TheDeadlyWolf Posted July 14, 2015 Posted July 14, 2015 Quote Log: Log file open, 07/14/15 15:42:45 Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467 DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini Init: Version: 12791 Init: Epic Internal: 0 Init: Compiled (32-bit): Jan 29 2015 19:31:11 Init: Changelist: 2424394 Init: Command line: editor Init: Base directory: E:\Renegade X SDK\Binaries\Win32\ [0000.48] Init: Computer: [0000.49] Init: User: [0000.49] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=8 [0000.49] Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.507519 MHz [0000.49] Init: Memory total: Physical=15.9GB (15GB approx) Pagefile=31.8GB Virtual=4.0GB [0000.49] Log: Steam Client API Disabled! [0000.51] Init: WinSock: [0000.51] Init: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes. [0000.52] Init: Object subsystem initialized [0000.53] Log: SystemSettings based on: SystemSettings [0000.55] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 [0000.55] Log: Adapter has 1990MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 2048MB of shared system memory [0000.60] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3 [0000.70] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED [0000.70] Init: Initializing FaceFX... [0000.70] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized. [0002.84] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 2.04 seconds [0002.84] Log: 85576 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. [0002.84] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool. [0003.37] Log: Supported Consoles: [0003.37] Log: IPhone [0003.37] Log: Mac [0003.37] Log: PC [0003.37] Log: Initializing Engine... [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Env_Terrain.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Env_Terrain.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo2': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo2' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_ProceduralSky.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'EffectsDemo_Resources': Can't find file for package 'EffectsDemo_Resources' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_ProceduralSky.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_ProceduralSky.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_ProceduralSky.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo2': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo2' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_ProceduralSky.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo2': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo2' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_ProceduralSky.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_Rain.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_Rain.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_Rain.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'EffectsDemo_Resources': Can't find file for package 'EffectsDemo_Resources' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_ProceduralSky.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_ProceduralSky.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo2': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo2' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\Shared\Effects\UDK_ProceduralSky.upk [0003.42] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Env_Terrain.upk [0003.44] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_BU_Materials.upk [0003.44] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_BU_Materials.upk [0003.46] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Effects\RX_IonCannonStrike.upk [0003.47] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Effects\RX_IonCannonStrike.upk [0003.47] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Effects\RX_IonCannonStrike.upk [0003.47] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Effects\RX_IonCannonStrike.upk [0003.47] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Effects\RX_IonCannonStrike.upk [0003.47] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Effects\RX_IonCannonStrike.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_BU_Materials.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageMap_Particles': Can't find file for package 'FoliageMap_Particles' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageMap_Particles': Can't find file for package 'FoliageMap_Particles' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'GenericFoliage01': Can't find file for package 'GenericFoliage01' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'GenericFoliage01': Can't find file for package 'GenericFoliage01' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.51] Log: Failed to load 'GenericFoliage01': Can't find file for package 'GenericFoliage01' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.52] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageDemo': Can't find file for package 'FoliageDemo' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.52] Log: Failed to load 'FoliageMap_Particles': Can't find file for package 'FoliageMap_Particles' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.52] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.52] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.52] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0003.52] Log: Failed to load 'GenericFoliage01': Can't find file for package 'GenericFoliage01' while loading ..\..\UDKGame\Content\RenX\Environments\RX_Mesa_Main.upk [0004.23] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_CorrugatedAluminum' ('Engine.MaterialInstanceConstant:TextureParameterValue.ParameterValue'). [0004.23] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0004.23] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_CorrugatedAluminum' ('---'). [0004.23] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0004.23] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_Corrugated_Metal_DMG_1' ('---'). [0004.23] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0004.23] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_Corrugated_Metal_EXT_DMG_2' ('---'). [0004.23] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0004.23] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_Corrugated_Metal_DMG_2' ('---'). [0004.23] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0004.23] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_Corrugated_Metal_EXT_DMG_3' ('---'). [0004.23] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0004.23] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_Corrugated_Metal_DMG_3' ('---'). [0004.24] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0004.61] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_CorrugatedAluminum_DMG_Parent' ('Engine.MaterialInstanceConstant:TextureParameterValue.ParameterValue'). [0004.61] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0004.61] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_CorrugatedAluminum_DMG_Parent' ('---'). [0004.61] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0004.61] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Chelsea.T_CHK_BlurredReflection_Cube_Dup'! Referenced