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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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  1. bred

    WE want Bots!

    bots crash the server at the moment which is why theyre disabled. focus is on releasing FA, patching bots is a low priority at the moment
  2. most people prefer marathon so we play marathon. 4 hour field lez gooii
  3. yeah its a bug, not much can be done about it at the moment other than informing server mods and seeing if they'll potentially kill the guy
  4. It depends on what your definition of "Stacking" is really. Some people say that playing together on voice chat is stacking, others say having good players on one team is stacking. The line is kinda vague, but nowadays it generally means if good players are all randomly put on one team, that team is "stacked". stop blaming us vc guys for stacking we mostly mess around and have fun reee
  5. I agree yeah, one of the ideas I've come up with a while ago is mine outlines on door, 3 per. You can't really be said you're mining wrong if you're just placing 3 a door + have them snap into place so people know they're doing it right. It'll still allow people to use mines in smarter ways by removing a few mines from buildings and placing placing elsewhere while newer players won't do a dumb and place them in the middle of nowhere on field
  6. not a huge fan of the guy myself, I wouldn't mind if he leaves for good tbh
  7. The goal is to restrict RNG deciding a win or a loss in a PUG. It tends to ruin its competitive setting, which is why we removed it, as we've had people who just sit in the enemy base for 40+ minutes only giving intel and ruining every rush. While it doesn't work as effectively in a public game, it ends up being a game-changer in PUGs SIDE NOTE : These crate changes only apply to the Weekly Pick-Up Games on Saturday and Sunday. Normal public game crate rotation is the same.
  8. need more people asking about advanced strats and need more people writing about advanced strats.
  9. think holding ctrl after lock-on keeps you locked on a target and prevents you from switching in an orca/apache
  10. This game has quite an elitist community and there isn't much we can do to counter than other than just being nice to new players. Try to get as many of them into the Discord as possible and have them ask questions for a solid discussion.
  11. pretty sure it already got increased from before, imo a better thing would be to just make the games more balanced and fun instead so that people don't have to surrender as often instead of increasing vote count. ofcourse, balancing public is easier said than done....actually probably an impossible task.
  12. As an Indian man who gets crap ping on both, its a lose lose. gg
  13. I kinda agree but there's also times when the enemy team is heavily stacked and surrendering then is just a good idea so people don't have to suffer a meat grinder
  14. Commanders might be flawed but man they help end a stalemate. Sub-commanders imo is a bad idea, just cause of the amount of chaos it can cause in full games (there's enough of it already in 64 player games) and some commanders are just plain rude which can cause additional conflict in chat as to what rushes would work, with a lot of insults being thrown around while the enemy team rushes and kills 3/5 buildings, along with the fact that someone else might use CP right before a rush to cruise which can completely mess everything up, cause now instead of a dead building there's permanent afk reps stretching the game out to be longer. Honestly, I'm not sure on how to tackle a problem like that without making the games extremely long, though the thing I will say is current public game commanders should let newer commanders step up and get used to the pressure and help them out as much as they can. The other thing would be adding a lot more QoL stuff, such as important keybinds for stopping harvester, selecting commander powers on the press of a button, a keybind for teammates to automatically private message the commander etc, so newer commanders feel more confident. Maybe at the most, commander buffs can be used by a person who initiates a vote that lasts 15 seconds tops, so he gets access to a one buff only if their team doesn't have a commander. This reduces the pressure cause you're not really commanding + helps people who are sneaking to use smoke strikes while there is no commander to help them sneak, though that essentially gives techie a commander smoke grenade. No idea how broken that could be in practice
  15. There have been multiple NA servers that have been set up in the course of the past year and they just don't get filled up, though I bet we can get more people on EU prime time atleast if people bother filling up a second server instead of queuing up for the filled one
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