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Just Murica

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Everything posted by Just Murica

  1. The format seems good at first glance, I like the match settings in particular
  2. Good to see that some still remember these fascinating events! I fully support the idea of holding an another one, surely! Just so that those of you, who don't know what Paradise events are, would learn about them more, I'll repost some of my previous videos on the subject here. Here you go:
  3. Hi everyone, came here to remind you that the event will take place this Sunday on Try-Out's server at 18:00 German Time. Here's a short trailer of the event: So, what the event is gonna be about? As Nod you have to destroy the GDI base by all means. GDI are outnumbered, the core GDI players will be me and UFO, and maybe some volunteers if the GDI:Nod ratio 1:3 isn't met. Basically, to win Nod have to cooperate - do not act on your own and listen to the commander to achieve victory. Try-Out will most likely be the Nod commander if there are no volunteers. Tactic for Nod Destroy Power Plant and Refinery to get access to Gunboats (they will be spawned by admins near Hand of Nod), after that you can use them to destroy AGT and Barracks, so as to get access to MiGs and Apaches (those will be spawned on Airstrip). You can continue storming the last GDI Weapons Factory with Gunboats, or annihilate the remaining AA defences, crush the resistance with MiGs and destroy WF with Apaches. But don't forget that you can also use more conventional methods - Flame/Stealth Tank or even Combined infantry rush, it's all up to you! The commander may decide to choose a slightly different tactic, so pay attention to the chat and be aware of GDI countermeasures. See you on the event!
  4. As a little reminder that our event takes place today at 20:00 (GMT+1), here's a little trailer showing a backstory behind the event and how it roughly will look like. Hope to see you all today and let's have fun stopping the Invasion!
  5. Submitted files, translated into Russian. Waiting for others to come, and thank you for taking this seriously.
  6. Since you liked the first part so much, I thought you would be interested in how the game actually ended. And that's where the second part shows up. While the first part was mainly about defenders, this one will tell you about Nod's main assault squad using its full firepower to take down the last standing building on the GDI base. The video also has its own feature - players' conversation on the screen. Hope you enjoy!
  7. We are glad, that some of you from our regular community joined us on our latest event "Fort Paradise". We had a great fun there and it was very exciting to carry it out as defender, along with my friend UFO. Speaking of the hard defence, I want to present you my best video yet, and it's all about the pressure, constant action and resistance to the end. Take your seats and prepare to headbang, because the main performer is Sabaton.
  8. I want to thank everyone, who joined us on our latest event "AI War" 8 December 2018. It was great fun to play with you and we finally showed these turrets who is in charge here! Anyway, thanks for tuning in, I hope that we'll see you all in our future events that will take place in 2019. Just for a reminder I want to share my video so you could remember all the most important actions that led us to our victory!
  9. This game just takes its time to be learned. Newcomers may even like it and decide to get into it, but adding new features and constant changes of existing mechanics every new patch make this process even longer.
  10. I always see a bunch of allied tanks being destroyed from cruise missiles and I just can't hold tears. Maybe, I'm too sensitive. Anyway, with siren or without it, I always pay attention to the warnings, so rocket never got me. What about rush warnings, there's a couple of variations. People, who are just attentive and type fast, sbhs spying in enemy base or just plain spies. The siren for this would be a bit excessive.
  11. Well, I actually joked about siren but you took it a bit too seriously. I officially declare that siren is now a meme. Anyway, the game already suffers from too long matches, which could be finished hours ago. Like, really. Some team (GDI on Field for example) can siege another for a really long time and if defenders are really good, the game can last literally forever. And if you take away this only possibility to make a breakthrough (and finally finish the game) by informing enemy team about incoming rush, that is just nonsense. UPD: Hm, actually siren will not help in any term, there's still too many people playing with music or completely disabled sound.
  12. Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you the breathtaking Mig ballet performed by Try-Out yesterday. A visual demonstration of MiG-35 capabilities, which are actually infinite, to the accompaniment of Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture (Finale). Take your seats and enjoy the airplane show! The only thing I regret, that I didn't record the AC-130 itself in action, but I think there will be an opportunity sometime)
  13. I've been here last time, had a lot of fun testing out this fun event. I read about it on VK forum where it was described as really something exciting therefore I absolutely didn't want to miss it, and wasn't wrong: I even managed to get some footage from it to make a video. I hope the next one in October will be no less fun than before, and i'll get even more footage to share with you guys. Keep on good work!
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