would be beneficial Out of 64 players, there are always AFK players the first few minutes of a map to take a bathroom break, grab a drink... this would be mitigated with some extra break time.
  20. I support this, hearing the sound effect is very useful, it makes me move around more when repairing, and makes me more careful as infantry. Only thing I would change is the sound effect itself, I think it is not on the high-quality level the game has overall. It could be more modern or subtle. It feels "off" compared to other sound effects in the game coming from infantry weapons.
  21. Tomb BH, lots of fun Islands, tunnel infantry wars Snow and Snow X, you are in combat a few seconds after spawning, and funny beacon spamming Crash site Tomb, fun too
  22. Will it be playable on some of the current maps, or will it always require new, larger maps ? Will it be two different games, say, that you can launch from the RenX launcher ? If not, will there just be Firestorm servers and classic servers?
  23. I thought it was already the case ? When crashing and rejoining quickly, I often have the bug where a player with the same name already exist, then the game assigns me a default name like Player2147. So you basically see your former self disappear of the game after a couple minutes "<..> has left the game." Sometimes there is no such bug and I can retrieve my credits/score/etc
  24. Thanks, using the spotting key worked! Note that the UI still displays Q while the spotting is bound to some other key.
  25. So I have bound the Q key to strafing left as I am using a French keyboard where Q and A keys are inverted. When opening the commander menu and selecting an ability, it looks to be hard-coded to the Q key as it shows Q[Hold] Cast ability When pressing Q, it just move my character and does not cast the ability. Is it a known issue? I could not find an entry in the keybinds menu for casting commander abilities.
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