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Posted (edited)

Hi there,

I saw a post on the forums here asking if there was a mutator out there that would allow for purchasable Tiberian vehicles.

Well, you now can do just that with this mutator.

The way to activate it in game is simple. Just open up a purchase terminal, and hit alt.

When you've done that you can see that the first three vehicles now have been changed. Pressing alt again changes the menu back to normal.

The vehicles included are


  • Wolverine: 400cr
    Hover MRLS: 600cr
    Titan: 800cr


  • Buggy: 300cr
    Recon Bike: 350cr
    Tick Tank: 600cr


Think the prices are wrong? Feel free to change it in the UDKTiberianVehicles.ini

Installation instructions:

- Put TiberianVehicles.u in your CookedPC folder (TNRD.u for V1.2 and lower)

- Put UDKTiberianVehicles.ini in your Config folder

What I recommend you try it with:

"...UDK.exe" CNC-[mapname]?game=RenX_Game.Rx_Game?mutator=TiberianVehicles.TiberianVehiclesMutator

(TNRD.TiberianVehiclesMutator for V1.2 and lower)

Bear in mind that the Titan is big. This means that on levels where there are low bridges in front of the base, the Titan most likely will not fit through.

Please make sure you update the ini file properly. (Copy-paste the new one and change the values to your likings)


V1.3 (patch)





V1.3 Patch 1
- Fixed icons missing

- Added delay for delaying the ability to purchase the vehicles
- Fixed prices not showing bug
- Titan EVA message is gone
- General code improvement

- Titan is now delivered by Airdrop chinook
- Delivery sounds only happen for the NOD Buggy and GDI Hover MRLS
- Flying vehicles bug fixed
- General improvement of code
- Tick Tank replaces Light Tank, Titan replaces Medium Tank

- Titan now spawns outside of the weapons factory
- All Tiberian vehicles damage can be changed in the config file

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.


Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Just tested this out and it is awesome! However, there are some issues of which two are crucial.

(Crucial) 1: On Lakeside, the Titan, when bought, walks diagonally out of the WF, gets stuck and eventually falls on it's back making it very hard (if not impossible) to get it out and is prone for destruction by another bought vehicle. Is there a way to make it spawn at the WF's platform instead of inside?

2: Titan currently inhibits the APC slot while it should inhibit the Medium Tank slot (because Titans are supposed to be the successors in TS)

3: Tick Tank, likewise, is supposed to be inhibiting the Light Tank slot

(Crucial) 4: The Advanced Buggy's 30mm cannons are -stupidly- strong against -everything-. Is there a way to nerf/boost damages in this mutator by including config lines?

If the two crucial ones can be fixed, I will happily create a poll on Comis on implementing this mutator. :)

EDIT: For the Titan one, you can also think about pushing it in a straight line while collapsed like in the following link: http://gfycat.com/UglySandyBats

Edited by Guest
Just tested this out and it is awesome! However, there are some issues of which two are crucial.

(Crucial) 1: On Lakeside, the Titan, when bought, walks diagonally out of the WF, gets stuck and eventually falls on it's back making it very hard (if not impossible) to get it out and is prone for destruction by another bought vehicle. Is there a way to make it spawn at the WF's platform instead of inside?

2: Titan currently inhibits the APC slot while it should inhibit the Medium Tank slot (because Titans are supposed to be the successors in TS)

3: Tick Tank, likewise, is supposed to be inhibiting the Light Tank slot

(Crucial) 4: The Advanced Buggy's 30mm cannons are -stupidly- strong against -everything-. Is there a way to nerf/boost damages in this mutator by including config lines?

If the two crucial ones can be fixed, I will happily create a poll on Comis on implementing this mutator. :)

EDIT: For the Titan one, you can also think about pushing it in a straight line while collapsed like in the following link: http://gfycat.com/UglySandyBats

Made #4 work. No idea how to do #1 yet but I'll see if I can fix that.

As far as #2 and #3 go, I can change the slot if you deem it valuable. I just put them on 1,2,3 because it was easy :D

Got it, can this be used with a public server? And is Islands the only map that can do this currently?

Nope, so far you cannot yet and it is bound to the left or right alt keys. Don't know really how to add the option to do this but I'll look into it later!


Good job! It would be nice to see ingame. Is there a way to change the cost though? I would personally prefer expensive Tib Sun vehicles, so people would also use the old vehicles as well.

Probably a 2-2,5x price increase would be good.


Hmm... just imagine... Having a match of Renegade X with TS vehicles only... Interesting! I would love to see how this works out!

P.S. You live in Breda? What a coincidence, I go to college there! Not only that, your profile picture feels awfully familiar to me... Do you happen to be in college as well? o.O

Good job! It would be nice to see ingame. Is there a way to change the cost though? I would personally prefer expensive Tib Sun vehicles, so people would also use the old vehicles as well.

Probably a 2-2,5x price increase would be good.


Think the prices are wrong? Feel free to change it in the UDKTiberianVehicles.ini


Hmm... just imagine... Having a match of Renegade X with TS vehicles only... Interesting! I would love to see how this works out!

P.S. You live in Breda? What a coincidence, I go to college there! Not only that, your profile picture feels awfully familiar to me... Do you happen to be in college as well? o.O

Lol, yep. IGAD... 3rd year-ish(? long story) programmer :)


IGAD... never heard of it... Care to explain a little bit? I'm studying Electical Engineering if that's how you call it in english, will soon start on my second year. Sometimes though, this guy with a big beard and glasses, about the same size and shape as yours popped up in class, he was i believe from the second year or something. Was a bit of a silent guy. I guess that wasn't you, hahaha!


IGAD is a study at NHTV and stands for International Game Architecture and Design. We're being taught how to make games etc, pretty cool stuff. I'm focusing on programming!

