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I will just leave this video here, becouse it pretty much express what I personaly feel about map design. I think this part of the video could be applied on Renegade X too. I am not much big fan of arena style maps. Most of maps are simply not that interesting due to that arena style feeling. Imo thats why Lake Side, Whiteout (and Under kinda too) are so popular.. becouse It feels open.

Part starts at 11:38 and ends at 19:23.

TL;DW (too long, did not watched) 17:30 - 18:03

I d like to know your opinion on this. Its not criticism, its my opinion and topic to discuss.

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Posted (edited)

Cod is like Justin Bieber, but for the video game industry. After they sold the same game for the 3rd time, I lost any expectation for the series. Truth is, they have to keep the standards low to appeal to the masses.

Back on topic: not sure that arena style maps are unpopular. People really seem to like Walls, yet it's pretty much a 3 lane map. Island seems to be another popular map while basically it has 2 lanes. Some people prefer maps with base defenses on, where the pace of the game is relatively more relaxed. I think the reason why there are arena like maps, because symmetric maps can be more easily balanced and people can remember those kind of layouts better. I'm sure a mapper could give a more detailed insight into this.

Edited by Radeon3
Guest once upon the time

Hi Axesor, 

first at all I have no Idea how to make a map (Only thing I know its a lot of work to get a nearly finished map with very few bugs.). So I can only say what I like or not. 

To the ppl who make/made maps , please don't take it  as attack, because it is impossible to hit the taste of all players.

For me the most interssting maps are Whiteout, Lake Side, Walls, Island (I don't know why, but I love this map).

Older maps  what i like before was the old Mesa (Veh. inside Cave was possible too, and we had big fights or camping xD) and the old Field (without PP and smaller Tunnels). In Field the change to add a vehicle path i like too.

Why do I like it is easy to say because of the Gameplay in this maps.Thats my personal point of view.

Now I must excuse myself because I don't know why Field and Walls Snow was made ( Was it for temporary use?). I don't need this kind of double maps. Walls Non Flying :S would be like the smiley for me.

But the main point is: PPL here in Renegade do it without any payment and spend the freetime for it and for that I must say Thank you very much.:)

Go ahead its impossible to get the perfect map for everyone. :)



  • Totem Arts Staff

Well, you're comparing a completely different game to RenX. While it has team objectives and stuff, there's usually no "base" with buildings that you have to defend. RenX map design is a completely different animal than different shooters. Among other things, sneaking is an especially important thing that has to be considered when designing a map if balance is in mind. It's not entirely impossible, but creating a balanced map isn't quite the easiest task.

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 I prefer bigger maps like Eyes, Under and Field. Field for example, the field is good, mountainous terrain, river, silo in the middle, bunkers and sniper on the rocks make infantry combat interesting. Would be nice if a map has all this obstacles for infantry battles like an empty guard tower, sandbags, trenches, remains of a bombed out building and indoor battles in the middle of the map.

I like Walls and Islands too but the layout and design isn't my taste so I only enjoy these maps being a camper or Hotwire/Technician all game as combat is not that interesting for me.

But I hate most maps with guard tower defenses, I feel it's a lazy way of balancing sneaking. And I prefer invisible walls over boundaries that suicide you.

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