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Honestly, the 2% of people who usually can live long enough without a refill while in the field to spend their entire carry capacity of ammo, will just be slightly rewarded by this. I say slightly, because there is no way they can live long enough to spend 2x their carry capacity without a health supplement. I can live with that being a reward for longevity.

Going by what you're saying, I can conclude from your statements, that infinite ammo is a useless change for nearly everybody. Plus, only good and slow players benefit from it, making them even better.


Honestly, the 2% of people who usually can live long enough without a refill while in the field to spend their entire carry capacity of ammo, will just be slightly rewarded by this. I say slightly, because there is no way they can live long enough to spend 2x their carry capacity without a health supplement. I can live with that being a reward for longevity.

Going by what you're saying, I can conclude from your statements, that infinite ammo is a useless change for nearly everybody. Plus, only good and slow players benefit from it, making them even better.

I can easily say there are at least 10 more important game ideas to consider. 10 more important game ideas were put into a mutator to help gameplay recently. Infinite ammo, neither matters nor changes anything either way.


I do run out of ammo a lot,but an increase in the refill crates will do.

I don't mind giving free infantry,officers,rocket soldiers, and Mcfarlands infinite ammo though.

I do run out of ammo a lot,but an increase in the refill crates will do.

I don't mind giving free infantry,officers,rocket soldiers, and Mcfarlands infinite ammo though.

Mcfartland and infinite ammo? Thats a no imo! They do heavy splash as it is at a long range. It's a good deterrence for them to have to watch their ammo.

Infinite ammo is something we had on old-ren and for that reason I might consider it nostalgic. But at the moment, I'm find with the limited ammo as is.

People running back to base as soon as they hit the 50% health/armor mark anyway. So when you are on a 1v1 battle, the victor will return to base anyway to refill.

I've only seen a few players sticking to their position with low health. And imo, staying in the field is what is mostly needed to win.

Holding a chokepoint while waiting for reinforcements is better than to walk back and refill and lose the chokepoint. You'd lose the advantage! I'd rather die defending it with a 1k character and emerge victorious in the long run than to accept defeat just because I didnt feel like dieing that one time.

Now, how to accomplish this?

Infinite ammo might help, but it will also increase sniper-staying power from long-distance sniping. Which is a negative imo.

I'd say instead of infinite ammo, care-packages should drop when you kill an enemy. Be mindful though, everyone can pick those up! That way, snipers still have the staying power as they have now, having to run back to refill ammo when long-distance sniping, while in the CQC, people have the carepackages to consider.

How much in a carepackage?

50 health, 50 armor and 1 clip for your primary and secondary. Not exceeding the amount you start out with.

For free classes this means 50% health and 50% armor plus a 100rnd clip (soldier) 8 shotgun shells 10 marksman shots.

For higher tiers, it's less than 50% health/armor, but for an officer e.g. a 100rnd clip is massive!

For a 1k character, it's 50% armor and 20% health. But again, snipers get just 4 shots while mobius gets a 75 rnd clip.

This means, relatively speaking, free-classes or lower tiers benefit more than higher tiers.

So, in short, carepackages > infinite armor is my opinion. And the amound within those packages is up to debate. But one thing is certain, there should be static values in those packages not % values.

Now for the topic:

I do find myself running back t o base quite often.

Not when I run out, but already before that happens. (lets say, when I have 1 clip left, for the trip home)

I do run out of ammo a lot,but an increase in the refill crates will do.

I don't mind giving free infantry,officers,rocket soldiers, and Mcfarlands infinite ammo though.

RS is the absolute #1 unit that should never have infinite ammo.


I could get behind drops of health armor and ammo, like truxa said. Generally, it does benefit everyone that needs it the most. Mainly, the frontline combat that kill close and personal, the surviving engineers in the field when one gets picked off the other can use the drop, and it does give the overall winner of a battle an advantage while not giving him total field staying power (he will likely take more than 50-100 damage.

