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  • Totem Arts Staff



  • .upk file goes into Renegade X > UDKGame > CookedPC > RenX > Environments
  • .udk goes into Renegade X > UDKGame > CookedPC > Maps > RenX ]


Fantastically designed map created by DaKuja, CNC-Glasses pays homage to CNC-Eyes as a re-rendition.

Each base contains the Primary defensive structure as well as two GT's. (Guard Tower/ Gun Turret)

Multiple routes for players to venture on as either infantry or in a vehicle! 

Work alone or alongside your fellow players and engage in all-out-warfare! 

This is CnC-Glasses.

Map Contents:

  • Advanced Guard Tower
  • Obelisk
  • Barracks
  • Hand of Nod
  • Weapons Factory
  • Airstrip
  • Powerplant(s)
  • Refinery(s)
  • 2 Guard Towers
  • 2 Gun Turrets
  • Crates
  • Two vehicle routes
  • Two Infantry routes

"Let's rock!"


  • Totem Arts Staff
  • Reported issues fixed.
  • Nod arty can no longer hit GDI Harvester from the Nod base Entrance.
  • Gunfire will no longer pass through the Tiberium meteorite at the TibField.
  • Gawdy snow bunker material changed. (snow pretending to be sand in this map looked too pixelated, standing out in a bad way)
  • Obelisk moved an inch closer to reach to the same extent as the AGT.
  • Potentially psychotic Endgame-Camera
  • Totem Arts Staff

3rd Amendment

  • Fixed the lighting issue 
  • Fixed AGT spotting areas
  • Extended Obelisk range to reach as far as the AGT
  • Fixed pathnode issues
  • Remade Nod main entrance rock overhead [Original one was not appearing due to non-uniform scaling]

I really hope future fixes are just for collision issues and path-node issues. 

Endgame Camera is just a placeholder, I will have to go over Kenz's tutorial again to remember how to put in coaster breaks.

Posted (edited)

Ok, Mad & I already spoke about the current version on TS - here are the screenshots:

038e918727544dfeae46011b997ae5a4.pngAGT shooting Silo.. Rockets can trigger here, AGT MG mainly while next to or on the left handrail.

e5b43d2c9fdf44e5838a802510de07b3.pngSame problem on the INF path catwalk. While running the AGT will miss like 90% of the time, but still a disadvantage for Nod :P

0abbeb9fa874420eb67bd2c3b814c7b7.pngTechnically it's still possible to get tanks to the INF path...

83090db782e64ccabcb166e3741018f1.png.. GDI can manage that too.. but..

bdf9727396c44d72b2000ca3e3590f11.pngas you can see here: you need a vehicle ramp - at least for Nod it's a bit tricky. GDI just needs a single MED ramp.

8c3fe82abaff4ad991c703d6cd409346.pngGDI meditum tank rank...

7dc53061a0c74fd396777c123d047bb7.pngObelisk won't trigger here - guess due to the rocks.

d1dac2cdce014d4d9c2492f075c0067d.pngThis infantry trap is still there cuz of me.. Try-Out showed it to me when I tested Glasses for the first time, but I forgot to report it. It's near GDI base at the container sniper vantage point (tib field side, not inf path leading to the catwalk). Just need some planks here.

I'll post a few other collision related screenshots later.

Even with those issues this map is ready for pre-release on a big server (hope @Fffreak9999/ @CampinJeff will accept it as warm-up for the PUG, or maybe PUG teams even chose to play the map :)

Hard to find balance stuff with only 2-4 testers.

Great job @DaKuja and well done & thanks to @Madkill40 for the quick map request response!!



Edited by DarkSn4ke
added GDI tank ramp

Okay here's the other stuff:

b17b6aedc1ad4f39944fbb91973c8996.png"Lower" INF path (beneath catwalk) at some small spots you partly get into the rock. Maybe you could adjust the collisions here. It's nothing serious, just some parts of the body vanish - you can't get out of the map there.

ed177fa157914d21852764980b026bb4.pngAre there blocking collisions or is it these walls? It seems unnatural that you cannot jump down from the GDI sniper vantage point.

069387b2c4d54113ba74967e7f635253.pngNear GDI INF path entrance. Well... sneaker can hide there.. but in my opinion there's a difference if they can hide in the corner (you can't cross the red line) or just hide on the left side of that container. Much easier to get spotted by passing GDIs there. Maybe the upper container causes that collision?

c7027bef93e845378754bd8d41947bed.pngTo me this seems like a natural hiding spot before sneaking into the GDI base - but there's no way to access it :(

f4584028c8eb4ed2aa760ebbf4de2576.pngDuring the WIP days of Glasses there were a lot of "getting stuck" issues. So @DaKuja put blocking volumes here. You can jump on the handrail, but you cannot jump down. That feels unnatural and maybe you could make the volumes smaller (e.g. the stuck places here were on the right side), so INF can jump down to the accessible battlefield.

d0c9690ed3284b739aad03fe0fac3f6e.pngSame as above. You can't jump down :(



Try-Out had a chat about those collisions with @DaKuja (Glasses WIP days). DaKuja couldnt solve that for some reason (sorry got to ask Try again.. forgot the exact reason^^). This is nothing to worry about, there's plenty of room left to hide / seek cover but it just feels awkward that you cannot move close to the rock.

