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  • Totem Arts Staff

Hello there.

I've been mapping for some time now. And I'm busy on another map. It's called CNC-Woods. It's a quite big map with no AGT or Obby, only Guard Towers and Turrets.

- Both teams own a Refinery, Power Plant, WF/AirStrip and a Bar/HoN

- There is in the middle of the map (at the beachside) a small neutreal base that owns a silo, a helipad, 2 quonsethuts (not accessable) and a watchtower (The one that is used in Mesa)

- The map owns some extra vehicle spawns: Both teams can buy 1 Tesla Tank from A Path Beyond (APB) and both teams own a TS unit spawn at their own base (GDI can buy 1 Titan and Nod 1 TickTank) The WF and Airstrip owns an extra PT where you can buy the vehicles. The Tesla Tank can be purchased at the neutreal base (there are 2 PT's. One for GDI, One for Nod)

- Another silo at the high infantry path

- Both teams are defended by Walls (Looks a bit like the walls from CNC-Walls)

- Flying units activated

- Both teams got an extra building (not destroyable) where you can be spawned (yes it owns PT's)

- Both teams got one SAM-Site/AA-Tower

- 5 crate spawn locations (don't own vehicle spawn because it already own a TS unit + APB unit spawn

- If WF/Air is destroyed, you can't buy TS units or APB units

- Both teams owns their own Tiberium Field

The progress is now very slow because I also do stuff for Training Yard

Some screenshots from September 14th 2015:

[attachment=1]GDI Base.png[/attachment]

[attachment=0]Nod Base.png[/attachment]


I think it's a bit to dark, especially with the fog, we're shooting shadows there. Maybe its better to use the CNC-Field ambient, a clear night sky.. with a moon inside. If you put a moon in, you can use a bit more dominant directional lighting so it becomes easier to recognise eachother and have a better gameplay!


Idea sounds cool, especially about a huge open map, but it's hard to make anything out if based on the screenshots. Nevertheless keep up the good work!

  • Totem Arts Staff
Tbh I don't like playing maps done at night ,I just need to see far away :P

But hey your map could be cool idk didn't see much ...but please avoid night maps

Trust me. You can see far away

  • Totem Arts Staff
Tbh I don't like playing maps done at night ,I just need to see far away :P

But hey your map could be cool idk didn't see much ...but please avoid night maps

Too bad. I will be have a map called CNC-Obscured

The amount of fog, DOF effect and lack of light will be real

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