  • Totem Arts Staff
I could get behind drops of health armor and ammo, like truxa said. Generally, it does benefit everyone that needs it the most. Mainly, the frontline combat that kill close and personal, the surviving engineers in the field when one gets picked off the other can use the drop, and it does give the overall winner of a battle an advantage while not giving him total field staying power (he will likely take more than 50-100 damage.

Already in the works, as I've only suggested it 2-3 times already...

I could get behind drops of health armor and ammo, like truxa said. Generally, it does benefit everyone that needs it the most. Mainly, the frontline combat that kill close and personal, the surviving engineers in the field when one gets picked off the other can use the drop, and it does give the overall winner of a battle an advantage while not giving him total field staying power (he will likely take more than 50-100 damage.

Already in the works, as I've only suggested it 2-3 times already...


I've read this suggestion before somewhere and imo it's either infinite ammo or these carepackages. With my strongest preverence for the carepackages.

I hope this ends the discussion about infinite ammo!

  • Totem Arts Staff
I could get behind drops of health armor and ammo, like truxa said. Generally, it does benefit everyone that needs it the most. Mainly, the frontline combat that kill close and personal, the surviving engineers in the field when one gets picked off the other can use the drop, and it does give the overall winner of a battle an advantage while not giving him total field staying power (he will likely take more than 50-100 damage.

Already in the works, as I've only suggested it 2-3 times already...


I've read this suggestion before somewhere and imo it's either infinite ammo or these carepackages. With my strongest preverence for the carepackages.

I hope this ends the discussion about infinite ammo!

The drops were mostly for health though, not ammo.


Yup, I get that.

The old ren took into account what you needed most (solo missions atleast) dropping health packages when you are low on health and dropping armor packages when you needed armor.

The combined idea is just to counter the infinite ammo idea and running back to base for refills.

Furthermore, people would need armor more than health anyway, because thats get hit for the most part. So effectively, you get 50 armor and 50 or less health when you have lost less than 50 health. As an extra, 1 ammo clip.

It might be too much, like I said the drop values are up to debate, maybe even 25 health 25 armor and 1/2 a clip. or 50 health/armor and 1/2 a clip.

I guess the values needed to be field-tested


Just do that! For 1-2 days. Nobody can imagine how cool it is untill they try it by themself. If a team cant kill one annoying player and secure strategic points, they don't deserve to win.

It would be a pity if we dont even try it. I personally like trying new things and then I can decide if its good or not. Theory is stupid in this situation if they have this mutator already done!


It is something someone can make fairly easily with mutators. I been reading uc for a lot of last few days. I seen code for naturally occuring health regen so-many seconds after battle, apparently it was added but not used. That, for instance, just requires a no to change into a yes. This, very possibly, might require a no to become a yes.

  • Totem Arts Staff
It is something someone can make fairly easily with mutators. I been reading uc for a lot of last few days. I seen code for naturally occuring health regen so-many seconds after battle, apparently it was added but not used. That, for instance, just requires a no to change into a yes. This, very possibly, might require a no to become a yes.

No seriously... it's that simple. Could be made slightly cleaner looking if I used a config file, but I didn't 100% know how at the time... and honestly it isn't that worth changing right now.

You want to know how simple the infinite ammo mutator is? It is literally 10 lines, and could very well be less.

class Rx_InfAmmo extends UTMutator ;

simulated function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other) {

if (Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon') && !Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon_TimedC4') && !Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon_RemoteC4') && !Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4') && !Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon_Grenade')){

SetInfinite(Rx_Weapon(Other)) ;


return true;


simulated function SetInfinite(Rx_Weapon Weap){

Weap.bHasInfiniteAmmo = true ;

That's literally all of it. There's a reason I did it first. Was going to release it with a configuration file so servers could manipulate what weapons had infinite ammo and what didn't (plus wouldn't have that big ugly line), but like I said... not really motivated to change it at the moment.

Anywho... infinite ammo's been up on the NA server for awhile. Haven't poked at TMX EU server admins enough to get it thrown on there for like a week or two.

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