Great idea ,where on FB ..I'm not a FB user Do FB can reach out of the box some player that are not subcribed to RenX?
MB a Pin thread with this 10-30 sec ONLY sumission gameplay and lets see how it goes from there
Yes The Gun idea is Nice but the animation not so..
Yes a realy good C&C FPS is The Best thing to go in the Franchise, Making any new rts for the Moment would be a Dangerous move .Artists sjould Look at Vehicules and infantry in RTS that had been done there is some Very nice one there but in Tiberium :S
.I dislike the colors ,the units all of them kind look cheap ,gameplay story and maps looks awefull
BUT liked some cool cinematics..and the music and it's was a FPS ..imo good move from EA to have cancelled.
^^Make me think of ET:QW that said they been inspired by c&c renegade What if RenX get inspired their turn from ET:QW and use GDI/Nod in a ET:QW style mode .RenX is very much near this now .wondering if the 2 communities would merged sort of .
I guest by default if no communication = Everything is fine in base
When Base is under Attack or been infiltrated thats the important thing we need to know to save our structures our Vehicules and our lives
@isupreme Not sure I really picture this but Is it A player that is a Stressy type and has Difficulty to relax after heavy Fight ?
For myselft I Do Focus a lot on everyting in my surrounding on game and in figthing But thats cut my attention on the Chat (communication)
When I respawn I sometime take the time to see what the chating was and if i miss something .Maybe some special ingame character positive taunts on teamates could be a destress/cheering agent somehow
I was thinking of ways that could help fill a server
My though is ..Probably like me some ppl doesnt play when there is low players in a server .
What if As soon as you open the launcher you are assigned to a certain server but Launcher will wait your input to join that server or if you choice another one you like better.
Say a popular server is full...You open the launcher automaticaly under opening you are queued to a next server and wait your input to start the game .
So you would see all total queued players in each server..if you close the launcher.. total minus one (you)
So if I want to play and I leave my launcher open and I could wait that the queue get higher .Many options can be add like start game a min of x players ingame ,close launcher after x minutes and many more to deal with this system .
Just a though that can be investigate the good and the cons