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QUOTE (xoham @ Feb 5 2009, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree. It is a bit overhelpful to the defenders to know which building is getting attacked the most. Many times you could do a lot of damage without being noticed because a different building was hit first and got the announcement.

Good defenders will make use of voice chat anyway so I suppose it is a minor issue.[/b]

I totally agree. All the other things in this update are superb though.
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QUOTE (xoham @ Feb 5 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree. It is a bit overhelpful to the defenders to know which building is getting attacked the most. Many times you could do a lot of damage without being noticed because a different building was hit first and got the announcement.

Good defenders will make use of voice chat anyway so I suppose it is a minor issue.[/b]

Actually good defenders use J key anyway. I have played many games were ref's energy has been only 50% for like 20 minutes and nobody on enemy's side cares to repair. I think this HUD will make difference only on games with noobs and not on games between pro people like you said. So obviously pros (who play against noobs) are taking this as disadvantage and newbies are the ones who really do benefit from this feature.

I'll admit that this is a minor issue because people loosing structures without advanced HUD would have lost 'em anyway.

I say: Test the new hud with building stats in the betas and look for serious gameplay changes. If the gameplay is affected too badly, don't integrate the stats in the game....


Allright, the announcements first:

I play online with my brother sometimes (ban4life). He's just one chamber away with a thin wall, and we can hear eachothers music and gamesounds most of the time.

When I hear an announcement like 'gdi powerplant under attack' he might here it at the same time, a few seconds later, and very very rarely not at all.

How many times haven't I used the fact that the enemy is shooting my base, thus triggering the announcements for MY base, to cover the announcements of THEIR base? lots of times, people just don't notice an announcement when an attack is in full swing. But they would notice if a building is taking rather subsequent fire.

I also shoot with normal assault rifles, chemsprayers and such against buildings just to trigger an announcement, if you have had to run 15 times for a false alarm, you usually pay less attention for the 16 real time.

Shifting target during attacks is also very handy. When a rush attacks one building and they can't get it down, then just one tank, or even two, shooting a building will go fairly unnoticed. You just can't really see if it's 4 or 6 tanks shooting at one building, let alone a full batch of 15-25 tanks. But if everyone can see in a glance, without stopping to repair or moving to the building what is attacked and the rate or repairs needed, then I think the amount of draws during timed matches, and the amount of hours played on marathon games, will increase drastically. As defending will become so much easier for everyone, even the person who lonewolfs it the entire game would take notice.

Yours sincerely,


QUOTE (Demigan @ Feb 5 2009, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How many times haven't I used the fact that the enemy is shooting my base, thus triggering the announcements for MY base, to cover the announcements of THEIR base? lots of times, people just don't notice an announcement when an attack is in full swing.[/b]

I guess those people are pretty retarded, because every annoucement can make a difference in winning or losing. Most public players think about making alot of points, by using a tank on a safe spot, and stand there for the rest of the game, those players dont notice anything, all they notice is 'Im gonna be MVP!!'. Clanwar players as an example think different, they are thinking constantly when playing, thinking about what the opponent is probably doing/going to do, thinking about what their options are and so on.

People like that don't miss one single annoucement, no matter what.

QUOTE (Demigan @ Feb 5 2009, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
if you have had to run 15 times for a false alarm, you usually pay less attention for the 16 real time.[/b]

Short, but straight; No.
QUOTE (Bigfoot @ Feb 5 2009, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I say: Test the new hud with building stats in the betas and look for serious gameplay changes. If the gameplay is affected too badly, don't integrate the stats in the game....[/b]

QUOTE (Demigan @ Feb 5 2009, 11:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I also shoot with normal assault rifles, chemsprayers and such against buildings just to trigger an announcement, if you have had to run 15 times for a false alarm, you usually pay less attention for the 16 real time.[/b]

No, it only takes the press of a button to see if it is a false alarm or not... not something that someone will pay "less attention to." I mean, unless they aren't a lazy dude who can't be bothered to turn his sound on or press K...

Beautiful work guys! I like the hud and the fact that you can see all the building healths on it. I don't know about you guys but I get tired of pressing "J,K,L" for info on the base and game stats xD

QUOTE (Bigfoot @ Feb 5 2009, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I say: Test the new hud with building stats in the betas and look for serious gameplay changes. If the gameplay is affected too badly, don't integrate the stats in the game....[/b]

I like that idea, too. I was thinking one solution could be that structure bar is generally gone but WHILE you press specific button key (I wanna say SHIFT) the bar is shown for that time. That way you didn't have to press J and stop moving which is really annoying. On the other hand you would still be able to do all those tactics people have been talking about.

IMO the real problem about J key has always lied on fact that you have to stop moving (defending/attacking) when checking the bars. I know you could also repeatedly press that key and move but it really isn't that smooth.

You won't stop moving any more. Unreal has the ability to bring up a semi-transparent info screen and you still retain full movement and weapon control and we're most certainly going to take advantage of that.

You won't stop moving any more. Unreal has the ability to bring up a semi-transparent info screen and you still retain full movement and weapon control and we're most certainly going to take advantage of that.[/b]

That's good. I'd hate to have it the other way around. This way sounds pretty tight.
QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 6 2009, 08:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, it only takes the press of a button to see if it is a false alarm or not... not something that someone will pay "less attention to." I mean, unless they aren't a lazy dude who can't be bothered to turn his sound on or press K...[/b]

If I'm close by I just point my cross-hair at the building to see what's happening. What happens after that depends on whether it looks like my team needs assistance, spamming the radio commands, etc.
QUOTE (a000clown @ Feb 9 2009, 03:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If I'm close by I just point my cross-hair at the building to see what's happening. What happens after that depends on whether it looks like my team needs assistance, spamming the radio commands, etc.[/b]

Yes, I do that too. But you aren't able to do so if you are busy inside another structure repairing.

