RypeL Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 General: Added support for custom maps Added auto patcher to the launcher Added 3 new maps (CNC-Complex, CNC-Under, CNC-Canyon) Donations are disabled for the first mins of a game depending on new serversetting 'DonationsDisabledTime'. Default is 3 minutes. The start of an online match is now delayed by 20 seconds. The start of the match will be delayed till either the server filled up or till NetWaitTime=20 rans out. After that a final 10 second counter will start before the game begins Remote C4 does not influence the teams minelimit anymore. Instead there is a special remote c4 limit of 4 per person When you get killed the camera now rotates towards your killer so that you can see what direction you were killed from Optimized particle trail effects on various missile, shells, and bullet particles for better performance Mines now show who placed them in their targeted description You can now disarm your own mines to place them somewhere else (With secondary repairgun fire you can still heal them aswell) Added mapspecific mine- and vehiclelimits that can be configured in the UDKRenegadeX.ini. See DefaultRenegadeX.ini for examples Timed C4 now plays beep(s) every 5 seconds When you die from C4/Mines the kill message should now always display the C4/Mine owner as your killer instead of just "you suicided/died" New character/vehicle shader system with cubemap reflections Added visual countdown to the beacons targetingbox indicating how much time is left to disarm it SBH and Stanks have their stealth deactivated when inside an EMP Field Servers can now use a Fixed Map Rotation by setting bFixedMapRotation to true Body damage now causes blood splatter effects Added Smoke Grenade. Spawns a SmokeScreen that blocks targeting and Line of Sight from Base Defences. New Vehicle Locking system: Players can now bind to a single vehicle, which allows them to lock/unlock the vehicle at any time. Locking only locks the driver seat. If another player is currently the driver at the time it gets locked, they are moved to passenger (or booted out if no room). A vehicle will auto-unlock if the owner dies. Binds are lost on team change, disconnect, enemy hijack, binding another vehicle. Auto-bind will occur if a player gets in a vehicle they purchased, and they don't already have a bound vehicle. Lock/Unlock is performed by pressing L. Bind/Unbind is performed by holding L for one second. Vehicles show if they are locked or reserved and whether you own them in their targeted description. [*]You now get 10 damage per sec when standing on an active air vehicle to prevent vehicle surfing [*]Crates adjustments: You will not get a refill crate when your ammo and health are above 75% You will not get a character swtiching crate if you already have a non free character Crates now will spawn at the beginning of every game minute to make them less random Initial Money ctate credits changed from 100 -> 150 Character Crates wont award the free char classes anymore so that its more worthwhile to get [*]Changing to and from walking and jumping is now client-predicted to make it smoother in online play [*]Additional improvements to pawn movement speed adjustments: The Jumping slow down now applies while maintaining constant speed (before it would only apply if you changed to a different speed (eg from sprint to run) The slowest you can be forced to go (via repeated jumping) is walking speed. Improved smoothness. [*]Clients can now see the about to be kicked for idling warnings [*]Set KickIdlers on by default, and set to 5 minutes [*]Vehicles that have passengers but no driver now remain on the occupants team instead of going neutral. [*]If a vehicle reserve time expires, its team gets switched to Neutral. [*]Added a server option bReserveVehiclesToBuyer (default true) which when set to false, disables the automatic buyer-only reserve of a purchased vehicle. (It still remains Team reserved) [*]Added collision on a few deco props that needed collision [*]Added a 'Your score this minute' info to the additional HUD info that you get by using the 'V' key [*]Harvester respawntime increased by 10 secs [*]Respawntime for vehicles created after a harvester increased by 2 secs to make it less unlikely for them blowing up the previously spawned harv [*]Added check to prevent players from placing beacons inside their own base (the check is based on the spotting locations/buildings. if the nearest spotting actor is a friendly building the beacon cant be placed. The player gets a message informing him about it) [*]Improved the End of Map