by 'RX_BU_Materials.Materials.MI_Corrugated_Metal_EXT_DMG_1' ('---'). [0004.61] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0005.05] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Materials.OrganicMetal_Normal'! Referenced by 'RX_IonCannonStrike.Materials.Mat_GlowSphere' ('---'). [0005.05] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0005.07] Warning: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials.Materials.OrganicMetal_Normal'! Referenced by 'RX_IonCannonStrike.Materials.Mat_GlowSphere:MaterialExpressionTextureSample_4' ('Engine.MaterialExpressionTextureSample:Texture'). [0005.07] Log: Failed to load 'GDC_Materials': Can't find file for package 'GDC_Materials' while loading NULL [0005.21] Log: Building adjacency information for static mesh 'RX_CH_Gore.S_CH_Head_Chunk3'. [0005.28] Log: Building adjacency information for static mesh 'RX_CH_Gore.S_CH_Head_Chunk1'. [0005.28] Log: Building adjacency information for static mesh 'RX_CH_Gore.S_CH_Head_Chunk11'. [0005.28] Log: Building adjacency information for static mesh 'RX_CH_Gore.S_CH_Head_Chunk4'. [0005.28] Log: Building adjacency information for static mesh 'RX_CH_Gore.S_CH_Head_Chunk8'. [0005.86] Log: Building adjacency information for static mesh 'rx_fx_envy.Misc.SM_AbductionBeam'. [0005.92] Log: Missing cached shader map for material Mat_GlowSphere, quality 0, compiling. [0005.92] Warning: Failed to compile Material RX_IonCannonStrike.Materials.Mat_GlowSphere for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game. [0006.10] Log: Encountered missing default brush - spawning new one [0006.11] Init: UEngine initialized [0006.11] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software. [0006.11] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene. [0006.11] Init: Transaction tracking system initialized [0006.12] Log: Can't find edit package 'OnlineSubsystemLive' [0006.13] Log: Can't find edit package 'OnlineSubsystemPlayerGameServices' [0006.30] Init: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3) [0006.34] Init: XAudio2Device initialized. [0007.00] Init: Client initialized [0007.00] Init: Editor engine initialized [0007.07] Log: Initializing Engine Completed [0007.07] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 7.07s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [0007.17] Cmd: MODE MAPEXT=udk [0010.26] Log: === Critical error: === Fatal error! System.IO.FileLoadException error in UDK: Could not load file or assembly 'UnrealEdCSharp, Version=1.0.5507.32888, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515) at InteropTools.InitUnrealEdCSharpBackend() at GuardedMainWrapper(Char* , HINSTANCE__* , HINSTANCE__* , Int32 ) at ManagedGuardedMain(Char* CmdLine, HINSTANCE__* hInInstance, HINSTANCE__* hPrevInstance, Int32 nCmdShow) Inner exception System.NotSupportedException in mscorlib: An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS policy by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch. See for more information. at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.nLoadFile(String path, Evidence evidence) at System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(String path) at InteropTools.CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(Object __unnamed000, ResolveEventArgs AssemblyDetails) at System.AppDomain.OnAssemblyResolveEvent(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String assemblyFullName)Address = 0x758cc42d (filename not found) [in C:\windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll] Address = 0x6b228fdb (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x6b20dea5 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x5fa9d2f (filename not found) Address = 0x272969a (filename not found) [in E:\Renegade X SDK\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x2e4d3d3 (filename not found) [in E:\Renegade X SDK\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x6b0d2552 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x6b0df237 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x6b0dff60 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x6b258f89 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x6b1f6840 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x6b233dc5 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x6b233e68 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x6b233f7a (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x6b236b86 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\clr.dll] Address = 0x7297ffcc (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll] Address = 0x729f7f16 (filename not found) [in C:\windows\SYSTEM32\MSCOREE.DLL] Address = 0x729f4de3 (filename not found) [in C:\windows\SYSTEM32\MSCOREE.DLL] Address = 0x77b392e2 (filename not found) [in C:\windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll] Address = 0x77b392b5 (filename not found) [in C:\windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll] Address = 0x77b392b5 (filename not found) [in C:\windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll] Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted July 14, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 14, 2015 have you tryed running the 64bit version ? (if you have a 64bit OS that is) try unpacking the new SDK to a new directory (E:\Renegade X SDK 2) if you installed the sdk over / into the same folder as the old one there may be some hidden files left over (always best to install to a new folder or delete the root folder of the old version) Quote
TheDeadlyWolf Posted July 14, 2015 Author Posted July 14, 2015 have you tryed running the 64bit version ? (if you have a 64bit OS that is)try unpacking the new SDK to a new directory (E:\Renegade X SDK 2) if you installed the sdk over / into the same folder as the old one there may be some hidden files left over (always best to install to a new folder or delete the root folder of the old version) Just tried 64bit version and both crash at the same time My first install was overwriting the old files. My second install was a clean install of the SDK (recreated the same folder) EDIT: Third install into a new dictionary and the SDK still crashes on startup Quote
Henk Posted July 15, 2015 Posted July 15, 2015 Probably the same error I had, with the beta 4 sdk, and again with the beta 5 one (of course): Yes, I figured how to fix this bug.Courtesy of Encrypt: I have found a fix. Step 1: Go to where you have placed the SDK files. Navigate to the 'Binaries' folder. Step 2: Find 'UnrealEdCSharp.dll' Step 3: Right click and go to Properties. Step 4: At the bottom of the newly opened dialogue, it will say something about how it may be unsafe. Click the button to unblock it. And voila, it works! You can now open the editor without any issues. Havoc89 posted this as well from me Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted July 15, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 15, 2015 did you add any custom content before launching it ? Quote
