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Everything posted by Moat

  1. On the English wiki page: "Many of Till's pranks are scatological in nature, and involve tricking people into touching, smelling, or even eating Till's excrement." https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/scatological Anything scatological is "off-color" or a bit offensive, typically because it refers to excrement, especially in a joking way. This is a word that describes a kind of immature humor you sometimes encounter in movies or TV shows. Scatological humor is of questionable taste, but it's not quite obscene. Your little brother who thinks toilet jokes are hilarious? You can say that he's a fan of scatological humor. This is not what you ment I think, the wiki page is confusing to me. But I must say that I am also not actually reading it either.
  2. Ah oke! I should have read wikki first before talking more about this subject haha. I was lost
  3. And the laughter and humor can be seen as Till Eulenspiegel?
  4. Your second ego is tired? What do you do, just be tired or switch to the first ego and not be tired? I needed to look it up, it is also known in Dutch as Tijl Uilenspiegel. The tiredness can be the weather, it is getting cold, already using gloves on the bike. Yes on the bike, don't stereotype.
  5. Well people have some kind of decency right, players where just lucky as long as it lasted and now the game is more fair for everyone. In my opinion it is just so low to complain about this change in this way, specially with a game that is made by fans for free. It is just sad to read
  6. Yes, credit to this person for this image: https://www.deviantart.com/alexiuss/gallery/
  7. Not sure if I understand this right, but is this complaining because you are not able to "cheat" anymore? EDIT: mind=blown... really... how can you say something like this EDIT 2: seriously do you even realize what you are saying EDIT 3: I just... can't... believe.... EDIT 4: ... Real life photo of how people look like that complain about this (yes, behind fog):
  8. Please stop comparing real missiles with renegade-x , you can shoot with lasers, poison and be invisible. You don't hear the missile that loud because it is a modern super silence type that does not exist in real life (yet, you never know)
  9. I think the smoke is pretty obvious and it takes long till it arrives. Maybe leave it like this but add a long cool down like 5 minutes. EDIT: Last few games that I played I also got surprised every time I walked out a building, don't know if something changed with the smoke signal. So I understand your point now
  10. On the Dutch one there are also serveral pages. Most of them are from before 2014. Think this is the newest one(2014): https://tweakers.net/nieuws/94564/unreal-engine-indiegame-renegade-x-start-open-beta.html Maybe contact tweakers for updating the page. They also have software updates on the front page, can also be an option. (The dutch devs know how tweakers works)
  11. @Fffreak9999 @limsup @YagiHige This topic can be closed. The community has spoken and it was a good discussion. Big thanks to the devs for giving it a try, hope the results gave good information to use in the future. This same maxplayer and how to fill server up ideas and discussions will probably come again within a year but at that time there are probably more active players and opinions can be changed. With that situation it would be better to start a fresh topic. Thank you all!
  12. @The Great no worry the vote looks like a tie anyways (there where more votes) and it even differs per map. I just saw the server full more often lately. And to make space for new people we need to stimulate playing on two servers. But it turned out to be a difficult thing with lots of different opinions
  13. @The Great there is more then one server. Just join an other one, the full server also started with just one player. Mabe if the max is 40 it is easyer that there are enough players to have two fun games. As you said sometimes the 64 is allready full, so enough players. We need to change the mentality about joining empty servers. Think we also own that to the devs that gives us such a nice game for free. And maybe it only takes two weeks to get the trust that more people will join.
  14. But are there like already results from these few days the max at 40? Except that the pernormance improved. Did people still had fun? Where there complains? Did two servers fill up or people did just not play?
  15. I never noticed huge performance problems but I also dont have a fps counter. Maybe I am used to bad performance (old gpu atm) almost a gtx1060 So my personal conclusion out of this topic for now: 40 is better, the teamplay is better, (personally) more fun less chaos. But I am also in doubt if it is the right time. Dont think that there are enough players willing to start a new game in a still empty server.
  16. Before every one goes crazy just lets see if it works out. If not they probably change it back. If you never try something you come nowhere.
  17. Even if all servers are 64, one need to be the first and that person probably also waited 10 or more minutes. This sounds a bit selfish
  18. There are players that likes these situations (a lot actually, if you can vote for snow a lot times it gets half the votes). Sometimes you see the same player shooting with an mrls or arty to a easily hittable building for hours, non stop not doing anything else and they just like it. My point for now is, are there already enough active players to split up the camps? Do people already have trust that the second server will fill up if they just joined.
  19. @SilentKnight I only played yesterday so i don't know if it works or not but I do want to know. I just wanted to shift this discussion to instead of personal opinions about what people like to the discussion if 20vs20 works at this moment because the admins/devs are actually trying it. But maybe it is to early to say. I was only online between 18:00 and 20:30 and for the most part in the 64 server because the 40 was full. And I think that yesterday in this time period it was not a succes. There could be easily enough players to have two fun active servers but no one is willing to start joining a new server. There was a moment where I saw about 9 or 10 different player names joining and immediately leaving in only 15 minutes of time. If they would just stay and wait for just 15min more people would also come and we could start a serious match. So even that I am on the 20vs20 camp, yesterday between those times it did not worked. So I am curious if it was also like this the other days. If so there are not enough players yet and the devs tried and we can close this topic. And for the 20vs20 matches maybe focus on pugs or something for people who like that.
  20. Shall we end the discussion about what max player amount people like or not and start checking if it works or is it to early for that?
  21. I started the poll (sorry for that), Devs are not dictating. You are very right, but now if the server is full you can not play and there are more then 64 players that wants to play.
  22. unreal tournament link gun
  23. Very simple, because no one goes to a empty server. If 80 people want to play and the 60 server is full the other 20 do not go to the 40 server. Why are you not going to the 64 server if there still is one? You see that? How? Can you point it out, I also want to see it. In a 64 server it is much easier to boost up your rank. So a bit of a weird statement. And I believe it is just to try out how it works out, the game is in beta.
  24. can we say that 44 or 46 is a good consensus out of this poll? EDIT: maybe 46 is a number that there are not enough players to fill up a second server enough for a good match. But admins/developers knows that best.
  25. Time to come back and join this experiment
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