vote. You can now exclude the last X amount of maps (RecentMapsToExclude [def=3]) and also define how many options to list (MaxMapVoteSize [def=5]). They are also scrambled, so they aren't always listed in the same order. (Config in UDKRenegadeX.ini) [*]The EMP Grenade Blast can now disarm Proximity and AT Mines [*]Increased EMP Grenade cook time to allow vehicles to be able to avoid grenades before they detonate (we are currently thinking of making EMPs stick to vehicles so that there is a delay for the EMP effect but so that the vehicles cant just easily avoid them) [*]Hitting an enemy building with an EMP triggers the "Building Under Attack" message [*]Base Defences now all have proper names in kill messages. [*]Suppressed death messages when a player switches team or disconnects. [*]Harvester now gives proper kill messages when running players over. [*]Kill messages now differentiate between killing yourself and dying "by nobody" (eg the World). [*]Players will now switch to previously equipped weapon from any explosive-type weapon(s) once the ammo count has reached 0. [*]Characters have less gravity to be a little more arcade-ish [*]C4s now play "impact" sounds [*]Added vehicle death messages [*]Havoc and Sakura will now have remote c4 as their default explosive weapons [*]Camera doesent get attached to head gibs anymore [*]Setup of global map info parameters for vehicles and characters similar to the stealth parameters that can allow various visual components of characters and vehicles to be edited on a per map basis. Such as global cubemaps, reflection colour, and brightness [*]The light at the end of the repair beam is now blue [*]Reduced momentum inflicted to dead bodies so that ragdolls are less extreme [*]Airstrikes cant be placed near a beacon anymore [*]Airstrikes have a 30 second cooldown per team [*]Added ability to buy vehicles via airdrop at increased prize and with a 4:30 minutes cooldown when WF/AS got destroyed [*]The visibility of the targetingbox now matches the weaponrange more closely [*]Inreased vertical movementspeed of Apache/Orca to make them more fun to fly [*]fixed that if you scope in with a sniper and then press F (toggle third/first person), you will have a third person scope that shows your head and is a bit higher [*]fixed beeing able to deploy beacons while parachuting [*]fixed hitmarkers not showing when scoped [*]Reduced volume of some of the GDI Airstrike sounds [*]Suicides no longer increment kill count [*]Player Pings are now more accurate on the ScoreBoard [*]Obelisk now only charges if he has a clear line of fire [*]Added a music player to the audio settings preloaded with ren and renx tracks [*]Repairguns secondary firemode now automatically keeps firing for about 25 seconds (can be canceled/reset by pressing either secondary or primary fire again) [*]Updated to latest UDK version [*]Added Rx_SeqAct_GetCredits and Rx_SeqAct_RemoveCredits kismet actions for mappers to make kismet actions based on a players credits (Kismet category: Actions->RenX) [*]Added 3D Studio Max rig example files for weapons, vehicles, and characters [*]Added Bloom and MouseSmoothing options in both Main Menu and Pause Menu [*]Disabled static decals by default in all video modes below ultra cause it uses a lot of performance [*]Removec vehicle explosion debris for now as they might be responsible for game freezes. We will see about maybe readding them back later [*]Reduced Orca distant engine volume [*]Some additional hit replication into demos (for cheatdetection purposes when viewing demos) [*]Doubled ConfiguredInternetSpeed and MaxInternetClientRate which might result in smoother online play [*]Refinery still giving 1 credits per sec when destroyed [*]Harvester airdrops with a 6 min cooldown if AS/WF are destroyed [*]First three lower tier char classes are still available at 20% increased prize when HON/Bar are destroyed at an increased prize [*]Death of PP now inly causes a 50% cost penalty instead of 100% [*]stamina should now be updated client-side for refill crates User Interface: Added error messages dialog for errors that occured during connecting/loading maps End game scoreboard will now scroll to the most bottom everytime there is new chat message in Hud doesent show passengers of enemy vehicles anymore so that you cant judge the danger of an APC rush that easily anymore chat box will scroll down for each message that comes in pause menu. chat box is now set to multiline and warped resolved duplicated message in pause menu chat box will no longer overflow outside its bounds in pause menu spotting adds markers on the