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  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm relatively new in the game. But I played quite a lot to know how things usually play out. It took me long enough to realize that my calls is for defense

The problem is, I almost got no one to help me with it. In most cases, I'm left with a couple of engies (hots/techs as well) and mines. Frankly not enough to pull a good defense. A lot of time people manage to sneak in, especially in Walls, where I had to keep out for both SBH and Stank as GDI on 3 different locations, not to mention aircrafts. Island also poses such threat, with tunnels and main entrance separated far away. Field is a lot easier to defend since we got AGT and Obelisk to guard the base, and the entrances aren't that big.

Sure, mines are essential for defense, but if you got no one to watch over the base, especially without base defenses. Those mines are gonna be useless. They don't stop tank rushes. They can't blow aircrafts. And they won't prevent beacons.

Think of it this way : in early game, some people might attempt an APC rush. Usually you can buy... say a humvee/buggy before the APC arrives. Now if we place them on the main entrance as walls, by logic the APC cannot enter the base until it gets rid of those vehicles. Sure you might lose a vehicle or two, but at least you didn't lose any buildings. If you can't afford the vehicles or mines at the time, then you just gotta buy some free infantries and wait on the building entrances to greet the rushers.

My ideal defense is fully mined base with 3 people blocking entrances with tanks or APC, and another guy to patrol and probably repair. I know it'll be hard for 16 player or less games, but guys... isn't it better to prevent disaster before it happens? Of course, do not neglect attacks as well. Better yet, as defense, I got to stock money from foiling attacks, enough to fund 3-4 mammoths if ref still works. Then you can donate for tank rushes


Defense is actually "fun". It isn't generic and you can really make an impact on the game outcome.

You just need yourself mining, and patrolling in a jeep, and watching mine limit, and knowing to check regular places for beacon-placement, and occasionally not following routine and checking the Tib Ref 2 times the same pass in case they are waiting for you to pass-by.

Also, makes GDI fun to play, as they are more orientated on needing a dedicated defence.


Defense for either side can be fun, situationally.

It can be frustrating to be the only one defending and have the enemy pull off a double or [rarely] triple nuke and destroy a building despite your best efforts.

I feel if i am dedicating myself to defend there ought to be some sort of payoff or feeling of accomplishment aside from the occasional SBH purge.

My favorite maps to defend on are:




All for the same reason. The buildings are close enough together so that i can hear a nuke pretty early on if planted.

Don't get me started on Xmountain or Walls. Ugh.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Actually, now I never see XMountain game I haven't won as GDI. The secret is always post a tank on each entrance. Stank accidentally rammed my APC when he tries to sneak in Stank rush

  • 3 weeks later...

As someone who is a devoted defender of all buildings (can't recall how many times I've saved buildings from certain destruction or how I was the only miner) mines are a pivotal role in defending any base (especially walls flying!) but you also have to rely on your basic instincts. I'll use walls flying as a bare example.

First thing is to always keep an eye on the mine counter. If there is a substantial drop of them (4-5) then it's time to alert the team and make some routine patrols.

When it comes to base patrol, I usually do so as a sniper as I can scope out areas (and hopefully shoot down mine defusers/beacon planters should I come across any). There's been many times where I've seen Hotwires hiding underneath the stairs of the HoN or Air and no one notices. The strategy as GDI is substantially different, as you'll need your team to cooperate with you. But the strategy remains - you MUST mine the WF ramp once you can afford a Hotwire. If you don't, you'll pay with SBH nukes. If the mines are gone, go check it out, and hopefully scare the SBH away (if there is one).

Remine whenever possible. I've had many cases where I was busily repairing buildings and I've heard them blowing up and kills racked in while our base was under siege, due to engies/techs/Hotwires running in and trying to get a quick C4 down. A few mines can mean a saved building vs. a smoking and nonfunctional one.

Repairing may seem like a thankless job, but it gives good points. While it's certainly not as glamorous as destroying the enemy base (I've seen players who blow up entire bases get praised upon while those who singlehandedly save buildings are completely unnoticed) your team would be on the losing end, even if they don't thank you for it. Or you can be a complete ass and let the building fall, but I don't recommend this...

If you see a teammate in the distance acting out in the open suspiciously, point them out. Be warned if don't see his/her nametag, because he/she's a spy.

  Soldieroffate said:
Or you can be a complete ass and let the building fall, but I don't recommend this...

