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Like in the classic C&C games, when a unit destroys stuff worth more then its cost it gains rank and gets slight stat boosts. (I think it was 10% of the cost of the destroyed thing or something like, so if something cost $1000 it would need to destroy $10,000 of stuff to gain rank.)

What if this was in Renegade-X?

Hell we could have a crate that give you +1 rank too!

Like say you rank up your Havoc by killing 10 Sakuras, you get +25HP/Speed boost/More ammo? You can represent rank in the way C&C always has, the rank chevrons in the selection box.

Maybe if you reach full rank you can respawn as that character again when you die, the rank being reset at the same time?

Engineer/Hottie/Tech can gain rank by repairing/disarming stuff.

Just thought it might be cool, reward people for staying alive the whole game.

Like in the classic C&C games, when a unit destroys stuff worth more then its cost it gains rank and gets slight stat boosts. (I think it was 10% of the cost of the destroyed thing or something like, so if something cost $1000 it would need to destroy $10,000 of stuff to gain rank.)

What if this was in Renegade-X?

Hell we could have a crate that give you +1 rank too!

Like say you rank up your Havoc by killing 10 Sakuras, you get +25HP/Speed boost/More ammo? You can represent rank in the way C&C always has, the rank chevrons in the selection box.

Maybe if you reach full rank you can respawn as that character again when you die, the rank being reset at the same time?

Engineer/Hottie/Tech can gain rank by repairing/disarming stuff.

Just thought it might be cool, reward people for staying alive the whole game.

It makes the gameplay slower though. More sniper-campers, more hit-n-run players, more people scared of dieing during a rush (aka not leading a rush)

It would disrupt the gameplay a lot, though i like the idea as i try not to die anyway :P

Like in the classic C&C games, when a unit destroys stuff worth more then its cost it gains rank and gets slight stat boosts.

No it didn't. That feature was not in the original C&C (Tiberian Dawn; the one Renegade is based on), but was first implemented in Tiberian Sun iirc.

What if this was in Renegade-X?

It would suck big time, because it would make camping even more powerfull and nearly impossible to stop. People whose priority is to never die or getting a high K/D ratio are usually bad players and shouldn't be rewarded.

  • Totem Arts Staff

We had this in several Renegade servers, It wasn't linked to one death however, and it stuck with the player for the entire match. It was based on Veterancy points and your actual score. So point-whoring would give you a high score, but you would never be promoted without actually killing and being productive in some way. (Vehicles, infantry and buildings all gave veterancy points. Buildings obviously gave the most, whilst infantry gave the least.

IIRC, there were three ranks you could attain in game, and I don't remember their exact names in Ren, so I'm just going with 3rd gen CnC of veteran, elite and heroic. The benefits were generally a 5-10-15% health bonus, and in some cases they added other perks

At veteran and higher, some servers added armor to vehicles you were driving, and also made light armor you drove resistant to snipers. Some servers made it so that when you hit veteran you would start getting a refund for your characters if you switched. (EG.. buy a Havoc for 1000, then buy a rocket soldier and get 500 back for the Havoc)

There were probably more rewards, but the system that doesn't rely on you to survive necessarily definitely fits better, and it rewards players that actually do things besides point whore, or just kill-whore free infantry with a Ramjet.


Have to agree there, death can't remove the perks, otherwise it kinds of gets in the way of the game.

There's also too much one-hit kill to make that fun.

Bonuses that are available for the rest of the game however could be interesting.

Like in the classic C&C games, when a unit destroys stuff worth more then its cost it gains rank and gets slight stat boosts.

No it didn't. That feature was not in the original C&C (Tiberian Dawn; the one Renegade is based on), but was first implemented in Tiberian Sun iirc.

What if this was in Renegade-X?

It would suck big time, because it would make camping even more powerfull and nearly impossible to stop. People whose priority is to never die or getting a high K/D ratio are usually bad players and shouldn't be rewarded.

Pyder, I disagree with your argument that snipers who hang back and kill infantry are by definition bad. I play intending NOT to die and getting a high K/D ratio by e.g. in "Field map" defending the tunnels from sneaky infantry, or hanging back to snipe sneaky infantry attemtping to flank the siege (=defending a siege) or sniping those engineers/tech/hotties who are rushing to a siege trying to C4 them ... picking them off isnt a bad thing, it's actually a great tactic for your team to get ahead!

How can you say that defending your teammates from being flanked/squashed by rogue infantry is bad play and shouldnt be rewarded? I think it should be, if at all.


I'm one that hates sniper covers and one shot kills in this game. In all FPS I despise it. Getting shot at from a mile where only snipers can threatened you goes against even Renegade from what I actually enjoy about it.


