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Renegade X become extremly unbalanced since player using 144 Hz Display. Its quite impossible to kill them or they kill you even if you already was behind a wall (lag caused by different resolution).

Please make a option to separate the normal 60 Hz and 144 Hz player!


Thx for the nice game!


I really can't tell if this is a troll-post or not.

If it isn't, can you elaborate how exactly 144 Hz unbalances the game? Especially since most players run this game on ~60 FPS so Hz literally doesn't make a change.

Guest Gliven
2 hours ago, Algol said:

Renegade X become extremly unbalanced since player using 144 Hz Display. Its quite impossible to kill them or they kill you even if you already was behind a wall (lag caused by different resolution).

Please make a option to separate the normal 60 Hz and 144 Hz player!


Thx for the nice game!

how does them having a better display stop you from killing them.

9 hours ago, Algol said:

(lag caused by different resolution)

I really can't understand this "correlation"... Please, do clarify!

9 hours ago, Algol said:

Please make a option to separate the normal 60 Hz and 144 Hz player!


I severely doubt, that we get any feedback from the host operating system regarding the display refresh rate. Besides, if it were even possible, what would that achieve? Segregate 1-2, maybe 5 people?? Please reflect on this...

  • Totem Arts Staff

lol why not just limit the game only to onboard graphics or Pentium 2 cpus or make people use a N64 controller it makes no sence


if you can afford a 122hz+ monitor thats what you use ... if you can afford a titan XP thats what ya use .... its called pay to win! well not Pay to win coz you can still be a shit player

Guest Gliven

I mean if i could run the game in 4k or 8k with all the best everything, i still wouldn't be better than certain players. I mean it will help boost your reaction times. but that is about it. If you suck at tracking and you dont have good game sense. You can still lose to someone running on 20 fps.


This guy keeps making votes about me -  keeps harassing me in-game - trying to make other people vote kick me.

Waiting for the day he gets the perm mute.. :)

Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, kenz3001 said:


lol why not just limit the game only to onboard graphics or Pentium 2 cpus or make people use a N64 controller it makes no sence

if you can afford a 122hz+ monitor thats what you use ... if you can afford a titan XP thats what ya use .... its called pay to win! well not Pay to win coz you can still be a shit player


I would like to add the following to what @kenz3001 said:

In my opinion the level of tech one uses does not NECESSARILY determine one's successes (aside from the opposite extremes). There are other factors, such as skills (aiming, observation, team-play), luck, and coordination / strategy that have an impact.

Of course, tech can - to a certain extent - elevate one's game-play, and I personally believe, that the case with @poi ❄ and others is nothing else than gifted people having first-rate hardware. Is their success sooo illogical, that you have to conclude, they are NECESSARILY cheating?!

(By the way, I have been numerous times MVP, and best support / defense whilst playing at home, on my ultrabook's Intel HD 4400)

Sorry, I have meant that one could still ENJOY the game with less advanced computers. No need to discriminate people based on the configuration they have.

Edited by limsup


getting the MVP / Support / Def / Off award has nothing to do with skill

if you repair tanks the whole game you'll have a 95% chance to get the Support medal (unless someone else has a really excessive amount of kill assists and other support points)


Hardware definitely has a noticeable effect on a players performance, as a general rule,, but how effective that performance is, depends on the game. On heavy twitch games, then yes it can make a huge difference, but on a 4x game, it wouldn't make much difference at all. Renegade x is somewhere in the middle as you can play as classes or vehicles where, it doesn't matter how quick, accurate or aware you are.

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Posted (edited)

ok thx to all for the discussion and usefull thoughts. but also thx to other who only tryed to make some (@poi)

i think you guys are right with the point: skills matters. also with the hardware. if someone bought a better pc we cant blame him for that. i agree to all of this.
but in my opinion its still an issue if you not even have the option to seperate player 0-60hz and maybe 120 - 144 hz to give other a fair chance.

you said it by yourself: the most have 60 hz display. so why not balance the game for this most players by limiting the refresh rate to 60/s as an option?


p.s. poi in my heart you will always be a noob! ;D

Edited by Algol
9 hours ago, Algol said:

you said it by yourself: the most have 60 hz display. so why not balance the game for this most players by limiting the refresh rate to 60/s as an option?

Essentially because we are a PC game. We embrace the different builds of computers players use . Its abit like F1 racing, we "reward" the driver, because we know their skill is important, but the vehicle itself is just as responsible for that victory. We give players the choice to use what they want, and in the pc landscape its impossible to "level the playing field". its also not clear cut on what's better hardware wise. 

For instance; sure enough we know that 144hz is better then 60hz, and we also know that 4k is better then 1080p, but does that mean we should limit everyone to 1080p 60mhz. What about people with screens with better colour reproduction, that would make a difference, so do we saturate the colours to cater for that?. What about people with gaming mice vs desktop mice, or mechanical vs non mechanical, etc, do we artificially slow mouse and keyboard presses to make everyone on the same level, etc. 

Even if there was a game crazy enough to try this, no one would really be happy. There are players who play on old computers their dad gave them, they would probably still be under what the devs decide is the "level playing field". So that player decided that they would lower the res to get a higher frame rate, where another player might do the opposite, but they wouldn't be able to do so since we have removed the options. On the flip side, a player with a new gaming pc wont be able to use it fully, since we have decided to limit the game.

Having a level playing field just isn't a PC thing, and really, isn't even a console thing either. Players can always buy better controllers, and now with both ps and xbox having different hardware playing the same games at different res, frame rates,,, even they don't get the "level playing field" anymore.


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