minimap spotting adds markers on the Main HUD increased the font size for the end game scoreboard chatlog, chatInput and chatButton Resolved issue on locked EMP and AT for hotty and techie in PT in MP Resolved the issue of missing/non-removal loadout issue in PT when purchasing/swapping characters Nuke/Ion Beacon deployment HUD message is now displayed in the kill feed area. Moved Building destroyed HUD message over to Kill Feed/Game Events area. Team join messages now appear on the HUD in the Game Events area AGT and Obelisk show a "Weapons Offline" description when the Power Plant is destroyed. Main HUD Images are now noticibly sharper and brighter, flash filters are now used correctly Added a variant of the loading screen with the how to play instructions player will be notified with a dialog once the ingame server fetching is completed RCon: Added Rx_Mutator class. Will allow for any Rx-specific mutator hooks (like custom rcon commands) Kills by base defences are now RxLogged. Team changes are now RxLogged. EVAPrivateSay command renamed to HostPrivateSay. The name is displayed as "Host" rather than "EVA". Added HostSay command which displays a chat message to all players in the chat area as Host (rather than the EVA area). Host name is pale blue like the HostPrivateChat, and message is plain white (stands out slightly from the blue-tinted white of normal player chats). Beacon disarm messages are now RxLogged and displayed on the HUD in the Game Events. Added new Rcon Command implementation that allows for commands to send back replies. Added HUD and RxLog messages for Silo capture and neutralise. Added RxLog message for map change and load. Includes map changing to and whether or not it is Seamless. Added ChangeMap RconCommand. ClientLists now shows Admin Status. ClientList retrieved via rcon now separates fields by NBSP rather than the double space. Added RecordDemo RconCommand. Timed C4 now shows the countdown in its description (not for enemies) The auth success response now also includes the IPString for the connection. Votes are now RxLogged. Added CancelVote RconCommand that can cancel votes in progress. Vehicles, Automated Defences and Emplacements kills are all now explicitly separated from each other in log messages. Kills by AI (not bots, but defences and harvy) are now completely logged. RxLog format revamp for nicer parsing. Added Mutate rcon commands Added RCON commands: Team, Team2, Ping, GiveCredits Added dynamic RCON commands Added "Help" RCON command (lists commands and displays help/syntax for specific commands) Added "HasCommand" RCON command Added "ListMutators" RCON command Added "LoadMutator" RCON command Added "UnloadMutator" RCON command Added InitRconCommands() function to Rx_Mutator for mutators to override Fixes: Fixed Team Donate messages saying you donated to yourself when someone else team donated to you Harv is less likely to stop moving and if it does pushing it around can now make it go again Fixed spotting always saying a player was spotted near a building. Gives proper area descriptions now Fixed points system not always awarding points/credits based on actual inflicted damage. For example running an enemy over with a vehicle could sometimes award you 2000 points/credits. And doing the last 1% damage to an enemy could award you the same ammount of points as dealing like 20% damage. Fixed hitmarkers showing on dead bodies/vehicles Fixed instanthit weapons not dealing damage at cheastheight in MP Death by Proxy should now show correctly use the Proximity Mine icon instead of the AT Mine icon. Fixed destruction of Defence Emplacements (regardless of team) causing GDI Vehicle count to decrease Fixed Ref harvester docking door not opening/closing in MP Optimized the ammount of calls that are sent to the masterserver informing it about a change in playernumber. This should help reducing issues of the servers sometimes not showing the correct ammount of players Fixed online Refill issues Client-side vehicle effects are now able to play for passenger weapons Fixed SBH sometimes beeing visible to you, when you switched teams from Nod to GDI or connected mid game Fixed killing yourself or teammates with your own beacon awarding you points Fixed auto teambalancing not working. It will work again like in Beta 2. Fixed AGT Rockets not actually being on the GDI team. Fixed issues with C130 animation starting too soon when spawning harvesters or for the next vehicle after spawning a harvester Entered passengers (not swapped seats) will now update its HUD to its vehicle representative instead of default A-10 icon. Fixed