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Madkill, i love you buddy, but your scattershot idea is dumb. Also a shotgun as a side arm, no.

If the devs were to change the railgun/PIC at all... id rather there be a charge up time for the weapon. Like the spartan laser from halo. That way, it slightly nerfs the weapons against infantry without taking away the ability to wreck vehicles. This makes it harder to peak around corners, but also still giving the chance for high skilled players to line up their shots. That split second for the charge up gives mobius/doza the chance to pounce on them.
Perhaps replace the reload with the charge up time, so as to not reduce the overall rate of fire?

On 10/6/2017 at 10:19 AM, Madkill40 said:

My timing is a skill, that is to say I have skill in my timing but me getting the kill isn't skillful just by proxy of good timing because I was barely having to aim and that is the problem. Makes it seem more luck-based. This shouldn't really be possible.

Also, this IS skill not luck....if you were just shooting in the general direction hoping to get a hit instead of timing your shot....THAT would be luck. 


On 10/6/2017 at 10:19 AM, Madkill40 said:

every character is pretty much the same height and I don't need to use the mouse at the same time, its just lazy aiming combined with timing

Also aiming and tracking are two different things.....If you are using a single shot weapon, and you notice the person you are aiming at is side stepping back and forth in the same spot, why wouldn't you just aim in the middle of their movement and time the shot when they come through your cross hairs? I think you are confusing efficiency with laziness.

  • Totem Arts Staff

@Gliven Suppose it isn't all luck based, it's just if I am able to do it with minimal effort then is not skillful. :D 

x5 headshot multiplier though? That's still bullshit 1k damage against all infantry. Even Mendoza only has x2. Railgun/PIC is still the all-in-one good to damage anything weapon. Charge up? Sure. Headshot multiplier? Reduce to 1.5 (400 is still a lot of damage for most infantry to take)

Logic for less damage to infantry already provided. :P 

2 minutes ago, vandal33 said:

SBH with one-shot-kill weapon sounds good.

they already have a silenced-one-clip-kill-weapon. Most camper dont even realise that someone is hitting them with a damn SMP :D

Posted (edited)

Agreed with nerfing/improving Syd/Rav. They're supposed to be anti-tanks, not a CQC no-scope anti-infantry, so giving them adjustments may fix it:

- infantry damage from 180 (0.9 value included) to 150 (multiplier not included), and headshot value from 5x (which can 1-hit a heroic LCG even with a recruit Syd/Rav) to 1.5x (still enough to kill free & T1 infantries). Also 1.33x bonus damage to SBHs.
- raise their damage against heavy armor.
- range from 5600 to longer than 6000.
- round crosshair and little spread (around 10%-25% of snipers) on hip fire.
- fire delay from instant to 0.1-0.5 sec (decreases with veterancy).
- no ammo clip just like old Ren (faster reload with veterancy).
- new effect - pierces through enemy units (allowing them to kill repairmen behind tanks and durable infantries, not cheating from behind your allies, terrain, and buildings).

Edited by nanodeth
On ‎10‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 6:35 AM, nanodeth said:

- infantry damage from 180 (0.9 value included) to 150 (multiplier not included), and headshot value from 5x (which can 1-hit a heroic LCG even with a recruit Syd/Rav) to 1.5x (still enough to kill free & T1 infantries). Also 1.33x bonus damage to SBHs.

 The PIC being an electrical weapon deserves a damage amplification vs SBH, just like Volt Auto Rifle. However, Railgun should remain as it already is, it inflicts burn damage to all enemies already (except of course the Flame Soldier class).


- new effect - pierces through enemy units (allowing them to kill repairmen behind tanks and durable infantries, not cheating from behind your allies, terrain, and buildings).

That would likely render PIC & Railgun TOO powerful, they're already powerful enough weapons as is and the vehicles are intended to function as meat shields anyway.

On 10/23/2017 at 3:44 AM, Chrisjh0223 said:

 The PIC being an electrical weapon deserves a damage amplification vs SBH, just like Volt Auto Rifle. However, Railgun should remain as it already is, it inflicts burn damage to all enemies already (except of course the Flame Soldier class).

If Syd gets bonus damage to SBHs, then Rave should get a certain specialty, like... minor amplify damage debuff to heavy armor, or something else?

On 10/23/2017 at 3:44 AM, Chrisjh0223 said:

That would likely render PIC & Railgun TOO powerful, they're already powerful enough weapons as is and the vehicles are intended to function as meat shields anyway.

Not that powerful when damage are lowered to infantries but they deserve a specialty that tank campers should fear of, yet they should remain very weak vs most infantries.


The PIC already has that buff, I should have been more clear. You see, the SBH has the Lazarus armor (weaker than Kevlar and Flak) where instead of getting resistance to something, electrical weapons (PIC and Volt Auto Rifle) inflict more damage, 25% I believe. 

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