It truly is a hidden gem! I've been trying to make my friends play old renegade but they've never really been into it. Maybe now that we'll have new graphics and smoother gameplay there's a chance to convert them.


With all the discussion about the health bars going on.

The fact is that it changes the gameplay. From my first perspective, its bad, because:

Yes, you could sneakkill buildings. They have later warnings, meaning more chance of killing the buildings.

But, when you think about it, it might be a whole lot better.

People are more compelled to do something about buildings. They are more in one's mind because their status is on the screen all the time. Its a great addition in gameplay in that way!

But as a final answer, Demigan has a right end. Some games would be all about pointwhoring, because its too difficult to destroy them now within the time limit.

Some marathon games would go on forever. So there might be a timelimit to the hud, or else an other handicap for both teams to change the impasse.

So thats an option that might be implemented. It might be handy if you would set a timer on the game, or give the option for the host to give an addition or a disadvantage for BOTH teams. If it gets over a time limit.



Well I think that the mod should try to be as close to the original Renegade as possible, with few additions making it improved. Multi-player on the original Renegade is already very fun, so we wouldn't want to change it to the point where it's not like the original anymore.

As for time limits; I think if the time is set for 99 minutes then there really isn't any problems, it keeps the game as if it were infinite time, but if it takes ridiculously long then it will end there.

QUOTE (Tsumetai @ Feb 12 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
EA's expressed interest in RenX in the past; it's likely that it just got over-looked in that post because it's not a mod for a CnC game.[/b]

Looks like a contradictio interminis. How can you overlook Renegade-X?

We could have the extra hud features be tight to certain buildings. For instance: the communication center keeps the building hud online. But the moment the comcenter is destroyed (or the pp) then the hud dissapears.

On top of that, perhaps there should be a kind of countermeasure that can be bought or something to prevent everyone to jump on top of the building that is attacked from moment one.

Yours sincerely,
QUOTE (Demigan @ Feb 12 2009, 06:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looks like a contradictio interminis. How can you overlook Renegade-X?

We could have the extra hud features be tight to certain buildings. For instance: the communication center keeps the building hud online. But the moment the comcenter is destroyed (or the pp) then the hud dissapears.

On top of that, perhaps there should be a kind of countermeasure that can be bought or something to prevent everyone to jump on top of the building that is attacked from moment one.

Yours sincerely,

We? Dont go too far, let us finish the basic C&C mode. Once its out, you're welcome to discuss more features.
EA's expressed interest in RenX in the past; it's likely that it just got over-looked in that post because it's not a mod for a CnC game.[/b]

EA is just jealous that they didn't come up with the same idea for a better engine. Their idea of the new tiberium game would have sucked in multiplayer mode compared to ren x. I liked the videos and wanted to play tiberium for a good single player; but sadly it isn't the same as renegade.

EA made a poor decision in that, resulting in losing alot of cash.

EA may not be jealous at all, I don't know; but they sure do enjoy looking at your mod. And I don't doubt that they wish they could have made something similar to sell, seeing how all the fans love it now.

I'll cry for being so happy. Feeling joyness throughout my body and experiencing exicitement like never before. Enjoying such a epinephrine rush can even make me collapse.

but IF I happen to crash I may just laught at my stupidity. How ironic is that.

QUOTE (CrazyAndy @ Feb 17 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll cry for being so happy. Feeling joyness throughout my body and experiencing exicitement like never before. Enjoying such a epinephrine rush can even make me collapse.

but IF I happen to crash I may just laught at my stupidity. How ironic is that.[/b]

Or you crash and kill everyone because you are too focused on your joy and excitement? Always love the stupidity of people in a chinook: OMG, I'm getting hit! Let's go higher so we splat on the ground!
But as they will upgrade the chinook with a gatling gun on the sides It might actually be used more often. And I also hope that people actually try to fly less obvious and actually reach the base with it.

Yours sincerely,

True. On those rare occasions when people have decided to do chinook rush they've decided to go up when attacking NOD base like it was harder for obelisk and ppl defence to shoot paper like armored vehicle down. If (not when, mind you) I crash I wanna do it with style but safely. They don't call me Crazy Andy for no reason.

Btw, sorry for offtopic


Not to be a Nicky picky person but i was just viewing the HUD image and was wandering, is that actually in game or your concept.

For example the currency it says 325 and in the normal section at top right it says they have 500?

It looks great but to me it kinda makes me go is that what your planning to do and wanted us to give the verdict or it is done just a bug?

Edit forgot you said working in progress so yeah probably a bug

keep up the great work loving the new HUD anyway



That HUD image is entirely concept in Photoshop. None of it was in-game at that time.

However now some of it is in-game and working (no screenshots of it yet), and we hope to have the whole thing in-game and functional ASAP.


Personally, I think the Chinook was one of the main vehicle flaws in Renegade. A couple side mounted manable machine guns on each side for defense would be a vast imprvement. It would also encourage more team play via air on large maps.

Just my 2 1/2 cents.

QUOTE (Saga @ Feb 21 2009, 03:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Personally, I think the Chinook was one of the main vehicle flaws in Renegade. A couple side mounted manable machine guns on each side for defense would be a vast imprvement. It would also encourage more team play via air on large maps.

Just my 2 1/2 cents.[/b]

They are already working on that ;)

There was nothing wrong with the Transport Helicoper :P

Only if it had maybe a little more defense but I think that it was a fair vehicle.

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