Repairgun Beam display issues in demoplayback Fixed that when you were killed on first person you couldnt see your killed player model with the death cam Resolve issue of MapList's ScrollingList UI Component being resized in MainMenu Map. Fixed issue with weapons trying to resume fire in the last used firing state when holding down fire when coming out of a reload. Vehicles: Buggy: 4 Wheel steering Vehicle physics made to be a bit more chaotic and slippery Reduced gravity make the buggy catch more air and hang time Optimized physics by removing 4 invisible wheels that were used to calculate cosmetic suspension (They are no handled without having clone wheels and are now following the actual wheels to handle the cosmetic suspension effect) GDI/Nod APC: have new firing sounds have gotten a similar lower gravity treatment just like the Buggy Made the GDI APC less wonky Humvee: got a similar lower gravity treatment just like the Buggy Flame Tank: Flame Tank rate of fire doubled but damage halfed Flame Tank fire effect removed and instead projectiles now hold emitter for accurate display Flame Tank projectiles now travel straight out of the barrel rather than turning to hit the crosshair Flame Tank damage vs infantry increased slightly Reduced projectile speed Optimized fireball projectile effect Reduced fireball spread because there is a volumetric projectile instead Artillery: Artillery projectile travels slightly slower MRLS: MRLS projectiles travel slightly faster Chinook: Fixed weapon reloading issue Weapons: Updated sight textures on various weapons Grenade: Increased damage and radius slightly Reduced bouncy-ness Added an alt fire which doesnt chuck the grenade too far can now damage through walls like C4 Tactical Rifle Removed distortion emitter from tactical rifle's muzzle flash from first person view so that the scope is clear when firing Marksman Rifle: Added 2 more magazines Updated scope crosshairs PIC / Railgun: Changed the reticle to be the same as the sniper Autorifle: Updated iron sight to be less obtrusive and more accurate Carbine: Reduced rate of fire Reduced pitch of firing sound to match rate of fire Flak Cannon: Primary fire is a little more accurate Primary fire is slightly faster Primary fire has a bit more headshot damage Alt fire is a little bit faster Alt fire has a little more damage Secondary speed and damage has been increased slightly Fixed projectile spawning too far from the right of the character Flak cannon has a new firing sound Grenade Launcher: Reduced max range Increase grenade velocity to make it easier to hit mid ranged targets (vehicles) Chaingun: Removed rev up and rev down times Recoil goes up instead of down Rate of fire decreased slightly to compensate for no rev up time Base spread increased slightly Chemical Thrower: Increased projectile velocity Increased range to make it easier to hit mid ranged targets (vehicles) Updated effect to be easier to see but also more accurately represent the projectiles Mag size reduced to 50 Reserve Mags doubled to compensate Range increased (Effective Range matches Flak Cannon) Projectile radius increased Damage vs all increased (Damage Per second matches Flak Cannon) Added radial splash damage Rate of fire reduced to match ren's rate of fire Flame Thrower: Increased projectile velocity Increased range to make it easier to hit mid ranged targets (vehicles) Updated effect to be easier to see but also more accurately represent the projectiles Mag size reduced to 50 Reserve Mags doubled to compensate Range increased (Effective Range matches Grenade Launcher) Projectile radius increased Damage vs all increased (Damage Per second matches Grenade Launcher) Added radial splash damage Rate of fire reduced to match ren's rate of fire Laser Chaingun: Removed rev up and rev down times Recoil goes up instead of down fireinterval from 0.08 to 0.1 slight spread increase Machine Pistol: Has the same reticle as the Autorifle Mag size increased to 40 rounds Ramjet Rifle: Updated Beam to be a bit less obvious damage vs infantry has gone down from 200 to 180 so no more one hit kill on free infantry Volt Auto Rifle: Reduced primary fire rate of fire added charged alt-fire Tiberium Auto rifle: projectile no longer has an arc on the projectile increased vehicle and light armoured vehicle damage Maps: New Map: CNC-Canyon New Map: CNC-Complex New Map: CNC-Under Xmountain: fixed collision on rocks fixed getting stuck between rocks and walls fixed GDI tib growth animation fixed rocket ladders (GDI side) added blocking volume fail safe for rocket ladders (both sides) fixed GDI harvester path resolved