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If you were a trained soldier, and encountered a beacon...

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Brilliant idea Laps/Lappy/Lapper/Lapster/Lappers/Lapstaaah! :D

I'd stick in the backpack of a Hotwire and tell the poor sod to run for it, FAAAR away from ME and the base. Run to the fields! And STAY there! Don't mind the countdown, it's just the GPS on acid.

Seriously, though...

I made a suggestion in a thread about making use of flares in the game to quickly draw attention to a specific spot, beacons in particular.


Perhaps it would electrocute you when attempting to pick it up. Or it is glued/nailed to the ground. (Ever noticed how long it takes to deploy it? That's why!) I think there should be a mod where you use the repair gun to remove the glue/nails only, and then have to pick up the beacon and run for it... Would solve the "should there be a period just before detonation during which the beacon cannot be disarmed?" discussion.

irl, I guess planting a beacon just to get a GPS lock is probably a bit silly too ;)


I thought the same in Call of Duty Search And Destroy. Why wouldn't you throw the dynamite/briefcase away from the objective. Furthermore, why wouldn't you set the briefcase to explode in 8 seconds? Furthermore, why wouldn't you just destroy the objective with an external signal?

Really, it works in it's own little world, just like beacons do now.


Perhaps the engineer is doing some hacking/decrypting and sending "cancel-launch codes" to the network the beacon is communicating with.

Destroying the beacon wouldn't do a thing.

  • 1 month later...

It's really just a break from what reality would be like, in my opinion. In real life, and indeed, in Tiberian Dawn, there's no need for beacons. They'd just launch the superweapons. And if they did have beacons, they wouldn't BLINK AND FLASH. They'd try to sit there as quietly as possible without being noticed.


Yeah, normally you would just play soccer/football with it, or even blast it to smithereens. The Renegade mechanics are just that different. You would have to implement most everything from the strategy games in order to have the same balance.

  • 1 month later...

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