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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Akbaro

  1. Its not big. It can easily be hidden or camoflagued in front of tanks.
  2. Thanks for the feedback.
  3. I may have just realized this is in the wrong place. Sorry.
  4. I think that cruise missiles need some re-adjustment. They seem to be overpowered, and extremely annoying too. A while ago I was playing a game of under as GDI. We were locked in base and there was that typical huge vehicle clash just outside. The Nod commander, slow I think it was (well whaddya knowww) kept dropping cruise missiles on us seemingly every minute and only a handful of engies repping seemed to notice there would be one coming. I dont think anyone in a vehicle fighting actually noticed at all. I think that the warning message isnt a good enough warning that everything in a 20m radius is gonna suddenly die in 10s. The warning message seems to be on the screen for a couple seconds, is overwritten by a commander message or just non existant at all. Im not the only one who gets caught by these 4/5 times. - They are literally silent. There is a little WHOOSH sound when one begins its journey but its far too quiet and can easily be drowned out by the sounds of cannon fire and shit. Youd think a massive missile would have a bit of noise a few seconds from the touchdown? You genuinely cant hear them. You have airstrikes which are deployed in a similar way, but they are very loud, very visual and do damage progressively, not this sudden flying turd that murders everything instantly upon landing. Both of these powers feel like CoD killsteaks but I can see the reason behind them, they are used to end a stalemate. This cruise missile though, just seems like an easy way to obtain lots of kills by doing nothing tbh. I just think it needs to have a bit of noise as its in transit.
    Its great but pls delet the towers thx
  5. The game has a definite learning curve. I feel really bad for these noobs who get like 20 deaths and maybe just 1 lucky finish off kill. There needs to be a tutorial.
  6. You might want to go into the Nvidia Control panel just to be sure the game isn't using the 8600K's integrated graphics. I have the 8600K and a 1066 but I get around 240fps on the main menu. Its not the game.
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