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2 suggestions


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Three suggestions I'd like to see get addes:

1) Spawn weapons, if you kill infantry, why not be able to have a chance that the drop their weapon? It was there in Renegade on some servers, not to make 100% sure it spawns, but the more expensive the char, the less chance. So a volt rifle or ramjet will spawn less likely than a flametrower or a rocket lancher.

NOTE: No spawning timed or remote c4s like in Renegade.

2) Remove the 10 second point of no return on ion/nukes.. you basically have 35 seconds after the beep, disarming even with a hoti/tec takes like what 5-7 seconds? And you need to run back to base and find it.. mostly sbh causing delay so it's nearly impossible to disarm. Whats wrong with the old 45 seconds?

3) In Renegade, if you left a vehicle, you would always enter it on the same point looking at the vehicle. So driving an APC forward end pressing E / Enter would make you leave it on it's left side, if you would drive backwards it would make you leave it at the left side of the APC but on your screen on the right side as you are turned, well you get the point. Bring it back, it's so annoying to pop out at a stupid place, especially as you dont want to end up in tiberium or in enemy line of fire..

What do you guys think?

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  • Totem Arts Staff
2) Remove the 10 second point of no return on ion/nukes.. you basically have 35 seconds after the beep, disarming even with a hoti/tec takes like what 5-7 seconds? And you need to run back to base and find it.. mostly sbh causing delay so it's nearly impossible to disarm. Whats wrong with the old 45 seconds?

I'm pretty sure this has been discussed countless times before, and in the end it ends up that the original person who starts the argument gets owned by the fact that you actually have MORE time to disarm beacons in RenX. Not around to check the exact time, but I'll edit when I search and find it. Pretty sure you have around 50-55 seconds before it hits the point of no return.

EDIT: Yep, 50-55 seconds from plant time to point of no return. Closer to 50.

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Nuke incoming! 1 second remaining! Missile is in sight dropping straight down!

Huh? dafuq? Where did it go?! Ohhhh, in the last 0.1 seconds of the explosion, the beacon got disarmed thus teleporting the missile back into it's silo, seems legit

For ion cannon same deal, in the last 10 seconds, the ion cannon is charging up, there is no point if the beacon gets disarmed, to stop charging up right? I mean, check the Renegade-X: Black Dawn (solo UDK mission version) When the ion cannon charges, the tanks all magically (machnetically) lift up into the air. Beacon? Where art thou? Gone? Damn, lets stop the charge guys, the enemy found the beacon!

Your 3rd point though, I hate it too, it's always a guess where I end up when leaving a vehicle. There is this 1-2 seconds of disorientation (where the hell am I? Nononononono, I dont want to be in sniper fire! DAMN! -empty mammoth tank in field-)

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Ya, disarmtime is 50 secs. The beacon takes 60 secs to go off and you have 50 to disarm it. In the next version you will see a timer on the beacons targetingbox showing you how long you have left to disarm it wich should make it much less confusing.

About weapondrops: I am against them dropping weapons everytime but this is the first time i heard of making the drops by chance. And i like it.

About driver leaving: you pretty much leave where you are looking. so this can actually give you more control then in old ren. So i dont really see a point in changing it.

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About driver leaving: you pretty much leave where you are looking. so this can actually give you more control then in old ren. So i dont really see a point in changing it.

Well, if you are looking towards the enemy and you leave the vehicle, you'll end up in FRONT of the vehicle, in that place where the enemy sees you and kills you. That's not a realistic place one would disembark (in the enemy fire? Or behind cover?)

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Thats why you should look to the side you want to leave first before you leave the vehicle if you are in combat. i dont think it matters where your gun is pointing, but where your mouse is pointing. So if you do a quick sweep to the side before leaving the vehicle making you able to determine the side where you want to leave aswell.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
About driver leaving: you pretty much leave where you are looking. so this can actually give you more control then in old ren. So i dont really see a point in changing it.

Well, if you are looking towards the enemy and you leave the vehicle, you'll end up in FRONT of the vehicle, in that place where the enemy sees you and kills you. That's not a realistic place one would disembark (in the enemy fire? Or behind cover?)

Pretty sure this was discussed already too...

How hard is it to just look away for a second before you press E? We've (Me anyway) been exploiting this for quite some time now to jump out of Orcas onto the windows of the HON. It really isn't much of a nuisance at all once you know how it works.

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Okay, drop the beacon idea than.

But having a chance that a player who just has been killed drops his weapon and it's spawned there for a limit time is not only realistic, but fun too.. And indeed by decreasing the chance of spawning ramjets / personal ion cannon is a good option to avoid abuse. But a engineer with for example a picked up flamer trower can be fun and surprising, people might think he can't kill a building on it's own, but then he pulls out his flamertrower.

Same for a med tank seeing a sniper running and thinking he can't be hurt that much, untill the sniper pulls out his rocketlauncher which he just picked up of the rocketsoldier he killed.

So stronger weapons are less likely to spawn and maybe also for a shorter time than the weaker / more common weapons?


For the vehicles and leaving, in renegade there was a side for each vehicle of which you would stand when you left it. That should be the way it is. I have not tried if it's determined by the direction you're aiming, but you should be able to leave it safely by knowing, okay in an APC you will leave on the left side, a mamoth at the back, a mrls front etc etc..

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