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  • Totem Arts Staff

Additional note. The UPK file included in new beta is supposed to be in Vehicle, not Environment folder. It contains the new Hovercraft physics assets. All environment assets fixes are included inside the map itself (yes, you can contain models and textures inside the map itself

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

First Beta of CNC-Eyes is out now! :)

Hope to play it soon on the Test Server with some other Players.

Edited by Guest
  • Totem Arts Staff

so this is a newer version of Coastal. So thats why i can't join the server

  • Totem Arts Staff

My map (CNC-Tutorial) is up and running now. But I am planning to update the map. And I think it will be a version 2 because it has a lot of changes in the map. I'm still working on it but this is a little preview of the changelist:

- Added ramps to the buildings (map is still a non-fly map)

- Rotated the GDI Weapons Factory so the vehicle rollout will not be a traffic jam.

- Putted the catwalks in the GDI Weapons Factory lower so you can't see outside when you're inside.

- Added a bunker at the beach for Nod so both teams got there own bunker.

- Changed the Master Control Ternimal Color at the Bunker (GDI Side). GDI Bunker's MCT is now Yellow. Nod Bunker's MCT is Red of course.

- Changed the landscape a bit. GDI base has more grass now.

- Changed the Level name. CNC-Tutorial is going to be called CNC-TrainingYard

- Fixed the flying tree at the GDI Base.

- Changed some paths for Infantry.

- Added some barrels and Metal Crates at the bases.

I think I will make the paths for vehicles bigger. The paths for tanks are too small so the vehicles will crash against each other and that creates more traffic jams.

I think I remove the Rocks at the Tiberium Fields so the field will look more bigger.

I have also tought there are not real sniper vantage points so I think I will add some.

And some good news. I've started to make a second custom map for Renegade X.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Dakuja's eyes is in process of reuploading due to the path not being rebuilt, resulting Nod spawning in GDI's base and GDI unable to spawn

Also, I crashed the server again, this time due to B0NG mistyping the map name from CNC-CoastalSmall to CNC-CostalSmall

anyway, fixed Eyes

Dakuja's eyes is in process of reuploading due to the path not being rebuilt, resulting Nod spawning in GDI's base and GDI unable to spawn

anyway, fixed Eyes


Also, I crashed the server again, this time due to B0NG mistyping the map name from CNC-CoastalSmall to CNC-CostalSmall


  • Totem Arts Staff

Oh, and I'd like to inform you that for some reason, bots will proceed to buy Orca in the CoastalSmall, despite having flying vehicles disabled xD

I probably forgot to add the MapInfo, but uh, will do it later

  • Totem Arts Staff

CNC-TrainigYard is uploaded to Moddb and Google Drive. It's the same map as CNC-Tutorial. Dr. B0NG you need to remove Tutorial and add TrainingYard.

CNC-TrainigYard is uploaded to Moddb and Google Drive. It's the same map as CNC-Tutorial. Dr. B0NG you need to remove Tutorial and add TrainingYard.

Link Moddb: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x-custom-maps

Google Drive: Just find it in google drive by typing in CNC-TrainingYard

The mirror for ModDB isn't working and from what I'm aware of, you can't search other people's Google Drives. Please post the link to Drive here.

hopefully you don't replace the UDKMenu.ini

though if done right, it should be on the list

not replacing but adding the code to the list

GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="ing://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial")

  • Totem Arts Staff
hopefully you don't replace the UDKMenu.ini

though if done right, it should be on the list

not replacing but adding the code to the list

GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="ing://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial")

First it should be

GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial")

Second... I kinda doubt the image exists...

hopefully you don't replace the UDKMenu.ini

though if done right, it should be on the list

not replacing but adding the code to the list

GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="ing://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial")

First it should be

GameplayMaps(Filename="CNC-Tutorial", Description="Tutorial",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic",MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-tutorial")

Second... I kinda doubt the image exists...


So it's the code ^^ that is missing that why it wont show in the map list in skirmish ?

