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Joe Kucan (Kane)


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If he would come, I would be honored to play with him.

He would have to be perma-bound on Nod, no team switching for him.

Could character of Kane be quickly put into the game which would be OP as fuck?

Only Joe could play as Kane of course.

On the other hand, we could invite TotalBiscuit to come check how far development of this game has come.

He already made

already, so he already knows about RenX.

He could probably also help with getting "EA doesn't respond to TotemArts" problem a bit more publicly visible, and in turn there would be more chance of getting dialogue between TA and EA about bringing RenX to Steam.

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If he would come, I would be honored to play with him.

He would have to be perma-bound on Nod, no team switching for him.

Could character of Kane be quickly put into the game which would be OP as fuck?

Only Joe could play as Kane of course.

On the other hand, we could invite TotalBiscuit to come check how far development of this game has come.

He already made

already, so he already knows about RenX.

He could probably also help with getting "EA doesn't respond to TotemArts" problem a bit more publicly visible, and in turn there would be more chance of getting dialogue between TA and EA about bringing RenX to Steam.

Yeah your right :cool: Joe would Had to be a NoD ..always ,and his Armor X10 for him only :cool:.That would make super cool games ..Everybody firing at him like crazy to kill him :-)))

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OR, you could give him a special terminal menu ability: Raveshaw and Chaingun Officer are always available, even with the Hand of Nod destroyed and they're free for him as well. If Joe is on team GDI, allow him to choose Chaingun Officer spy or Raveshaw spy (always available & free) whenever he wants one from the Purchase Terminal.

Nod's Chaingun Officer: Authorized to call in reinforcements, Nod Officers oversee enlisted men and perform particularly important tasks; good traits of Kane.

Raveshaw: One of the highest generals in Nod I believe, so fitting for Joe as this is the highest ranking Nod entity if you don't program any higher ranking units into this game's skirmish. General Raveshaw is the founder and first leader of the Brotherhood of Nod's Black Hand. Raveshaw's qualities are appreciated by Kane, Raveshaw was thus made responsible for protecting and overseeing Project ReGenesis, a privilege he holds dear. The Black Hand was created with Kane's blessing to enforce the ideals of Nod and silence all that oppose them. So yeah, Raveshaw is a good choice for Joe if no other generals are enabled.

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I would give Kane unlimited health because Kane lives in death!

Im for that too ;) ,GDI could still win by destroying all his Base ..But Kane will suvive and come back with new minions :P

EDIT:re think in of it wouldnt be good bcoz if Kane would be in gdi base shooting as infantry agt or any other buildings he would destroy all the base. Better an insane armor but still killable

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  • 2 weeks later...

TotalBiscuit is big fan of Frank Klepacki and is in contact with him:

Also TB would like to see C&C alive again:

So, if you make Kane playable for Joe Kucan, you make Mammoth tank with 4 barrels for TB.

That would be quite an interesting match.

Also few ideas about what Kane's abilities would be:

He could have Tacitus in one hand, which shoots some stunning visual effects in wide cone of fire but has short range. Those effects do about as much damage to GDI as flamethrower (max as much as chem), but heal Nod as much as Tech/Hotty.

His second ability could be AoE buff. He says "Peace trough power" and/or "One vision, one purpose" and players in some radius around him get 20% damage resistance for short time.

So Kane would basically be support character, but can also defend himself in case nobody else is around.

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