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Why do I have to stare at logos every time I load it up?

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Why can't I skip the introduction logo videos? I tried to just rename the files so it wouldn't read them and it makes the game crash.

Look I know what the game engine is and who made the game, alright? I don't need to be reminded every time I load it up.

Maybe it would be a good idea to add the ability to skip logos to the options menu...

Since when did companies add a legitimate way to bypass their logo's and thus the game's brand?

I don't see this as an issue at all, I mean, c'mon... Whenever you start up a game, you always somehow get to wait or click away the company logo. Some games make it 3-4 logo's in a row and each need to be clicked away, or force the players to wait through it for atleast 10 seconds or more.

It's just acknowledgement of the game's brand, the people who made it and with what tools! Even the game's name is important.

This is just a silly issue imo. You guys are just lucky enough to be able to rename a movie folder so you can "bypass" it. But in no way is this supposed to be "oké"

Try it with other games and you end up with a non-functional game.

Posted (edited)

Since when did companies add a legitimate way to bypass their logo's and thus the game's brand?

They did it because they're not dickheads.


You allow this, you're a dick.

Now, I'm sure as far as our current devs are concerned, the UDK probably forces this behavior (or are required by "contract" to leave it that way). So I won't blame them.

But to make unskippable logos, you have to be a dick.


Edited by Guest

I know you can't do this with the launcher but you can run UDK.exe with the launch parameter -nomovie this should disable the starting cutscene. Perhaps there should be an option in the launcher for additional launch parameters.


The next update of the launcher will have an option to skip movies (note this also means that loading screen, so don't be alarmed and think the game has hung when switching maps)

The next update of the launcher will have an option to skip movies (note this also means that loading screen, so don't be alarmed and think the game has hung when switching maps)

"Issue" solved --> topic locked. neeeeeeeeext

Maybe it would be a good idea to add the ability to skip logos to the options menu...

Since when did companies add a legitimate way to bypass their logo's and thus the game's brand?

I don't see this as an issue at all, I mean, c'mon... Whenever you start up a game, you always somehow get to wait or click away the company logo. Some games make it 3-4 logo's in a row and each need to be clicked away, or force the players to wait through it for atleast 10 seconds or more.

It's just acknowledgement of the game's brand, the people who made it and with what tools! Even the game's name is important.

This is just a silly issue imo. You guys are just lucky enough to be able to rename a movie folder so you can "bypass" it. But in no way is this supposed to be "oké"

Try it with other games and you end up with a non-functional game.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution was developed for consoles and later ported to PC. However, it's an excellent port. One of the things exemplifying this is the part where I can click five times in less than two seconds to skip past the five logos.

Forcing someone to stare at logos every time they open a game is a dickhead move. The first time, it's cool. But past that, they already know who made the game.


Remember playstation 1? It took what, 1 minute or so to be able to start playing? Sony logo --> PS logo --> License and warnings --> Game intro --> Startscreen

Point being, it took way longer before, why are these 10 seconds a "dick move" is beyond me


Besides being loud, which many games are guilty of, the startup is short and cool looking. I don't see the problem with them.

This was, at most, a problem when you needed to reload the game each match back in beta 2. Hearing that and losing 15 seconds every 20 minutes, was a viable reason to delete movies folder.

Skipping with the ESC key is a nice feature to add. It isn't a requirement of functionality, don't get entitled with a free game or they will be glad to issue you a refund (lol)

Why making the loading screens skippable is necesary is wierd. I already see the bug reports for loading screen freezes incoming, in mass. If possible, don't make the loading screen skippable or make some other non-movie element that says loading somewhere in text on it so people know better.

Remember playstation 1? It took what, 1 minute or so to be able to start playing? Sony logo --> PS logo --> License and warnings --> Game intro --> Startscreen

Point being, it took way longer before, why are these 10 seconds a "dick move" is beyond me

I can't speak for the technical feasibility of this as I'm not a Playstation developer, but you really should have been able to skip those movies by hitting the start button.

It isn't entitled to want to skip something you've seen a few dozen times already. It's irritating to be forced to sit through it. We know it's made with UDK, we know it's made by Totem Arts. Disable skipping for the first time, fine, that's fair, but after that, you should be able to hit ESC and skip through it.

  • Totem Arts Staff

In PlayStation's case, that might be loading up the bios AS the logo playd

I found that UDK's intro works like this (I can actually skip the Unreal Engine logo on SonicGDK's level if my computer has fully loaded the map)

The next update of the launcher will have an option to skip movies (note this also means that loading screen, so don't be alarmed and think the game has hung when switching maps)

If u mean the -nomovies thing ... it looks horrible , and like u said it might terrify nubs .

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