And btw i dont see in forum all the complete text of the post .I have to quote the post and read it from there to see all :/

  • Totem Arts Staff

Okay if the link to my map doesn't work.

I hope it works now. if it doesn't work. Then go to Moddb and type in at "search" "Renegade X Custom Maps"

  • Totem Arts Staff

There's... a little bit problem with your link Thommy. While it downloads fast enough, I usually need to login first before I can access the mirror. If B0NG doesn't have an account, it will not allow him to download. It's not the link, it's the download mirror that's the problem

To get Google Drive link, right click your map, select share. Go to Advanced and make sure it either says Anyone can view, or Only people with link can view. Then get the link on the box and copy-paste it

You can download the map now from google drive:


CNC-Eyes Beta 1.3 : Now released in OP


Note: @DaKuja The last two releases you've sent me only contain the UDK file and not the environment (UPK) file. I'm assuming the old environment file still works, however, new people installing the map will need the environment file as well. I will update your .zip to include the UPK file but if you could include that in the future, it would be much appreciated.

Another note: If the map devs could please upload your maps in the .zip format that would also be much appreciated. While I have 7zip installed, I'm sure there's a few folks who don't know what a .rar is and how to deal with it.

I'll be converting all existing .rar archives into .zip archives.

As always, good work on the maps guys, keep 'em coming.

ignore the bold but yeah. it's img

there was a missing = also after GameplayMaps

Anyways I gave up .Id double check and still not in the list ..although I did open by the console .

My first impression is the Bases are two close from each other ,very easy to infiltrate and path too small for vehicules .Add some space between the 2 Base and that should looks great :)

  • Totem Arts Staff

Seems like it also affects some RenX servers, including TmX's US server and the ALL DECK ALL DAY. I see fewer servers running on the list...

O well, let's download Carnage Club first

Seems like it also affects some RenX servers, including TmX's US server and the ALL DECK ALL DAY. I see fewer servers running on the list...

O well, let's download Carnage Club first

All of those servers were running on the same physical machine but with different ports, that's why they're all down.


but I don't think it's just TmX. It felt like a portion of the list was taken away

Yup, anyone who uses OVH in North America as their provider is gone. Storm, subglobal, and myself use OVH.


Web server is back up but now OVH seems to be blocking some ports I need.

The current port that the testing server runs on is blocked and I have no spare ports to use as the only other open ones are 80 and 443. I submitted a ticket but until OVH unblocks those ports, the testing server will remain down.

  • Totem Arts Staff

First I was thinking of using the official materials that was used in C&C Renegade. But they looked very old in the SDK. But I found some better materials.

Update: I'm making a New one. Because the top was too big and I forgot something. I Will make a video of the New one when it's done

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm gonna update TrainingYard because I figured something out that will make history in Renegade X and never seen in RenX yet, only in C&C Renegade:

Spawning weapons!!!!

It is possible to use a UTWeaponPickUpFactory and spawn then Renegade X Weapons. I checked it by spawning all weapons and it worked. You can hold like in C&C Renegade all the weapons.

And I will add the WatchTower to the map.

  • Totem Arts Staff

it IS possible. The giveweapon command works as well, and the RenX weapon is the extension of UTWeapon too

Also, they tried it at DM-Complex

I guess this SDK is the chance for us to sway from the mainstream lol. Ruud got Titan, I got Hovercraft, you got pickup weapons :P

  • Totem Arts Staff

Changelist for CNC-TrainingYard Version 2.1:

- Added Spawn Points for weapons. You can pick up these weapons:


2.Marksman Rifle

3.Sniper Rifle

4.Laser Rifle

5.Grenade Launcher

6.Flame Thrower

7.Repair Tool (no not the repair gun. An unreleased weapon that not a single one character owns and not for Purchase in the PT)

- Removed the GDI and Nod Power Plant

- Moved the GDI Tiberium Refinery to the GDI Power Plants location

- Added the WatchTowers (GDI WatchTower Stands at Old GDI Refinery location, Nod WatchTower at Nod Power Plant Location

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