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How much should building DESTRUCTION be worth?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. How much should building DESTRUCTION be worth?

    • 600
    • 1000
    • 1500
    • 2000
    • 2500
    • 3000
    • More than 3000

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  • Totem Arts Staff

I feel like the biggest 'issue' with AOW right now is the fact that there is literally no point reward for killing off a building. It's worth 600 total... but on destruction you get nothing, so in reality point whoring is ALWAYS the better option.

So, I was thinking that more than likely buildings are going to get some type of point reward in the future, but curious as to how much. Too much might be annoying, but not enough leaves us with what we're at now.

I'm thinking 1500 for destruction myself. This would go to the team, not to the individual that destroyed it.


1500 sounds reasonable, voted for this, but I think it would be good to also give the person who destroys it some points.

Why I chose 1500:

If you take down 4 buildings with C4 solo you will be gaining 6000 points (for the team). This is easily the amount you can get with pointwhoring, so... That's why this sounds fair, to bad the points are entirely for the team, cause if you gain the points the team wil also benefit.

This way someone raping the 'shoot'button will not get rewarded as MVP, but the person who actually thought outsite of the box.


1500 sounds fine as some sort of bonus for those who manage to go commando and sneak into the enemy base to wipe out a building, but I don't think it's really desirable to add such a thing for just whoever gets the last hit. Perhaps this should go toward whoever contributed the most damage in say, the last 30 seconds of the building's life, maybe with some sort of minimal threshold (i.e: you must have been responsible for killing at least ~25% of the building).

but I don't think it's really desirable to add such a thing for just whoever gets the last hit.

Nope cause just plant 2 remotes outside and wait till the building goes below 10% and blow them and you are the one responsible for taken it down in this scenario.


Yeah, that's precisely what I'd love to avoid. It shouldn't go to whoever got the last hit, and we need to discourage kill steals which have the potential to team hamper (i.e: by not killing a building, because someone decided to wait to attack).


But than again, points for the team or the person? In the end the team benefits by points for a single player, but this would be more encouraging.

I have many rounds where I certainly know I am more usefull than half of my team, but still end up in the lower part of the score list even though I killed a building. The pointwhore 'arty and mrls' people always end up higher, while they don't do anything besides sit and shoot. They usually don't kill the building, but they also don't help in defence.

In my opinion this discussion should be broader and also look at repairs / mining (more points when someone dies by your mine), disabling C4 and repairing people / vehicles. Although the building thing can be archieved fairly simpler than the rest off my list.


Yah. Something like this would help AOW. Although it would be better to merge AOW and marathon, but that's a lot of work. 1500 should be fine. Points system is honestly pretty bad overall. Startfire afk and suddenly you're #1 on the scoreboard. Not that I want an overhaul, would much rather get rid of point victories.


"Pointwhoring" as you say is exactly that, plus something extra. It keeps enemies on their toes and atleast 1 per MLRS/Arty is needed to repair that building. Significantly lowering the enemy base defenses and by extension, lessens the enemy attacks on your base.

Look at it like this: 3-4 people are "pointwhoring" with MLRS/Arty, they keep 4 techs/hotties occupied INTERNALLY to repair those buildings. When switching to different buildings, they are required to move and repair other buildings, probably requiring some 5th to cover the initial damages.

When you have 2 flamers/Meds on stand-by to cover those MLRS/Arty's by killing off any incoming tanks, you got a solid tactic to keep your enemy in their base! It results in your team having less need to defend and more to attack.

I dont like the way the "pointwhores" get on top of the score list, but they do help the team by doing so.


Yeah, a destruction bonus would be pretty nice. Some servers in the original game had the destruction bonus spread evenly over all the people that worked to destroy it. This counted for vehicles, infantry, buildings and disarming beacons.

The longer a game is going on, the bigger the point diffrence between both teams will get. Let's say that a 5% better team will get 5% more points than the other team, with this in mind it's only logical that early building destructions are worth much more points-wise than late building destructions. Late building destructions are the main issue here, they don't reward you enough but increase it too much and the individual will get too much of a bonus in the early game. But then again, these points only get rewarded to a select few people, a few people can only do so much and spreading that money across the team makes it worth less.

A bit of testing would be nice here. For the time being, i'm voting for the 600 points bonus but i'm willing to change my opinion about it :)


A building kill should add a modifier to your TEAM TOTAL points.

For example: Your teams total points are 10,000. Someone on your team kills the enemy power plant, your teams total are multiplied by half so its now 15,000 etc... Future points are also added in and then multiplied too.

1X Building killed = X0.5

2X Building killed = X1.0

3X Building killed = X1.5

4X Building killed = X2.0

You get the idea.

This will help to stop times when you kill half the enemy's base but they win on points because of some early whoring/camping.

Less "well were losing but have more points lets just camp for the next 30 minutes." and more "Shit guys were gonna lose if we don't go do something!"

A building kill should add a modifier to your TEAM TOTAL points.

For example: Your teams total points are 10,000. Someone on your team kills the enemy power plant, your teams total are multiplied by half so its now 15,000 etc... Future points are also added in and then multiplied too.

1X Building killed = +50% or score x1.5

2X Building killed = +100% or score x2

3X Building killed = +150% or score x2.5

4X Building killed = +200% or score x3

You get the idea.

This will help to stop times when you kill half the enemy's base but they win on points because of some early whoring/camping.

Less "well were losing but have more points lets just camp for the next 30 minutes." and more "Shit guys were gonna lose if we don't go do something!"

I get the idea but not the maths :P

Allow me to correct you ...

One thing though, a building kill reward as you suggest it will not stimulate early-kills. but late-game kills. The more score you have, the more the multiplier affects the score.


You team has a score of 500 and then kills 1 building early game, the reward as you say is 250 to your team. When your team waits 5 minutes and reaches 1000 teamscore, the reward for 1st building kill will be 500, totalling 1500. 2nd kill will then yeidl another 1500 totalling 3000, 3rd kill yields 4500 totalling 7500 points. (without regarding other point gains merely building deaths early game)

Fast forward to mid-endgame score levels, 20000 is not unheard of. 1st building kill on that level will yield 10000 points for a total of 30000. Then immagine a 2nd building death to happen shortly after (people complaining etc. not paying attention due to first loss) 30000 points for the 2nd building totalling 60000!

Now, in an AoW server, thats insurmountable.

No, fixed amounts are fine enough. I opted for 1500 but 2000 seems fine to me too. Just needs more equal distribution between participants rather than the one with the killing blow


I always thought there was a bonus for nuking or at least being the one that gets the recommendation for it. lol

I think differentiating between a "sudden" kill (beacon or C4) and a vehicle kill would be good. Maybe check how much HP the building had 10 seconds earlier and if it was >60%, you get the full points for the destruction (voted for 1k), while you only get half the points if you just landed the last shot.

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