Guess I'll do some more testings, but for the moment that's all :)




  • Totem Arts Staff
10 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:



Try-Out had a chat about those collisions with @DaKuja (Glasses WIP days). DaKuja couldnt solve that for some reason (sorry got to ask Try again.. forgot the exact reason^^). This is nothing to worry about, there's plenty of room left to hide / seek cover but it just feels awkward that you cannot move close to the rock.

The issue is the rock itself because it has been scaled up the collision around the rock becomes out of proportion with the prop itself creating that gap, hopefully the surrounding blocking volume which imprisons the map stays close to the rock, which means I can set the rock to 'BlockWeapons'. 

But that might create another issue of anyone being within that gap being safe from gunfire.

Will likely just put some stuff there instead.

Will raise vehicle limit to 9. :P Because as it stands GDI could easily keep Nod base locked in this map.

  • Totem Arts Staff

4th Amendment

  • 'Gaps' have been filled with rocks
  • AGT has been masked from Infantry Silo route
  • Obelisk has also been masked to balance AGT masking at Infantry Silo route
  • All vehicle blocking volumes have been increased in height to stop vehicles climbing over into Infantry paths
  • Moved blocking volumes at bridge locations to allow infantry to jump over the railings into vehicle traffic
  • Moved blocking volumes at GDI side of main Infantry route which prevented infantry from volleying over the walls onto the rocks below
  • Gaps at GDI side of main infantry route by the containers where it looked like you could fit infantry no longer look like they can fit infantry
  • Covered gap between containers at GDI Main Infantry route with a box
  • Spot where obelisk couldn't shoot at you if you were in a specific location is no longer a location you can shoot the Obelisk from
  • Overpass of the main infantry route above the tib_field where AGT could shoot infantry has been masked from view
  • Obelisk has also been masked from view for balance reasons
  • Fixed lighting issues that were plaguing the beauty of the map
  • Map is now not as bright
  • There should now be a Sun where a Sun should be for a midday map
  • Raised rocks by GDI PowerPlant GT to give Nod infantry and easier time at infiltrating the GDI base
  • Totem Arts Staff

5th Amendment

  • Brightness of map tweaked
  • Map has been balanced out for both teams;
  • GDI Refinery was completely exposed to rocket soldier and Arty spam quite unfairly, this has been rectified
  • GDI PP was ridiculously exposed from multiple routes, the number of exposure points has been reduced
  • Infiltration of bases (in particular the GDI base) more balanced
  • Nod PP has a one-way dead-end route for vehicles, now the GDI PP does as well as part of balance changes


  1. Redo Endgame Camera
  2. Make Loading screen
  3. Update Minimap
  4. Give Yosh some catfood and a can of his favourite special brew so he puts CNC-Glasses into the next patch

I have some suggestions:

  • Totem Arts Staff
On 11/20/2016 at 3:42 PM, Ruud033 said:

Above the tib meteor rock I'd add some more lights surrounding the extra 'tip' you've added to compensate for the shadows being formed by the one green light up top

I did this originally and thought it'd be overkill. Dammit. xD


On 11/20/2016 at 3:42 PM, Ruud033 said:


On 11/20/2016 at 3:42 PM, Ruud033 said:

Replace the bridge bottom static meshes with BSP and save +/- 2x24992 = 50.000 polygons

Please tell me how to do this so I know how to do this for other maps.

On 11/20/2016 at 3:42 PM, Ruud033 said:


On 11/20/2016 at 3:42 PM, Ruud033 said:

Son of a-

On 11/20/2016 at 3:42 PM, Ruud033 said:

The edges in the landscape here don't quite transition nicely.

I think I may have a more practical way of fixing that'll cause less issues. Resizing the tunnel is your option? Seriously? Hah, nah. You'll see.

On 11/20/2016 at 3:42 PM, Ruud033 said:

Please cull these meshes, they're high poly with a complex shader (a.k.a. perfomance drop)

Is cull some option to reduce polys within the editor or do you mean delete some of them? If former, please let me know HOW to do this.

On 11/20/2016 at 3:42 PM, Ruud033 said:

You can delete these meshes, nobody will ever see them since there is no air combat


On 11/20/2016 at 3:42 PM, Ruud033 said:

Will do this.