Think that wasn't me indeed, haha. A lot of people have beards now anyways.


Ahhh, i get it now! And nope, you're not the guy because you aren't even studying at the same school as me. :)

Funny to know that someone from this close is on the same,quiet but cosy forum as me. He even makes mutators! Have a good one! ;)

IGAD is a study at NHTV and stands for International Game Architecture and Design. We're being taught how to make games etc, pretty cool stuff. I'm focusing on programming!

Think that wasn't me indeed, haha. A lot of people have beards now anyways.

As someone from the Netherlands: can confirm, lots of Dutchies have beards. ;)

IGAD is a study at NHTV and stands for International Game Architecture and Design. We're being taught how to make games etc, pretty cool stuff. I'm focusing on programming!

Think that wasn't me indeed, haha. A lot of people have beards now anyways.

As someone from the Netherlands: can confirm, lots of Dutchies have beards. ;)

Since i've went to college, yes i've noticed, hahaha! :D

But it wasn't just the beard... Everything just fit, even though last time i saw that guy was several months ago. But who cares :P


minor bug on non flying maps the orca and chopper are highlighted as available. cant buy em but should prolly be fixed. will save confusion with the nubs.

also mute eva/cabal so they doesnt say the wrong vech?

Also some peeps asked if there could be a timer so say 1 vech every 10mins or not available for the first 30mins of a map etc?

iTweek":2ha6t329]yay will still change.

have also the ini put new items in my forum. The buggy is strong against vehicles and weak compared with building. But one must still ask about. 2 buggies make a mammoth flat ^^

But the mod makes real fun: D

http://renegade-x-forum.eu/index.php/Th ... Stettings/

Unfortunately there an error but does not know whether that can fixed

a><!-- m -->

Oh, that's weird. Thanks for showing this. I'll try to fix this in a couple of hours!

Nice to hear that people are enjoying it!


Updated main post for V1.3!


- Added delay for delaying the ability to purchase the vehicles (Delay=[seconds] in the ini file)

- Fixed prices not showing bug

- Titan EVA message is gone

- General code improvement


Yeah, I was thinking of giving it the dmg of the regular buggy or something. Or if people think of better price/dmg nerf then I can put those values as the default!

Funny to know that someone from this close is on the same,quiet but cosy forum as me. He even makes mutators! Have a good one! ;)

Bergen op Zoom represent, I visit Roosendaal (where you live) very often :)

with the latest version people are saying the ticktank does no damage? anyone else confirm?

Maybe the config file wasn't setup correctly? Tested it out and seemed to work for me. Though it has no default values so if it fails to load the config file correctly it'll do no damage.

Maybe I should add default values :D









Thats my config. did i derp? o.O


so, an off chance bug, was that the WF was able to buy tibsun vehicles despite being destroyed, without the delay or anything, just straight up buying. But you say this does not occur 100% of the time and it does work normally as well?

iTweek":1nzbxjlc]have now made tick tank new setting.

Now he makes Buldings~ 9% dmg and vehicles show ~ 9-12%

The titan give Buldings ~ 10% dmg and vehicles ~ 8-12%

I hope it goes better now. needs to be tested, of course,

http://renegade-x-forum.eu/index.php/Th ... gs/#post26

causing eigendlich settings:



Mine Damage Scale

what they mean to?

damage scale? It means that every weapon a base damage, but the damage scale on that armour type contains a multiplier to decide how much damage each weapon does in the end.

Let's take the mine damage scale, and let's make the repairgun hit a mine. usually it would deal -1 (it heals) damage, but if hitting armour with the Mine damage scale, that number would be multiplied with -1 ---> final damage dealt is -1 * -1 = 1. for every other weapon it has a multiplier of 0, therefore if i hit armour with the mine damage scale with a personal ion cannon, the final damage dealt would be 200 * 0 = 0. Does that help? :)


okey so would mine Damage clarified but Light Armor / MCT Damage I can not do anything yet

## Edid

What I have noticed that when a TS buys and a normal which is the time not taken into account when so spam the order.

It may be a normal thing when buying and after that a TS that it will spawn too fast and the Sammer dadruch or vehicle previously purchased will be destroyed.


I don't know how much health buildings have in Renegade X. I know they have 500 in C&C Renegade though. If remotes take off 20% of a building's health when they blew up on a MCT, that means buildings in Renegade X have 1000 health if the multiplier is 1, 2000 if the multiplier is 2, and 500 if the multiplier is 0,5.

Light armour is given to MRLS, Arties, Humvees and buggies. The current aircraft will be given their own armour class in patch 5.003 so they will have a diffrent damage scale.

If you aleady knew this but need exact numbers, I can't give those to you, I don't know what they are. I know SFJake made his own damage chart, but that's from beta 3 and things have changed since then. If you want to take a look, find any of his posts and click on the link in his signature.

Buildings have 4000 health.

I replied to this earlier, but I... guess it didn't send or I didn't click?

Either way, buildings have 4000, C4 does (including multiplier to MCT) 1600 if timed and 800 if remote. In total, 2 timed and 1 remote actually does 4000, but if 1 point of health is repaired between the timeds, then the building will survive.


Ah, that's good to know. I am currently working on another mutator that allows for way more customization (including adding the Tiberian vehicles). I'll try to hurry that one up so people can use that.


As far as the greyed out vehicles, that much is a reasonable display error, i'd accept that players should know better.

As far as the vehicles spawning fast enough to destroy the previous one, there should be a vehicle spawn delay, he should set that higher if possible for tibsun vehicles.


I would love to fix it but the SDK isn't up to date. The only thing I can do is decompile the patch and hope that it works, which I cannot guarantee.

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