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just let em do ...

we can not do anything, nor do we change things if we put pressure on them by demanding something

that does not help or motivate ...

A dev already did walk away in disgust, well, not the word he used but I'm sure thats how he felt.

Can't say I blame him. Renegade-X is in a very sad state right now.


The odds of seeing any map development tools come out is essentially nil at this point, so I pretty much lost interest as well. I was hoping to put some hours in on my recreation of Metro, Glacier, etc, but that's probably just a pipe dream now.

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We need a update and so get back - at least - these ~200 players a day.

Hell, if these crash fixes and stability updates have been released you may keep Renegade X on its future Beta-3 phase for months... You see, people become uninterested. Veterans we know...

Release a fix or a hotfix, then go into vacation DEV-dudes before it is too late ^^

Sure, people will (re-)join for example whenever the Beta phase is over... but ... bah , nah...

Please, dear Devs, don't think: "We'll fix all the issues at once and we are so out of the Beta...!"

..or: "We gonna do a break together and then we continue after...!"

No! Then it is already too late. All the awesome work for nothing, you know...

No! As I mentioned... step by step and not at once. Release something, some crash fixes at best, and give us some news on your awesome progression. Please don't misunderstand me or us, I highly support you, damn you are doing awesome work, but it is time to see something going....

I hope you have seen this bombardement of players who are or wanna join, liking your awesome game as well as Westwood does, but this is yet conterproductive what you have done for the past few weeks. We hear and/or see nothing from you. And that's it!!

We think you have abandoned Renegade X except some mapmakers, who show off their progressions... Nah!



I have faith the devs will pull through on this, give them a break. The new patch will be out soon enough with another plethora of fixes/changes. They have definitely not abandoned this even though we don't see many of them often.


I heard from a reliable source they are still on the job as much as they can. They are doing whatever they can to try and fix the crashes, but as I understand it, they go 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. A VERY frustrating progres to fix the crashes.

I don't know if they have fixed the crashes or not or even know the cause, but I do understand it is their number 1 priority over EVERYTHING else they are doing and believe me, they DO understand the gravity of the situation. Who would want to work on a project for free and see it go down in half the time they've already spend on development?

Think about it, mapdesigners are just that, designers using tools to (re)create playable maps, but they are not programmers to try and fix bugs. In a development team there are many different specialisations, that of a mapdesigner is not specialized in bugfixing/coding or any other specialized job, you'd leave that up to the team's expert, right? So what's the point of putting every single dev on the bugfixing issue? Atleast there is progres in other area's of the project, I hardly call that counter productive.


For instance, you know a fan is making a 3d port of Star Control 1 and 2 (The Ur-Quan Masters)? Real interested people like me check that progress like I used to RenX last summer, just periodically every 4 months or so. However, it is literally 1 guy making a port of a game, so it really is hard to expect much.

Star Control 2, one of my all time favourites


Wow none of you realize that these devs arent making a game for profit. This is a side project for people who work full time and have families. There is 0 profit from this and its existence is to entertain old renegade players. So no you're not going to get regular updates and to compare them to blizzard.... really??? These arent even professional devs no matter how good they are

The odds of seeing any map development tools come out is essentially nil at this point, so I pretty much lost interest as well. I was hoping to put some hours in on my recreation of Metro, Glacier, etc, but that's probably just a pipe dream now.

Would be neat to see Metro and Glacier

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Wow none of you realize that these devs arent making a game for profit. This is a side project for people who work full time and have families. There is 0 profit from this and its existence is to entertain old renegade players. So no you're not going to get regular updates and to compare them to blizzard.... really??? These arent even professional devs no matter how good they are

Dude, have you even read all the coments? especially mine? If you didn't, your comment is invalid anyway.

I've been amongst the many in this topic stating that very same fact!

-1 for you


I'm wondering why none of the developers says anything in this post about what's going on.

Yeah the crashes in Multiplayer matches are annoying. The problem is that Singleplayer, which is nearly crash free, also is far from being finished. The bots fight well, but they still need a massive overhaul to properly know what do in C&C Mode.