  • I have an advanced shader which i've developed for an other map to get the sand-look on top and also have vertex paint possibilities on this rock. If you like I can see if I can set this up

What are you talking about? 

2 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

1. I did this originally and thought it'd be overkill. Dammit. xD

2. Pointless.

3. Please tell me how to do this so I know how to do this for other maps.

4. Whut?

5. Son of a-

6. I think I may have a more practical way of fixing that'll cause less issues. Resizing the tunnel is your option? Seriously? Hah, nah. You'll see.

7. Is cull some option to reduce polys within the editor or do you mean delete some of them? If former, please let me know HOW to do this.

8. No.

9. Will do this.

  • I have an advanced shader which i've developed for an other map to get the sand-look on top and also have vertex paint possibilities on this rock. If you like I can see if I can set this up

10. What are you talking about? 

1. Nah its not overkill.. its fancy shit.

2. Definitely not pointless.. those shapes are way to complex and are likely to cause errors in the future. I'd suggest to use rectangular shapes or so

3. https://youtu.be/22D3p0W13DY?list=PLA59F1E61EB00AF17&t=108 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ONU7zysLKM&list=PL5048DD0254E3FD8B&index=27

4. Told you in TS


5. hehehe

6. Please do make it pretty

7. Culling is : https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/VisibilityCulling.html it does not display (send a drawcall to the CPU and GPU) a certain mesh within a certain range. It won't render  a rock (or these small meshes) if they're not within a 3000 UU range or so, depends on what you set it to. It's good for performance.

Precomputed visibility culling is based upon line of sight and therefore always advisable

8. Yes please delete them as they will get rendered and therefore produce atleast (amount of meshes)*(amount of shaders)=X drawcalls and therefore pick on your performance

9. Awesome.

10. If you send me over the files i'll create a demo setup in the map. It's quite complex (adv users) but you can do anything with it

  • 1 month later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Happy new year folks!

Here some Update about the Map

Unfortunately I underestimated the effort about fixing the known Bugs in the previous posts but i fixed them all as good as possible.

6th Amendment


  • Fixed EndGameCamera which flys into the Rocks near GDI Ref.
  • Redone Tank/BlockingVolumes around the whole Map.
  • Fixed places where player can get stuck (Thanks to DarkSn4ke)
  • Replaced the floor areas or the bridges with bsp's to save alot of resources
  • Added some Particle Effects
  • Massiv culling work done (Remove collisions from many meshes at the background or not visible for Players)
  • Added some Lights at the Tiberium Field
  • Added Spotting Areas


New Version will be uploaded soon after done the last fixes and changes - cause lack of time

Geez. DaKuja

Edited by DaKuja
  • Like 2

Will need 1 more version to add minimap if one is not already added, because I'll make one if so.

EDITED: It has one, either the old one I made still works, or was amended. Either way, it's cool.

Posted (edited)

@DaKuja entschuldige die Verspätung... aber besser spät(er) als nie :)



ff9e915673654977a0cc6de3c79ce317.pngbridge near GDI base [crate] - collision too big

a186fa61a95c46008e30ab4be34be596.pngGDI bunker

a97c6699d8d2444fbb445155ccd28274.pnghard to see here, but your arm gets lost in the rocks...

5f2e214e93ac4248af13f725364064fa.pngthe fence entrance to inf path (GDI side) is missing a vehicle blocking volume xD

866140886d764878b1a0be0a2260bf84.png Where did Try go? :o - near GDI basse entrance [INF path] ;)

cf5756bdd7e04e3d87f88eb2fb26d60e.pngBar jumping still enabled

Stuck spots:


9c8b33971c57451b923a907d453c7c73.pngbehind GDI PP


98a483e81e5a4ebabddc1cfc0bc16d43.png2x above: there are multiple stuck spots around the GDI bunker. They are semi-stuk spots - technically you can get free (quite easily) but they can interrupt the gameplay :/



EDIT: @DaKuja werden die aktuelle Version noch n bissl auseinander nehmen, kann noch 1-2 Tage dauern, evtl kommt noch was, aber hast ja erstmal was zum bearbeiten ;)

Edited by DarkSn4ke
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Thanks for your engagement effort! I fixed them all today and wait for you next session and results before i release the next version.
Keep it up your good work!

Greez. DaKuja

Edited by DaKuja

@DaKuja Updates...

Stuck spots:


e6faca865b304d1facab8f1bf6c884a0.pngBig Nod Bunker [next to airstrip]

5477c35700084f5787a5ece490537e78.pngBehind Nod Refinery - similar as the reported & fixed GDI stuck spot....

831ec4ddfaf944808ec68bc8d85cee77.pngInfantry exit [big GDI Bunker - near WF]

Lighting Issue:


483372c5801e4293ae42929a89bf22e6.pngBroken holo lighting at the big GDI Bunker

We're done for now... Will do some more tests the next days though.



