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I do remember somebody yesterday copying my name and team hampering to spite me and ended up getting a ban. The CT moderators had difficulty with it, maybe you were banned by accident in the midst of it?................

Can we get an option to register our names through the webside or directly in launcher? I would feel much better if I know that nobody could use and abuse my ingame name.

RenX is slowly getting it's popularity back again and I think that registration is big part of multiplayer games.

Oh ye and again... one question: Why are health and armor separated values anyway? It doesn't make sence to me.


Oh ye and again... one question: Why are health and armor separated values anyway? It doesn't make sence to me.

Cause everybody has health, but the armor gives specific defense against certain units. Instead of kill vs kill it's now more rock, paper, scissors, against rock, paper, scissors with the addition that each unit can do damage to each other, but some weapons will effect certain armor more and some less...


Ryz I get it. But this all could be in one value. Its like.. you lost 250 flak armor and now you will die superfast. It could be for example 300 Hp with flak which reduces explosion dmg and thats it. It would have same effect. I see this has only psychological effect on ppl so they won't go back to base until they lost all the armor becouse they see "there is also 100 health so I don't have nothing to worry about". But when they lose all the armor, it's too late because health drops very fast.

It's not important, but it gives no sence to me. Everything is working now so it's fine.


Yes registration would be a good thing. It would also be nice if you got a profile on the site, where your monthly leaderboard stats would be saved to, instead of losing the stats ater each month.

Offtopic: Armor and Health are also there so tiberium fields can do damage straight to your health, which makes sense to me.


We already have registration capability through steam. We could enforce steam and we would be done with registration. The additional code needed in RenX would be minimal. It would generate a shitstorm that would probably last for two weeks or so till everybody got used to it.

Edit: Actually now that I think of it... We could just let steam users register their nick. The game already knows if you have steam running or not and knows your steamid. Thats how it identifies devs for the dev welcomemessages for instance. So if we let a steam user register a nick it can be bounded to his steamid. And whenever any player loggs in the game (or more precisely the games online services) could check if his name is among the registered names. If yes it could check if he is logged in with steam and if his steamid matches the registered steamid for that player name. If not... then he's a faker. Am I missing something or sounds this logical ? Cause if it does I could implement this without too much work. People would still complain about only being able to register their nick when using steam, but atleast it would be an option they can take.


I think that opt-in registration would be very good move for RenX.

In fact, i believe that it could be platform for additional improvements.

One of things I would like to see implemented is some form of skill tracking for players.

Something that I would enable in settings and it would start analysing how I play in game (how good am I at driving tanks, how good am I at repairing buildings, how good am I at sniping, etc...) and then make my player profile which would show my top 3 skills.

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