I'm sometimes leaning to this, because seriously... being the solo defender holding the base together, only to lose when you cant keep up with repairs, mines and spamming arty/MLRS

  Soldieroffate said:
If you see a teammate in the distance acting out in the open suspiciously, point them out. Be warned if don't see his/her nametag, because he/she's a spy.

Oh this .... as a sniper, I just shoot to make sure :P Sometimes people accused me of cheating because, who would shoot a random guy right?

  Soldieroffate said:

Repairing may seem like a thankless job, but it gives good points. While it's certainly not as glamorous as destroying the enemy base (I've seen players who blow up entire bases get praised upon while those who singlehandedly save buildings are completely unnoticed) your team would be on the losing end, even if they don't thank you for it. Or you can be a complete ass and let the building fall, but I don't recommend this..

I have been on the defense and offence a lot lately, been calling noobs noobs this days because of some life issues lols, back to the topic. Nope, one time I destroyed 3 buildings on Nod they started raging and calling me a hacker, saying I glitch or I am a hacker because I was immortal (They shot me but 99% of the bullets did not hit me, my reason I started noobing everyone that plays bad) yup I just run and gun down everyone standing still and destroyed 3 buildings that way (My skills is bad because of bad pc and bad internet connection).

Also I solo repaired one time as a Nod player against an ongoing onslaught of GDI while everyone wanted to be SUPER SBH NUKERs (Another reason I started calling everyone a noob that plays bad). I solo repaired pp, air and hon and then solo defend against 2 ions. And got called a hacker again because 3 sbh just stood their shooting at me and I shot them back and killed all 3 of them (They were just standing their and not moving at all, just shooting) and they rage and rage and said I was auto aiming.(Another reason I call everyone a noob that plays bad)

I thanks everyone that actually helps the team and having fun at the same time.

  • Totem Arts Staff

These days been playing offense sometimes too, but still staying on def for a couple of times

Mines are essential yeah, no argument about that. It's just sometimes people (especially for GDI) just neglects to do some routine patrol or defense altogether. Most of the time the base is empty when guys are busy on field or infantry path after the base are mined. Yeah, maybe some hotties/tech around, but it feels like the base are prone to be nuked, or C4'ed by a team of infiltrator (that one time, as GDI, me as Hottie and teammate as Gunner managed to sneak in like a secret agent, with barely anyone noticing, and by the time they do, we've left their PP ruined. We're just 2, no SBH, no Spy, just Gunner and Hottie, and I think we were losing that time)

In short, mining is a must, but later form of defense must not be neglected as well


Why would you rely on mines anyways? Its just a early warning sign about a infiltrator or a SBH nuker.

But rarely the team always go rush and rush instead of having some defenders making me a little much more defensive. And losing a building people say that the team sucks or were a bunch of noobs, I mean we tried right? Why blame, if YOU yourself did nothing to prevent it from happening? Just saying ^^.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I dunno, it's just some people tend to run off the base even though I gave a warning about apc rush possibility in early games

One time, I tell people 'We need defense'. And another guy responds, 'Mines full'. And I was like mentally, 'No, I mean defense by people!!' Of course I didn't scream like that. Another guy also questions the value of having people randomly patrol around the base, or if it's worth camping APC by the tunnel in Field (in the end, because we're getting flanked on every direction, we lost)

There's also that several time where I tell people that I had to go and someone need to keep the APC on the tunnel. What happened? The guy goes whee to the field ignoring my statement. -.-

  Handepsilon said:
I dunno, it's just some people tend to run off the base even though I gave a warning about apc rush possibility in early games

One time, I tell people 'We need defense'. And another guy responds, 'Mines full'. And I was like mentally, 'No, I mean defense by people!!' Of course I didn't scream like that. Another guy also questions the value of having people randomly patrol around the base, or if it's worth camping APC by the tunnel in Field (in the end, because we're getting flanked on every direction, we lost)

There's also that several time where I tell people that I had to go and someone need to keep the APC on the tunnel. What happened? The guy goes whee to the field ignoring my statement. -.-

This is part of the reason why I think RenX is for the pro-renner and not for the average gamer. RenX is based on Renegade which is based on an RTS game. No wonder the game is RTS-ish in terms of attacking or defending.

In an RTS, you need an ARMY working together to break through a defense and you need ALL you can get to defend against those small pinpoint attack forces.

I loved Renegade for the community and everyone knowing what to do in which situation, RenX has to mature to that standard. However, judging by the rate it's going now, I sometimes feel that the energy spend to teach and educate falls on deaths ears. In other words, it feels futile.

