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Topic says it all. I've seen stealth tanks/stealth black hand from a long distance away before, and I was wondering what exactly the radius is. In the Beta 3 changelist, it says that the stealth effect has more clarity but same reveal radius, so what does that mean?

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

5 to 3 feet? Are you kidding me, you can see SBHs across the entire length of the entrance on Walls. It just depends how bright the area you're looking at is. Also, you see them a bit further away in First-person, as comes into play especially one Whiteout.

EDIT: autocorrect is your worst enemy.

Edited by Guest
About 7 meters when not sprinting and about 11 meters when they sprint.

So to put that in perspective, how wide/long are the GDI barracks?

  • Totem Arts Staff
5 to 3 feet? Are you kidding me, you can see SBHs across the entire length of the entrance on Walls. It just depends how bright the area you're looking at is. Also, you see them a bit further away in First-person, as comes into play especially one Whiteout.

EDIT: autocorrect is your worst enemy.

I wasn't entirely sure. It wasn't as long as Walls entrance for me.

Can you define it in UU, RypeL?

  • Totem Arts Staff

That's.... roughly about 4.5x the height of the player without sprint, except if your player character is nowhere near the height of UT characters

edit : Actually... scratch that. 9x if using UT chara proportion

  • 2 weeks later...
About 7 meters when not sprinting and about 11 meters when they sprint.

So I did a test just now after seeing a SBH from a far distance away, and those number don't seem quite right.

Here's the SBH that I saw(I added the black box around him in paint). That's about 9 Medium Tank lengths. From the front of the line. From the back of the line. I had to take two tanks from the center to get to 9 vehicle lengths since I ran out of vehicles.

I'm assuming that the Medium Tank is about 2x the height of a character, which would put it ~3m in length. That would be about 27 meters for 9 tanks.

So... something is weird here. Bug?


Yeah that's an obvious occurrence of the SBH bug (which should hopefully be resolved in the next patch). Stealth would be pretty shit if you could see it that far :P

Yeah that's an obvious occurrence of the SBH bug (which should hopefully be resolved in the next patch). Stealth would be pretty shit if you could see it that far :P

Ah, that explains a lot then. That bug seems to happen to me almost all the time, so I didn't even realize it.

  • 1 year later...

sorry to ressurrect this topic, but are those numbers still correct?

i just played a round of witheout and there was one sniper on the WF who could snipe me (invisible sbh at full health) from nearly any distance... he sniped me from WF roof to tunnel side entrance, from WF roof to inf side entrance, from REF roof to the hiding corner near ref (at the border of the map). one time i just got body shoted and i stopped looking at him... he then started using his pistol and missing (purposely as i think). other times i looked at him and he ran straight towards me and when he came near me he just started shooting...

when confronted he claimed, that it was because i was sprinting... so i checked on the forum and it seems, that you can see stealth from further away if the SBH is sprinting. but the distance roof WF to tunnel side entrance still is a little bit too much... but could still be a lucky shot...

anyway i didn't know this as this is nowhere noted ingame, maybe add it to the SBH desciption in the purchase menu?


Sprinting increases visibility distance, but only by about twice the regular distance. The regular distance is rather short, the sprinting distance is pretty much the width of the middle vehicle entrance in walls, that center gap vehicles drive under.

So that is about twice as far as he should have been able to see you? Can always use "f5" and type "demorecord", I believe that sends a command to the server to record and log 2 minutes of gameplay in the entire server. Write the name down for your own use later, and see if he does it later, and go to that community forum (possibly ConstructiveTyranny.com if it's CT), and share your suspicions so someone can review them, possibly in a thread without naming anyone and then a PM?


I experienced something similar last week, also on whiteout.

I was an sbh at the front entrance of gdi base and got shot straight to the head by an möbius from what I think was too far away to see me. I was dead nearly instantly.

It felt odd to me, but I thought of it as bad luck and played on without saying anything.

Later another player who also played an sbh, mentioned the same experience I had in the ingame chat that he got killed by that möbius guy.

Looks like rocky experienced the same now.


Now, Mobius just kill you fast because, somehow, they do bonus damage to SBH.

Personally, that sounds like it should make more sense to BH in general, and not just SBH (which are already low-health).

Again, it shouldn't be from too far away, unless you are sprinting. If you are sprinting, it still should be no further than the WF front to the Bar front.


well then the guy probably was cheating... tried to votekick him, but people asked for proof... and as i didn't know how to proof this, i just left the server... and yes it was CT server... it is always CT server xD

also can't remember his name, as i didn't write it down without any sort of recording...

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