TheDeadlyWolf Posted July 15, 2015 Author Posted July 15, 2015 Probably the same error I had, with the beta 4 sdk, and again with the beta 5 one (of course): Yes, I figured how to fix this bug.Courtesy of Encrypt: I have found a fix. Step 1: Go to where you have placed the SDK files. Navigate to the 'Binaries' folder. Step 2: Find 'UnrealEdCSharp.dll' Step 3: Right click and go to Properties. Step 4: At the bottom of the newly opened dialogue, it will say something about how it may be unsafe. Click the button to unblock it. And voila, it works! You can now open the editor without any issues. Havoc89 posted this as well from me THX Dude, First Try and Working, Many missing files though on load up did you add any custom content before launching it ? NO, the core files Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted July 15, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 15, 2015 odd this was meant to be fixed for this udk ... probably just windows being a n00b Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted September 13, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 13, 2015 that stuff is fine Quote
Xtractor Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 that stuff is fine fine.. that it is missing or fine that i should have it ? Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted September 13, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 13, 2015 every one has the same error so its all good Quote
Xtractor Posted September 13, 2015 Posted September 13, 2015 every one has the same error so its all good Ah ok Thanks Quote
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted September 23, 2015 Posted September 23, 2015 so,I've tried everything even the thing Aeibon says,nothing works,it keeps blocking back again I even tried using cmds in adminstrator mode,any help ? it also says : foliagematerialspherebrush then crashes Edit : I've moved it to the D:\ the blocking thing is fixed,but it still stops at folaigebrushwpherematerial Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted September 23, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 23, 2015 Super-Kh":3f8k3rbf]so,I've tried everything even the thing Aeibon says,nothing works,it keeps blocking back again I even tried using cmds in adminstrator mode,any help ? it also says : foliagematerialspherebrush then crashes Edit : I've moved it to the D:\ the blocking thing is fixed,but it still stops at folaigebrushwpherematerial You tried the fix in my signature? Quote
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted September 23, 2015 Posted September 23, 2015 Super-Kh":36kxepj8]so,I've tried everything even the thing Aeibon says,nothing works,it keeps blocking back again I even tried using cmds in adminstrator mode,any help ? it also says : foliagematerialspherebrush then crashes Edit : I've moved it to the D:\ the blocking thing is fixed,but it still stops at folaigebrushwpherematerial Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted September 23, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 23, 2015 Super-Kh":1pmrfjq3]Super-Kh":1pmrfjq3]so,I've tried everything even the thing Aeibon says,nothing works,it keeps blocking back again I even tried using cmds in adminstrator mode,any help ? it also says : foliagematerialspherebrush then crashes Edit : I've moved it to the D:\ the blocking thing is fixed,but it still stops at folaigebrushwpherematerial I dont know how you did everything he Aeibon did when I am the one who found that fix originally. viewtopic.php?p=145986#p145986 viewtopic.php?p=149429#p149429 Quote
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted September 23, 2015 Posted September 23, 2015 ok you posted it,I tried both solutions,nothing works I really have an Idea I want to try and do,even if I don't finish it,I will try to learn on sdk,and do my own map Quote
Ruud033 Posted September 23, 2015 Posted September 23, 2015 Super-Kh":2z8eoghd]ok you posted it,I tried both solutions,nothing works I really have an Idea I want to try and do,even if I don't finish it,I will try to learn on sdk,and do my own map That's a great initiative!!! I also started out that way once! Now I'm nose deep in the code itself lol.. If you need help don't be afraid to ask, be sure to create your own topic here @ the forums first though, it's the best way to ask for help. (inside your own topic) blabla Dude, I'm suprised to see you active again! Where have you been? Super-Kh":2z8eoghd]ok you posted it,I tried both solutions,nothing works So, what are you running, what windows version? Quote
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted September 23, 2015 Posted September 23, 2015 windows 8,32 bit,and yes I run the win 32 version of the sdk,and yes I haven't merged the game with the sdk and yes I added Editor in the end of the target box Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted September 23, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 23, 2015 Super-Kh":12093tiq]windows 8,32 bit,and yes I run the win 32 version of the sdk,and yes I haven't merged the game with the sdk and yes I added Editor in the end of the target box This is either a file corruption problem, the SDK is getting blocked by antivirus or something, or your drivers are out of date. Quote
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 I have all my drivers up-to-date,maybe there is some sort of drivers I don't even have ? what are all the drivers that the sdk needs ? Quote
Ruud033 Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Super-Kh":31gw6hxg]windows 8,32 bit,and yes I run the win 32 version of the sdk,and yes I haven't merged the game with the sdk and yes I added Editor in the end of the target box win 8 -or- win 8.1 ??? Quote
Ruud033 Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Super-Kh":3n87rhg7]8.0 not 8.1 Can you also run the program in compatibility mode? Quote
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 I tried running it with compatibility mode,doesn't work crashes on the same thing (foliage......blah blah blah) Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted September 24, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 24, 2015 Either you aren't doing to DLL fix correctly, or there is antivirus or something blocking the file access is my guess. Quote
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 so far nothing is working,I've been talking to Ruud on irc to find a fix,updating to 8.1 doesn't work at all,I have to format to get it working,and I don't have any place to back-up my files to,please any help ? Quote
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