So playing Singleplayer instead is also not possible.

Ren-X is ded.

Even though it's quiet in the community, it doesn't mean Ren-X is dead.

Posts like yours will make it dead by fearmongering and discouraging new people from trying. People like you are killing Ren-X imo

Ren-X is ded.

Even though it's quiet in the community, it doesn't mean Ren-X is dead.

Posts like yours will make it dead by fearmongering and discouraging new people from trying. People like you are killing Ren-X imo

Too bad we don't have player moderators...

Epicelite: Ren-x is ded

Moderator: your forum account is ded


Epicelite: Ren-x is ded

Moderator: your forum account is ded

Because banning random people who dont agree with you will solve all problems. Right.

The situation as of 2014/06/14 is and has been for a few months now but with ever decreasing population:

Only 2 servers are active, EliteKamikazeTeam.com a marathon server with a 80 minelimit and 14 vehicle limit, and TheMatrixRen.NET thats an AOW server with 60 minute time limit 40 minelimit and 11 vehicle limit. Both are european servers hosted in Germany and France, so anyone who is not european is shit out of luck. Early populated US servers like Jelly and Rencorner died in late march-early april, Jelly shut down its RenX server, Rencorner is just sitting empty.

These two servers offer differing gameplay, but one thing is common, the experience is utter shit when there are less than 30 people playing on them. Which is most of the time. On european evenings either EKT is full and TmX is at 20-30 people or the other way around but 70 is the max number of people playing Renegade X at any given time, and it drops to 20-30 early morning till it fills up after noon.

People try to stack the server with the most people on it, so if you dont like marathon, or you dont like time limit, you may or may not get lucky and get to see your favorite server fill, and if you dont like half empty servers(or totally empty at times), then tough luck, no RenX for you today.

Ren-X is ded.

I understand your pessimism, but pronouncing the project dead may be a little premature.

If RenX is judged purely from its current player population, it is in fact barely alive.

If RenX is judged from the seeming lack of dev informational updates, it may in fact already be terminal.

However, from a purely practical standpoint it seems unlikely that the project would simply be abandoned abruptly after so many years of effort to keep it alive. It may very well die, but pronouncing it "dead" certainly isn't going to help anything.

This game was a bold experiment in the previously uncharted realm of totally free online gaming.

Not free-to-play, no adverts, no micro-transactions, no revenue grabbing of any kind, just plain FREE.

No matter what its ultimate fate is, it will always have the distinction of being a pioneer of the freedom that is possible in online PC gaming.

If it does in fact die, it will be a loss but not the end of the world. Others will take up the mantle of free online PC gaming and the saga will continue. Instead of just sitting around and moping, why don't you try making a game yourself? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to make a game, you just have to be willing to put in a tremendous amount of time and effort to make it successful.



I think that RenX-players could roughly be devided into two groups.

People from the first group never really cared about the project, they come here because the game was recommended by a friend or because they read about it somewhere. They don't visit the forums, they just want to play. For those people fast bugfixes and updates are important, because when they play, they are repelled by the bugs and crashes, they stop playing, and they never come back. And I think that almost all of them are gone by now, because the majority of players still playing belong to the second group:

The loyal fanbase, who care about project, game and devs, who have been here since the beginning. Most of them played the original Renegade. They can live with the crashes and enjoy the game anyway. But they are (many people in this thread already mentioned that) also leaving, the servers are emptier and emptier each day. I am one of them, I played every day for weeks, and I checked the homepage every day for months. In the last couple of weeks I stopped checking it every day, 'cause what's the point?

To me, the most important thing (the only important thing really) is communication. It connects players and devs, and it would give everyone a sign that the project isn't dead. Don't get me wrong, I understand that the devs do this in their free time, and I have nothing but respect for them and their effort, but nobody can tell me that they are too busy to write a short message. Something like "Hi, I know it has been a while. We are currently working on [...], and the reason why it takes so long is [...]. I can't promise anything, but I think the next update will come [...]." would suffice. To write this takes 5 minutes, and I think that those 5 minutes are better spent on a message than on bugfixing. I wouldn't mind to wait long(er) for an update, as long as there's a sign of life... it would just break my heart to see this project dying at this point.


