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Polls are both Vital and Useless trash.      Sometimes polls are important, and sometimes players use them to Proclaim a bunch of CRAP.

The position  Center Top is by far the Most important on the screen.     Allowing random worthless polls to  occupy this position not only detracts from the Commander getting attention, it allows the must stupid crap any player comes up with to take center stage.    Not good.

Kick it screen left with all the other stuff.


  • Totem Arts Staff

Some polls are actually important though (such as kicks).

Also, aren't commanders able to utilize Commander text that pops on the center too? I always thought that the very center of the screen is the most important stuff because your eyes will always naturally go there first and foremost


More than i see the commander center texts,  I see alot of Long worded, Big Votes.      Since votes are often used to say the most stupid and sometimes offense things players feel like saying....   It just seems like giving that crap center stage is wrong.



I somewhat agree with iSupreme, I'm constantly seeing a post that says something like: Havoc's Anus or Sydney's something... there are other examples of course, people begin to use it like a chat function and it's sometimes really stupid stuff, the ping notification is distracting as is all the extra text and activity on the screen. I don't really know how to moderate the game polling system though, can be a really useful feature and I sometimes don't mind general stuff goingup like what movie should I go see this weekend. Could players perhaps have a clear button that hides the polls they don't want to see? Similar to how commander vote ins can be cancelled by the player if they don't want the role.

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I don't suppose there could be a seperation between all the programed votes .... and the typed out words stuff ?

Allow the official center and reduce and/or move the typed out stuff.   ?

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Yes, perhaps have polls regarding things such as kicks, commanders, surrender, bots, mine bans in the current space and then have the UI space directly below the standard vote menu space for  custom polls (sometimes silly things, but also a good way to convey a important point or topic in game too).


That way, for example, someone throwing up a random poll at the beginning of the game, wouldn't interfere with someone trying to also vote in a commander, because both have space available in the UI.

Posted (edited)

Roweboat for president?

F1 = Yes

Alt+F4 = No


Seriously though I sometimes use polls to convey important info when I'm not commander. EG the location and type of units of an enemy rushh. eg "STANKS INC REF!!"

Text these days is appearing in every corner of the screen, all different notifications. It can be hard to keep treack of everything so using a pop up top centre of screen can be critical.

Edited by crazfulla

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