the "stupid tree" (near GDI wf) fixed floating trees fix possible way to get out the map built paths built production lights put blocking volumes around the large bunkers to stop people jumping dont in to the base removed the ramps in side the large bunkers (dont need them to look though the view ports) removed all the trees in the middle of GDI base moved GDI harvester to the middle of the base moved the rock boundary to conform to the new base shape re painted and sculpted the landscape in and around GDI base re did the grass trees and stone foliage in around GDI base re did some paths in GDI base removed and replaced the track decals around the GDI base edit added new blocking volumes to some rocks in the inf only area (stop wall jumping) fixed issue were you could jump over a wall on GDI inf only side fixed You can drive humvees and buggys into the bunkers fixed It's able to get on GDI PP with vehicles (Buggy/Humvee and APC is what i know of) fixed The wall behind GDI base is drivable and when you get out you can walk on the wall fixed You can drive into the walls at silo. Even if your vehicle is a little it in the wall, you can't get in the vehicle anymore fixed Floating tree at the bridge when facing GDI base fixed Stuck at a few places on the cliff of Air Strip fixed Stuck at a tree at Nod Bunker removed the blocking volumes from around the base bunkers ... shuffles the rocks between the bunkers and wf /air a bit to help stop glitch beacon spots removed the blocking volumes from the rocks around the bunkers dropped the ladder volumes down a bit made all ladders non strafe-able (hopefully will help prevent the rocket ladder bug) Volcano: fixed the 2 rocks in the main tib cave not having collision added world off set to water and lave so it has a up and down movement now fixed rock collision issues and some spots you could get stuck Field: Widened tunnel entrances Added a ramp for infantry to have another exit and a sniper vantage point from their bases to the field Air tower is rotated so the entrance is facing the obelisk Removed all wall barriers in the bases Added some rocks on top of the sniper perches to allow tanks to damage infantry with splash damage Modified tunnel entrances slightly Lowered water level to allow infantry to cross and use the river bank Bridges have been updated to allow infantry to cross under them Removed all base walls to allow more access to infantry and vehicles Updated path nodes configuration for hopefully less AI getting stuck ness Added path nodes in the river bank for infantry to cross Added small water puddles here and there Added cover around the silo Mesa: Cave is now inf only Vehicles can now use both side routes Various other changes to structure placements etc Whiteout: Enhanced background scenery Removed cluttered scenery Added infantry only base entry points Added automated base defenses Added gun emplacements Added additional cover to silo area Revised entire tunnel system (now includes side tunnels) Revised background aesthetic for entire to provide cleaner/less-cluttered appearance Repositioned base defences Altered coloration of tiberium areas Altered post process effects slightly Altered coloration of landscape slightly (with addition of second, slight, color variation in snow Volcano: added world off set to water and lave so it has a up and down movement now Goldrush: added tiberium silo inf route changes various other changes Lakeside: fixed "broken river" added some more rocks to cover up the brake in the meshes added a tib volume to the random bit of tib near the GDI entrance that you can land / jump on) Islands: Fixed incorrect wall texture on islands Walls_Flying: fixed a sniper exploit (could use a chopper to get on the 2 side rocks) map is less bright Various other optimizations to all maps, effects, assets etc. Quote
Canucck Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 (edited) Additional improvements to pawn movement speed adjustments:The Jumping slow down now applies while maintaining constant speed (before it would only apply if you changed to a different speed (eg from sprint to run) The slowest you can be forced to go (via repeated jumping) is walking speed. Improved smoothness. Something went wrong here I think, there's a new little delay when you try to start moving. It's like you have the slow already applied to you automatically, then reapplied every time you stop/start moving. Feels really clunky and annoying (inf accel time should be near instant) Edited March 22, 2015 by Guest Quote
