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Everything posted by Marinealver

  1. Anyone remember these old toys?
  2. Well since I am not using the mobile game this has been part of my C&C Renaissance. Much like Renegade the stand-alone mod is available for free download. Although be sure to disable the full screen to change the client resolution. Woops, a topic has already been made.
  3. Just fooling around in a Wolverine while an Ion Cannon Beacon is counting down.
  4. Well I was thinking also along the lines of a Tech Helipad which gives you the Heavy flyers. They are awesome in Air to ground roles but have practically no air to air capabilities. Banshess are different as their plasma cannons are direct fire weapons which means all they have to do is point at their target and shoot. With their hover like flight it can be a scary thing to meet. Orca Bombers will have to fly over their target but their carpet bomb capabilities can cover a lot of ground and do a lot of damage.
  5. So just wondering has anyone tried a Tiberium Sun mode called Dawn of the Tiberium Age? Basically it is Tiberium Dawn vs Red Alert (1) units using the same engine that was used for Tiberium Sun. I guess fluff-wise it is the aftermath of the Soviet Campaign and the predecessor to the first Command & Conquer game. So you have Allied vs GDI vs Soviet vs Nod and all of them in a 4 way role as Allies and Soviets are replaced by GDI and Nod. Now on the Soviet vs Nod missions Nod changes their color. Also it gives GDI and Nod both a Naval Yard and their own Naval Units. It has removed the Chronospher and Iron Curtain, basically for superweapons everyone has a nuke except GDI which has their signature Ion Cannon strike.
  6. Right now if it comes to past the basic Soviets vs Allies are the best. Maybe some RA2 or RA3 to include EotRS units could be found in crates or augmented in tech structures. But I think it is best to keep it the classic rivals facing each other. We wouldn't want to play Soviets vs Nod now would we (okay that might be interesting but I would prefer GDI vs Soviets). Coming up with another idea, maybe instead of a lightning strike weapon we could play with the Chrono Vortex and use that as a super weapon beacon. Instead of a nuke it just opens a rift in space time that zap stuff all around.
  7. Well there is always the MRLS Rush, or APC Commando rush, rush to Ion Cannon. Frankly I have been watching that Dawn of the Tiberium Age where it puts Tiberium Dawn units and Red Alert Units in Tiberium sun mod. https://dta.cnc-comm.com/GDI.htm Well it doesn't give the GDI any new units besides the navy. The Nod fleet is way more interesting sadly. I was hoping for the Aircraft carrier to be a floating airfield. But I was wondering just to say throw balance in the mix lets give the GDI another tank. Something with a little more specialized role. Here are some options. Telsa Tank It is already in and might not be exactly fitting of GDI's battle doctrine as one could argue the Telsa tanks like hte flame tank is more of a terror weapon than a combat weapon. I mean GDI kept the supertank from the Soviets (assuming RA Soviet campaign is cannon). Tank Destroyer Again the question is what role would it fill since Nod only has light tanks. An antivehicle weapon that doesn't have a turret so you have to face what you are shooting at. Rail Gun Tank Okay now we are talking, this would be a Tank Destroyer on Steroids. Now again GDI doesn't need any vehicle to go up against Mammoth Tanks since they own the monopoly on it but it could serve as another artillery piece for GDI. Either way, I am still waiting for Orca Bombers and Banshees to become Tech Air Vehicles.
  8. COOooobrraaaaah....uhhhhhh... I mean. FOR THE BROTHERHOOD!
  9. It would be a cheaper anti aircraft vehicle than the stealth tank. I would consider it an okay tier 2 vehicle especially if we get more aircraft maps. But yeah I do find it funny that Nod has more different types of vehicles than GDI, it is like GDI's doctrine is just take Mammoth Tanks and that is all you need.
  10. I find it sort of funny that Nod has more different types of Vehicles than GDI. I guess GDI doctrine is all you need is a Mammoth Tank.
  11. Not trying to get classic mode into RengX. But some of the mods like Red Alert and Tiberium Sun is it possible to port them over and just adapt them to RengX. I really don't have any modding experience so I don't know if it would be easier to port existing assets or start all over from scratch?
  12. I am wondering if some of the assets in the mods for the Original C&C Renegade could be imported over.
  13. Yeah, unless the team wants to port to the Frostbite Engine and the team starts paying tribute to EA, this game has to remain Freeware.
  14. Maybe and this might be breaking the canon a bit, but include a disc launcher weapon instead of having the model throw the discs. Keep the pack though, it would still be a Disc thrower but instead of throwing them they just use an unreal disc launcher and it would be easier to rig a weapon to shoot the projectile than it would to animate a whole model.
  15. I sort of want to see some T-Sun Infantry I wouldn't mind Jump Jet Infantry and Disc Throwers facing off against Cyborg Infantry and Cyborg Commandos. Maybe these tech classes and vehicles would help with the game flow as I had mention in the late game options start to become more restrictive as buildings are destroyed.
  16. That would be interesting, but it would have to be a once per round option to keep it from being the super class that was min-maxed to the 9s. Personally I wouldn't mind if there were some Tiberium Sun Tech infantry class like there are Tiberium Sun Vehicles. Nod Cyborg Commando vs GDI Jet Pack Trooper would be interesting.
  17. yeah, it has became a lost cause for me. Hours spent on discord and nothing to show for. I'd even tried to uninstall UDK delete all UDK files and restart at the beginning with downloading the Dev Kit.
  18. Well it is not really a bug as much as it is just a missing feature. The bugs would be the audio not converting over when launched in 64. I get the desire to make this game better. In a market saturated with lootbox and pay2win microtransactions (in many games that are not free) this is one of the last remaining refuge for gamers.
  19. Well this is a mod project and not a commercial game. The only reason why EA allows this project to exist is that remains a non-commercial project. That being said we can let some things slide that would be considered inexcusable in a commercially sold or profit monetized product. But the fact that this is entirely free and not monetized in any way, with what they have here available now is rather impressive.
  20. You know I sort of wish the bases had a Radar/Communication center that will disable minimaps if destroyed. The Tech com center could be called Advanced Com or Tech Com.
  21. So with the secondary weapons most of the good stuff is held by the Tier 3 characters. Some of them could be considered better than the Automatic Rifle that the soldier class carries. SO between the 3 power secondary weapons which one is the best? Heavy Pistol (Mobius/Mendoza) Carbine (Havoc/Sakura) Tiberium Flechette Rifle (Sydney, Raveshaw)
  22. I sort of wish this website had a small server window so we can see which servers are running at the time.
  23. So in Multiplayer/Skirmish they made some compromises to balance things out. Soviet's get to use Tanya and Allies had access to Nuke Silo. Renegade X makes some concessions too, Guard Towers are the defacto anti-infantry defense that is found at many Nod bases, and there are plenty of maps that have Gold Turrets guarding GDI Bases. So secondary defenses are almost universal. For super weapons I think the Allies could get a lightning strike beacon. Not exactly the Weather control device but fairly similar as it is a beacon that countdowns for a super weapon. I think the best time would be right after Stalin is killed (be it allied victory or soviet victory) Much like how you could put Renegade X between Tiberium Dawn and Tiberium Sun.
  24. I saw one but it was a Steam Only server.
  25. We need more maps that give out Tiberium Sun vehicles. Perhaps if they were tied to a tech building that would be great.
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