You want news we got some!! server owner StealthEye posted in private forums what looks to be the cause of the crashes, some testing needs to be done but it looks like we found it for real this time.

If you don't want to crash in the mean time don't open a PT in the last 30 seconds of a game!!

You want news we got some!! server owner StealthEye posted in private forums what looks to be the cause of the crashes, some testing needs to be done but it looks like we found it for real this time.

If you don't want to crash in the mean time don't open a PT in the last 30 seconds of a game!!

Nice to know, but it doesnt explain the crashing when you are sieging/destroyed the last building for the passed 5 minutes.


Puh, I was already asking to lock that other thread...


When can we expect a sexy new release dear Devies.

Puh, I was already asking to lock that other thread...

Asking to lock another player's thread? That is so weak I am lmao.

Hey bud, I can't help it if people liked that thread. Its not my fault they kept reviving it, lol.

(Wonder why...hmmmmm?)

You have been constantly begging the devs for info for a long time now and so far I haven't seen any response from them. I don't know what you hope to accomplish, but if its getting the devs to engage it ain't working.


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Nah, excuse me please, I was about to ask to close that other thread before it is going to escelate much more.

I had followed your threaddy and I was seeing it coming as a veteran Forums God haha.

They continued to write in there, cuz there were the 1st DEV announcements after my Beta-3 thread.

You offered some text and everybody wondered, too.

It was like: You give a sugar candy to a kid and before it tastes and eats it, you take that candy away and burn it.

My latest post was a test post to see, if ANYONE continues to kinda rage WITHIN MY THREAD

..... which isnt the fact YET :P

What the Devs posted and responded within that other thread is - for me - answer enough.

Well, it is kinda a pity what I read at all.

All I want to say is, please dont crash my thread, kkkkkkkk ?!!!! All of you ^^



Devs already said something and showed a screenshot on the Renegade X Facebook. It's not the forum but is enough to me, they still working and they do what they can, if any of you have lost the hope just forget the game. The game is not dead, the people who leaves (in Beta... lol) kills a game.

Check Facebook ;)

Puh, I was already asking to lock that other thread...

Asking to lock another player's thread? That is so weak I am lmao.

Hey bud, I can't help it if people liked that thread. Its not my fault they kept reviving it, lol.

(Wonder why...hmmmmm?)

You have been constantly begging the devs for info for a long time now and so far I haven't seen any response from them. I don't know what you hope to accomplish, but if its getting the devs to engage it ain't working.


Do you have nothing better to do than looking all day long in some forum for news of a game?

Get something going in the real world and stop bothering people, sacrificing their free time to create something that is free for you.


Do you have nothing better to do than looking all day long in some forum for news of a game?

Get something going in the real world and stop bothering people, sacrificing their free time to create something that is free for you.

Stop insulting people you don't know, especially when you have no idea what you are talking about.

Keep it up and I might be forced to ask a moderator to intervene.

Do you actually have something positive to add to the topic or are you just trolling?

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You kill my thread...

No dude, the kamikaze zero is a joke. :P

Nuker77 seems to be trolling pretty hard though. :rolleyes:

I'm just saying what needs to be clearified. So stop crying, start being a man and get away from spreading this "RenX is dead"-shit, or leave this forum.

Greetings and cheers ;-)


I will ask you for the second time Nuker77, do you have anything to add to the thread topic?

Because so far you have been doing nothing but trolling.


Oh hey look, more of the same stuff from the other thread that was just locked, from *gasp* some familiar faces. Yes get-a-grip, a moderator shall intervene, you can take a break.

Sorry that your thread has to die N3. I'm not the PR department so I won't give a very detailed answer but simply; yeah development speed is in a lower gear at the moment than during the initial release hence the longer wait for beta 3, but hey that's the nature of trying to develop a AAA-esque product where no one makes a single cent, the speed fluctuates as people come and go regularly.

Official news soon.


Worst case will be, not that RenX will be dead, but that the torch of C&C shall remain alive/passed.

Best case, it grows.

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