SFJake Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 (edited) Is there any reason why the team opted only for vehicle drops and not infantry? Basically, we can still buy low class infantry only, while all vehicles still remain available as drops after the WF is down. Not saying its a bad decision, just unexpected. I haven't yet tested the impacts of those anyhow. There's a few key changes I'd like to point out that are being quite the negative for me. -The infantry movement feels incredibly odd and the initial acceleration to move is much slower, making infantry feels FAR clunkier than they used to be. This honestly feels quite bad and I don't understand why it was necessary to make infantry worse. -The vehicle explosions being removed is a gigantic negative. I think I'd rather get the freeze than to have no explosions. It just kills all the feeling in the game. Its only 2 bad things in a sea of great additions and really, I love beta 4 in all other aspects so far, but these issues are core and constantly in your face. I'm hoping with the auto-patching system that fixing whatever issues is coming up with beta 4 isn't as much as an hassle anymore? I'm honestly hoping those 2 things can be reversed swiftly because its killing all the fun. I thought this is what the closed beta was for. Here's a list so far: -Vehicles have no explosion (its my understanding only the debris were supposed to be removed) -Infantry lack initial acceleration. -Pre-match chat is out of the screen on a 4:3 resolution Will check in if I find anything else. Edited March 22, 2015 by Guest Quote
RypeL Posted March 22, 2015 Author Posted March 22, 2015 "This honestly feels quite bad and I don't understand why it was necessary to make infantry worse." Pls Jake be civil.... yeah sure, we just wait for opportunities to make infantry worse. "Is there any reason why the team opted only for vehicle drops and not infantry?" -> The system will be revised. We ddint had to time to properly take care of it and to come up with a proper design. And everyone just wants it different anyway. So it is always f*king hard to get to agreements. Thats why things like this often start simple and then we further develop it over time. And there was so much else in this beta that we had to do aswell. " vehicle explosions being removed " -> is a BUG atm Quote
SFJake Posted March 22, 2015 Posted March 22, 2015 Sorry RypeL. I know you work hard for this game. I'm just trying to the beta tester job of pointing out the big issues. I feel like they should have seen it earlier. The airdrop system is good for vehicles. Only 1 vehicle per team per 5 minutes is fair. But something like that for infantry wouldn't work with a team-wide cooldown (otherwise people would just spam the buttons trying to be the one getting the characters they want and some could buy a bad character to screw their team). And I have no idea what the community-TMX-EKT thinks about all that/what they'd actually want. It might be better to just make all of those server options but thats still more work for you. Quote
gdfsgdfg Posted March 23, 2015 Posted March 23, 2015 mrls needs to be nerfed and mammoth buffed imo. it doesn't make any sense why it should have 4 seeking rockets instead of 2. Quote
Ap2000 Posted March 23, 2015 Posted March 23, 2015 I'm going to edit this message over the next days. The first thing absolutely have to mention though, is the crate change. I've said this before in the preliminary changes thread, but it's much more interesting to gamble if the crates will give you a good RNG or not. Crates shouldn't be guaranteed positive things and there was absolutely nothing wrong with how they worked in b3. When I change the standard weapon and C4/nade (F1 and F2 in the buy terminal), it frequently resets for no reason. This has never happened in b3. The HP/armor display is sometimes bugged and shows wrong values (I made a screenshot of this and will upload it later) Quote
RypeL Posted March 23, 2015 Author Posted March 23, 2015 Crates shouldn't be guaranteed positive things and there was absolutely nothing wrong with how they worked in b3. People avoided them like the plague in B3. Quote
GatsuFox Posted March 23, 2015 Posted March 23, 2015 This beta is fucking incredible. All positive changes. ... well except field sniper ledge, but all other field changes are great. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted March 24, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 24, 2015 mrls needs to be nerfed and mammoth buffed imo. it doesn't make any sense why it should have 4 seeking rockets instead of 2. It makes sense because that's definitely how MRLS/MLRS work in C&C Tiberian Dawn Besides, Mammoth have 2 rockets and 2 cannons already. It just seem to make sense if MRLS have 4 Quote