Too many (mostly new, some old) people regard RenX as a free BF4/CoD, in which you can hero alone and solo without much of a repercussion.

In every online game, the team with the most teamwork and tactical awareness wins.

I play War Thunder (nice WW2 flight sim; on Steam F2P) and every game is with randoms, never the same unless you are in a premade squad. It doesnt matter if you have the best vehicle, if you are being chased by 3 fighters, you are going to die. UNLESS you have team support chasing those 3 chasers.

Point being, TEAMWORK prevails, but a lot of newcomers just couldn't care less. All they want is to rush in, get a few shots off, get killed and do it over. They leave when a building explodes and call those people who hold back and defend (without any compensation other than utter boredome) noobs for letting it go down. It will have a negative effect on their playstyle as they no longer can purchase their equipment for their futile solo-runs.


So true, that's why this games tends to end on whose team has the least Experienced player, rarely Tactical battle where the most intelligent at attacking wins, its just brute force, luck and skills rarely teamwork.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  Truxa said:
  Handepsilon said:
I dunno, it's just some people tend to run off the base even though I gave a warning about apc rush possibility in early games

One time, I tell people 'We need defense'. And another guy responds, 'Mines full'. And I was like mentally, 'No, I mean defense by people!!' Of course I didn't scream like that. Another guy also questions the value of having people randomly patrol around the base, or if it's worth camping APC by the tunnel in Field (in the end, because we're getting flanked on every direction, we lost)

There's also that several time where I tell people that I had to go and someone need to keep the APC on the tunnel. What happened? The guy goes whee to the field ignoring my statement. -.-

This is part of the reason why I think RenX is for the pro-renner and not for the average gamer. RenX is based on Renegade which is based on an RTS game. No wonder the game is RTS-ish in terms of attacking or defending.

In an RTS, you need an ARMY working together to break through a defense and you need ALL you can get to defend against those small pinpoint attack forces.

I loved Renegade for the community and everyone knowing what to do in which situation, RenX has to mature to that standard. However, judging by the rate it's going now, I sometimes feel that the energy spend to teach and educate falls on deaths ears. In other words, it feels futile.

Too many (mostly new, some old) people regard RenX as a free BF4/CoD, in which you can hero alone and solo without much of a repercussion.

In every online game, the team with the most teamwork and tactical awareness wins.

I play War Thunder (nice WW2 flight sim; on Steam F2P) and every game is with randoms, never the same unless you are in a premade squad. It doesnt matter if you have the best vehicle, if you are being chased by 3 fighters, you are going to die. UNLESS you have team support chasing those 3 chasers.

Point being, TEAMWORK prevails, but a lot of newcomers just couldn't care less. All they want is to rush in, get a few shots off, get killed and do it over. They leave when a building explodes and call those people who hold back and defend (without any compensation other than utter boredome) noobs for letting it go down. It will have a negative effect on their playstyle as they no longer can purchase their equipment for their futile solo-runs.

Then thank God I haven't played CoD or BF online. I do play UT sometimes tho, but for this game, all those organizings leads me to believe that this ain't no solo mission. B'sides, multiplayer. Might as well share things with your pal. That's why I usually tells my teammates what I wanna do (for instance, bomb-sweeping on Walls to scout and gather some points/money whilist keeping enemy engis busy in their base to buy my teammates some time)

We need a good tutorial that puts pressure on teamwork. Maybe a multiplayer tutorial as a bonus too

  • Totem Arts Staff
  yosh56 said:
We need a good tutorial...

Just stop right there. Needn't even say more.

ok, ok. There's that topic that requested a tutorial map, so doesn't make that much sense to bring that up

Aren't you the tutorial guy around here? maybe you should give input on how a tutorial map is done

  • Totem Arts Staff

I posted that to basically say that you just gave an answer to half of the issues with the game as is. Basically stating that everyone could literally stop posting on the thread because we have the one true answer to all problems.

And it won't be till like February till I'm around to making a tutorial video. As for building a tutorial map, I do believe someone had a good idea in kind of mimicking the OldRen tutorial, but obviously focusing on teaching multiplayer. Obviously I'm not a dev, but

A)hopefully when I'm back with a computer I'll be able to work with a few mutator ideas running around my head

B) Make a video out of the guide that I wrote/am still writing.

C) Write out an outline of how a tutorial level for Renegade X should go.

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