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Please keep the dynamic day night :)

It looks fantastic and gives the map a real dynamic feel, even just in the editor ;)

I think to stop some of the sniping, try making the rock ridge around the Nod base a bit higher, like a mini mountain above the cliff, especially around the silo, it should give more cover. Also maybe include a rock or two at certain cover points in the base to provide cover to those exiting buildings incase of snipers.


Man that tree replacement really looks like it's a pain! To bad there isn't a way to convert instances to static meshes..

All is looking really good though. I'd suggest you show off the visibility tool (for tunnel making) a little, or at least mention it so people can figure tunnelling out themselves.


Awesome! looking good. You might wanna group some of those S bends and copy pasta those all over. At the beginning, when i started making my map, you told me that i shouldnt go mad with the decals. That made me wonder like, what's the actual limit? Or does a good cull make miracles happen


New chair! Awesome. You've proven the decal stuff already! So I think it isn't an issue if you do this off camera. Yes I am an AMD user and I know the decal consequences. Maybe it's a good idea to show how to create a static mesh with that builder brush you showed me (for creating rivers and such). That was an awesome pro-tip


Heya kenz, just came back from video #42.. that was quite a kismet struggle you had there, been there done that myself! That was really annoying.

The weird thing is that, we can't use the 'player' variable for the credits, but for the movie it works flawless. The way you have it setup now (player0 as instigator for TriggerVolume_0 Touch) means that only player 0 will get the movie displayed. So I'd suggest you replace the player0 variable with an object variable :)


The first time I've made the text appear on screen (Press [E] to buy an Orca for 900 credits) it was completely blurred out once I uploaded it into the server and got to the terminal. In the SDK it looks fine (just like yours) but once I had uploaded the map to the test server it either went blanc or blurred.. the solution was to give the SWF movie texture the proper LOD group.

I had set mine to "UI" and after that, I re-uploaded the map, suddenly everyone had a clear view of the pop-up image.

So I'd suggest you would select the picture that's imported along with the SWF file, go to it's properties and setup like this:


That should do..

If you like to, you can use my "Enter the matrix" flipbook for showcase purposes :) so you can also showcase flipbooks.. You'll find the .psd and .tga here: (and for anyone interested of course)

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9zj2e8wy62ov ... jMZfa?dl=0

  • Totem Arts Staff

yer i kn ow about these problems it just a starting point ... im thinking about doing something completely diffrent just need to work out the kinks well see if i can insert some code :D

  • Totem Arts Staff
  Ruud033 said:
Heya kenz, just came back from video #42.. that was quite a kismet struggle you had there, been there done that myself! That was really annoying.

The weird thing is that, we can't use the 'player' variable for the credits, but for the movie it works flawless. The way you have it setup now (player0 as instigator for TriggerVolume_0 Touch) means that only player 0 will get the movie displayed. So I'd suggest you replace the player0 variable with an object variable :)


....wait, shouldn't the instigator goes to Player Owner instead of External Interface?

Anyway, yeah, that's still my homework. Hehe ^^;


So, Kenz, for the next video episode I think it's best to say that we need to swap out the player variable in Kismet for an Object variable. Just had a conversation with RypeL on this on skype

i think it doesent work for the GetCredits one as that indeed expects the pawn and not the controller

Tested this in the SDK and confirmed it. At the moment, the "Remove Credits" node does work with an object variable, however, the "Get Credits" node does NOT work with an object variable.

RypeL changed the code for the "Get Credits" node so it does work with an object variable. Next SDK patch that will come out, but since you have the dev version, you're lucky.

Happy kismetting!


Hey kenz, just got back from the latest episode.

You've asked for a list of things you can do (in the video), here are some of my idea's:

- Add landscape to the 'island' on the long route, so the top of the rocks won't be visible anymore

- Recolor the trees (I think they need some more blending in)

- Redesign the helipad (kismet can be done later)

- Add fillers to the long tiberium route, especially at the giant curve near Nod base (more tiberium perhaps?)

- Rework the tiberium cave with lights and vertex paint.. also add some spikes to it (this is also the perfect place for an easter egg *hint hint*)

- More background filler rocks, especially @ GDI where it spikes

- Add a wind actor to your game, since you're at an island, I'd imagine the wind always blows

- Add background trees + foliage

- Something to hide behind near the silo, it's quite open right now.. I think it would be nice to have some items to hide behind

- Rework GDI WF

- Add tank blockers to the beach + broken hovercrafts?

- Implement InterpActors + animate it using the player variable and do some sort of counter on it? We'll have to figure this out.. Can't find it after 5 mins of googling, it's mostly about singleplayer

As for the HON suggestion; I'd go for putting the HON near the helipad, and have the strip tower where the HON is right now due to line of sight and baserape.


Nice episode! Some quick tips there on how to transform the normal depths using color!

Also you've developed a nice specular system.

That white jittery is something I had as well. I have replaced the rocks and afterwards it started jittering..

After taking a closer look to your landscape, I'd suggest you apply the pixeldepthshader to the mud layer as well.. it looks a bit tiled from 10 ft away I think

As you're nearing completion of the map, I'd suggest you also show the importance of line of sight to the people following this topic.. I personally have a huge problem with it, but I'm aware of it so I'll fix it later or come up with something to take care of it. After talking with several people who are into mapping.. I think they sometimes forget to think of line of sight, baserape, stuff like that.. gameplay related stuff. Maybe it's good to show an example of this? I don't know.. your call.

Whats up with the clouds? did you replace them textures too? Creating a stormy environment?

I saw a Storm actor in the actor classes (cloud icon with lightning in map when placed) what does this do? Can you explain more about this? Handepsilon created a dynamic cycle in his map with post processing (kudo's for that Hande!) Which to me, looks really cool. Is that storm actor doing something similar?

In the tiberium cave; maybe it's a good idea to place some more lights with less brightness because of the shadows they produce to vehicles and chem troopers. If you would drive by right now, I think only most of the top of the vehicle would get lit, to me that would make no sense..

Smooth sailin' matey


Seems like your microphone is broken in the last episode. You're a robot from 11 mins on to 15 mins..

Interesting to see though. Personally I fear for severe FPS drops due to the dynamic light thing. But we'll see.

I got a question for you, while I was watching your video, it came to my mind that light functions are also possible to use. However, as I have also experienced already, they have quite a performance impact. How come they have ? I can't figure out why or do a Matinee vs light function comparison..

I had a +- 20 FPS drop (for me) at my airstrip tower with toggleable lights, since I removed those the FPS drop was gone.

I had a light function @ the destroyed WF, caused a performance drop of +- 10 FPS (for me) but for some FPS went down to 5, unbelievable. I don't see the connection here, is matinee more GPU based and light functions more CPU based? I've googled my ass off but can't find any relevant topic on this.

Good to see you making progress still :) Keep up the good work! We really appreciate it.

Edit: Oh yeah, another thing, I was trying to get cull distance volumes to work, however I can't get all the meshes to override the maximum cached draw distance.. Some of them do occasionally.. but not all. Is this a bug in my UDK or can you reproduce this? (and yes I have ticked the checkbox and everything)

  • Totem Arts Staff

i dont know what happened to the mic :(

i dont know why you are getting massive drops wile using light function, might be that the function is material is a bit too complex ... but a function should be better to use then a matinee dynamic light as a function is a GPU shader wile matinee uses a lights properties to get the same effect

as for the cull volumes well i never use them i use groups with cull settings in the actor properties ... i have never seen the advantage of using a cull volume but there very we might be one lol

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