Huita Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 >When you get killed the camera now rotates towards your killer so that you can see what direction you were killed from Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat No Quote
N3tRunn3r Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 Muahaha, yes, say good bye to your hidden sniper spot... ..as well as to mine [...] It sometimes doesn't work tho. Quote
RoundShades Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 Crates shouldn't be guaranteed positive things and there was absolutely nothing wrong with how they worked in b3. People avoided them like the plague in B3. A shame really. As far as Original Renegade anyway. So many crates wasted your sorry ass in so many creative ways. Will always miss that. I also feel that crates shouldn't be literally nothing but positive like they are now. They used to be high risk high reward, they would kill you 5 times in a row so you never risked a 1k class, but they could also give you a mammoth tank every 20 crates or so, so if your base was destroyed there was nothing that crate could do to you that LIFE hadn't already up to that point. Then, in b3, they lost all death effects. The only thing they could give a free class, is something better. They could give an expensive class a weaker class, but that isn't even as servere as a death at times. The fact the death crates were removed, increased odds for spies which were buffed with automated defences invisibility, and for vehicle drops. Now, they even added algorithms, to prevent expensive classes from getting weaker classes from crates, so crates literally cannot do anything but benefit, unless you grab it and get a free class spy crate mid-combat with another infantry unit. They even prevented full ammo and health from getting refill crates, which isn't negative either but wasn't positive enough apparently lol... Meh, at least they are highly contested now. But, being nothing but positive now, I think they should require standing inside them for a 5 second time to collect so fighting over them is literally winning the gunfight to collect them, and they should have the original beta1 odds of vehicle/spy drop. >When you get killed the camera now rotates towards your killer so that you can see what direction you were killed from Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat No With how Under plays, this is very necesary. Under should not be as climbable as a sherpa in the alps fo' sho'... Quote
RypeL Posted March 24, 2015 Author Posted March 24, 2015 Meh, at least they are highly contested now.. That was the idea. Thats also why they dont spawn at random times anymore. A crate will only spawn at the minute mark. Thats when you should look out for them and should get ready to fight for them. As with everything this nees to be given some time to see how it really goes. The current crates were pretty much inspired by DOTA. Where crates/runes also spawn at the minute mark and are always positive. Thats why they become an additional objective in DOTA and people are fighting over them. Thats something we wanted to try out aswell. Quote
HaTe Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 Stock Renegade had crates be either 100 credits, 200 credits (on certain maps only), or an ammo refill. All good things. Mods edited it to include all of the other things. You have to keep in mind that competitive play is meant to be played on the stock game. Having crates be a good thing in the stock game is something that also existed in the original game. Quote
Canucck Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 A shame really. As far as Original Renegade anyway. So many crates wasted your sorry ass in so many creative ways. Will always miss that. In the original crates gave you either 100c, 200c, or a refill. Everything else was from serverside mods that didn't get "popular" until like 5+ years after release, so basically when the game was dead. The only servers that got away with running that crap beforehand were servers that snagged a top a00 name like Jelly Quote
RoundShades Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 A shame really. As far as Original Renegade anyway. So many crates wasted your sorry ass in so many creative ways. Will always miss that. In the original crates gave you either 100c, 200c, or a refill. Everything else was from serverside mods that didn't get "popular" until like 5+ years after release, so basically when the game was dead. The only servers that got away with running that crap beforehand were servers that snagged a top a00 name like Jelly True. Still, life felt better back in 2004. And I do remember a lot of top server bots running creative crates. Apparently, it is the most remembered variant. Then again, I also remember the max player capacity being 32 in Renegade. So much better IMO as well, compared to 8+ years later having 64-128 player servers... Quote