4 hours ago, DaKuja said:

Thanks for your engagement!

Ich bin verlobt? xD *engagement* hat im Englischen eine leicht andere Bedeutung als im Deutschen Kuja ;) dennoch danke


Maybe brighten up the minimap a little bit? Especially the surrounding rocks look a bit damped. :o

I dunno why UDK automatically darkens the imported texture..


Love to see the map in the next patch :)

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

New minimap looks great in the little minimap bottom left corner, fits fine, no cut offs and 100% accurate player-to-minimap position.

However despite using the Rx_minimap template.psd provided by Kenz and only since the new UDK update have I encountered this annoying big map cut-off issue (See attached image)

I blame @kenz3001

  • X: 538
  • Y: -2067
  • Map Extent: 32299

For minimap coords ^ Rx_Glasses.tga attached for minimap needs.




This could just be a me issue and the map might be fine for everyone else, this minimap is in the currently uploaded version as it is just the big overview map which decides to be an absolute c*nt.

Edited by Madkill40
13 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

If 2048 x 2048 is no longer the map overview resolution then what is it? Might help to know.

The map overview res has nothing to do with this ;) it is being scaled by the map extent.

Might be a bug in here somewhere. @yosh56 will have to look at that.

Meanwhile, you could try experimenting with a slightly bigger map extent (and shrink the 'main' minimap in Ps a bit), I'd try somewhere near 37 - 40K

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Here you go @DaKuja, Rx_Glasses_MiniMap ready for import, Minimap 'World Properties' stats are as follows below.

  • Minimap
    • Map Center
      • X : 540.00
      • Y : -2017.00
      • Z : 0
    • Map Extent: 42900


Minimap fixed. :)


Edit: in case your Rx_CNC-Glasses hasn't been updated since the most previous release then here's the import side done for you already.


Edited by Madkill40
  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff

Well maby i get some space today to fix the minimap and the collisions. Currently i'm workin primary on Eyes because the bugs there pissing me off X(



  • Totem Arts Staff
2 hours ago, DaKuja said:

Well maby i get some space today to fix the minimap and the collisions. Currently i'm workin primary on Eyes because the bugs there pissing me off X(



I understand your drive, I honestly do, but by the seems of this thread these are the final three things for Glasses to go out as a 100% release where any further stuck spots or minor player placement issues are okay to be found in-game.

(There were still stuck spots when X-Mountain came out)

Tiny bit of a polish up and BAM, go nuts with your Eyes? :D

  • Totem Arts Staff

Yea yea.. i get some overrun by these two Maps - final : i will finish Glasses today maby in the next Hours and hopefully i can fix Eyes also today later afternoon.

And if there no gamebreaking bugs - fuck it! they got fixed in follow patches.

Greez. DaKuja

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff

Here we go!  Sadly i don't get that much time for working on Glasses as i though but i made it!
There probably some minor bugs but the Map should 99,5% playable thereshould be no bugs anymore which should interrupt the gameplay on this Map!

"Otherwise you know what to do?"

"Yes!" -> Leave your feedback in the - Feedback & Bug Report - section down below in the Topic -  CNC-Glasses [Feedback & Bug Report]


Now enjoy the Map and have some good wars out there Soldiers!



Greez. DaKuja


Posted (edited)

Alright, took another look into Glasses.

Looks fine. Some stuck spots are still there and plenty of weird collisions (there's plenty of *visual* space but you can't get there due to a collision or blocking volume).

But for the moment I guess @DaKuja doesn't want to see any more screens from me :)

This map is ready 2 play. Please add it to the map rotation of the upcoming patch @yosh56.

Oh and I almost forgot: I'm positively surprised :D this map is actually in favour of Nod (at least for the sneaking part, even if another GT guards the Ref again - see Eyes). Nod can easily sneak into PP & WF & REF while GDI can only theoretically access the airstrip (fast patch, you need EMP though, door facing Obelisk). GDI's advantage: they can sneak up to the Obelisk (via HoN).

Edited by DarkSn4ke
  • Totem Arts Staff

Well if Glasses made it into the next Patch we can actually test the Map about balance - for sure there will be some changes in the future to get a healthy balance.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:

Oh and I almost forgot: I'm positively surprised :D this map is actually in favour of Nod (at least for the sneaking part, even if another GT guards the Ref again - see Eyes). Nod can easily sneak into PP & WF & REF while GDI can only theoretically access the airstrip (fast patch, you need EMP though, door facing Obelisk). GDI's advantage: they can sneak up to the Obelisk (via HoN).

You're welcome.

Easy sneaky for Noddies if GDI base isn't mined properly.

Edited by Madkill40

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