Ap2000 Posted March 25, 2015 Posted March 25, 2015 As with everything this nees to be given some time to see how it really goes. The current crates were pretty much inspired by DOTA. Where crates/runes also spawn at the minute mark and are always positive. Thats why they become an additional objective in DOTA and people are fighting over them. Thats something we wanted to try out aswell. Now I know why I dislike this change, I guess. I can't stand dota games and I'm not a fan of instant gratification without any risk. I also can't remember playing on any server that just had the standard crate settings, tbh. But crates aren't a game breaking thing, however you're going to config them. Quote
RoundShades Posted March 25, 2015 Posted March 25, 2015 As with everything this nees to be given some time to see how it really goes. The current crates were pretty much inspired by DOTA. Where crates/runes also spawn at the minute mark and are always positive. Thats why they become an additional objective in DOTA and people are fighting over them. Thats something we wanted to try out aswell. Now I know why I dislike this change, I guess. I can't stand dota games and I'm not a fan of instant gratification without any risk. I also can't remember playing on any server that just had the standard crate settings, tbh. But crates aren't a game breaking thing, however you're going to config them. So crates are going in the direction of adding "jungling" to RenX? Honestly not that bad a thing. Especially adding importance to infantry presence in tunnels. As well as more divided up paths. However, some random rocks you can climb should probably be removed and some side paths probably be either less covered or more seperated to prevent them from being free full view field sniper spots. Quote
Canucck Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 runes are not jungling. The way he explained it, crates would be as important to people in ren as they would be to a player with a bottle in dota Quote
Darkraptor Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 Getting a vehicle by a crate in the moment a litle bit overpowered. My first experience which getting a vehicle via crate was, that i got a mammoth tank. And that mammut tank lands on my head and kills me. So thats was some kind of a dead crate . Humvee/buggy, APC, arty/MRLS by a crate is fine. Perhaps a light tank for both teams, too . But pls not med and flame tank. And of course not mammoth tank. I had enough headache Quote
Ap2000 Posted March 28, 2015 Posted March 28, 2015 I got stuck in some geometry in two spots: http://i.imgur.com/FAUlGUV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/HpkX2KK.jpg And found a small hole in the ground: http://i.imgur.com/AymTI6F.jpg The HP/armor display is sometimes bugged and shows wrong values (I made a screenshot of this and will upload it later) Here's a picture: 2015-03-23_00006.jpg[/attachment] Quote
Canucck Posted March 28, 2015 Posted March 28, 2015 hp/armor values are from getting in/out of vehicles. Switch weapons to fix it Quote
Ap2000 Posted March 28, 2015 Posted March 28, 2015 hp/armor values are from getting in/out of vehicles. Switch weapons to fix it I'm not sure what exactly you mean, but I wasn't getting out of any vehicle when the HP/armor values got stuck. Even the weapon ammo number got stuck at least once. It has happened even at the beginning of rounds, when all I did was buy a class. Pretty sure everybody knows that you can get the weapon model back when you just switch the weapon, but that's beside the point, the bug is still there. Quote
Darkraptor Posted March 28, 2015 Posted March 28, 2015 I got stuck in some geometry in two spots:http://i.imgur.com/FAUlGUV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/HpkX2KK.jpg And found a small hole in the ground: http://i.imgur.com/AymTI6F.jpg There is anouther geometry spot, where you get stuck in Under Redux. Its at the sniper platform. Quote
Ap2000 Posted April 1, 2015 Posted April 1, 2015 I'd give my left nut for a (chat) ignore function. I don't want to call out names, but some people are absolutey insufferable, man. Quote
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