Veterancy is something I would absolutely enjoy in this one. It's a feature I really hope they add. I think they could have things like slightly better health, faster weapon, faster sprint or more stamina.

With a stealth tank you could have quicker stealth ability or a better weapon, with the Ftank, you could have a purifying flame etc. I think it would add a great deal to the game.

For a great example of this, take a look at Tiberian Sun Reborns new veterancy system below.

The Veterancy Patch gives all infantry the ability to gain "perks" through acquiring points. Each infantry has a different amount of points it must get before each rank, based on how powerful/useful the infantry is.

Here's a list of what each infantry gets at each veteran stage;


Light Infantry

Veteran: +25 to health and armour.

Elite: Weapon upgraded with more damage, higher rate of fire, higher range and higher velocity.


Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: Repair tool upgraded with higher repair rate.

Disk Thrower

Veteran: +25 to health and armour.

Elite: Incendiary anti-infantry disk (more damage, DoT).


Veteran: +50 to health and armour

Elite: Improved weapon with increased damage, RoF and velocity.


Veteran: +50 to health and armour.

Elite: Upgraded minigun with more damage, velocity, range and a higher RoF. Upgraded AA launcher with a cluster shot of three missiles, increased overall damage.

Special Note: Standard AA Missile Launcher has also been rebalanced.


Veteran: +50 to health and armour, +2 self repair.

Elite: +3 self repair (replaces +2 from veteran).

Special Note: More is planned for this units elite rank in future.


Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: Sniper Rifle upgraded with ionised bolts (more damage), higher range and higher velocity.

Riot Trooper

Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: Upgraded shotgun with incendiary pellets (more damage, DoT) and higher rate of fire . Also gains secondary fire slug shot.


Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: Repair tool upgraded with higher repair rate, self repair for vehicles (if driving).


Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: +50 to health and armour.

Special Note: More is planned for this units elite rank in future.


Light Infantry

Veteran: +25 to health and armour.

Elite: Weapon upgraded with more damage, higher rate of fire, higher range and higher velocity.


Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: Repair tool upgraded with higher repair rate.

Elite Cadre

Veteran: +25 to health and armour.

Elite: Rifle upgraded with increased damage, slightly higher range, less spread and higher RoF.

Rocket Soldier

Veteran: +25 to health and armour.

Elite: Upgraded rocket launcher with increased damage, velocity and range. Upgraded AA launcher with a cluster shot of two missiles, increased overall damage.

Special Note: Standard Rocket Launcher has also been tweaked.


Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: Gains an extra weapon - throwing knives. Limited (but refillable) ammo for assassination at a distance, less damage than a normal knife.

Special Note: More is planned for this units elite rank in future.


Veteran: +50 to health and armour.

Elite: Gains arm cannon. Chaingun upgraded with more damage, higher rate of fire, higher range and higher velocity.

Toxin Trooper

Veteran: +25 to health and armour.

Elite: Toxin Rifle upgraded with blue tiberium (more damage), higher range and higher velocity.

Mutant Hijacker

Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: Upgraded Uzi with blue tiberium ammo (more damage), higher rate of fire, higher range and higher velocity.

Special Note: Standard Uzi now fires normal bullets instead of tiberium ones.


Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: Repair tool upgraded with higher repair rate, self repair for vehicles (if driving).


Veteran: Improved armour gives more resistance to damage from splash, fire and toxin shards.

Elite: Improved plasma rifle with increased damage, RoF and velocity.

Cyborg Commando

Veteran: +100 to health.

Elite: Gains flamethrower weapon.


Veterancy is absolutely against the core principles of this game. The whole idea of being on par with your team mates and opponents- except for skill or experience is one of ren' s key principles.

Tell me just why would someone who semingly is doing good in the game should get an extra reward in that his char becomes better. If anything it would make more sens to make his char worse to level the playingfield?!

All this veterancy rubbish is linked to games like cod where you get unlocks the more you play and where a new player has no chance of winning anything.

I really hope this does not get introduced.

Veterancy is absolutely against the core principles of this game. The whole idea of being on par with your team mates and opponents- except for skill or experience is one of ren' s key principles.

Tell me just why would someone who semingly is doing good in the game should get an extra reward in that his char becomes better. If anything it would make more sens to make his char worse to level the playingfield?!

All this veterancy rubbish is linked to games like cod where you get unlocks the more you play and where a new player has no chance of winning anything.

I really hope this does not get introduced.

I agree with you on this. But I have to disagree about what you said about CoD.

CoD games are usually balanced in a way that the stuff you unlock doesn't necessarily give you the upper hand... just alternate ways to do battle that are all still defeatable by the basic bare bones equipment. Unlocks in Battlefield, on the otherhand, do cause a rift between new and experienced players and that's the kind of thing that annoys me and I hope never finds its way into a game like Renegade.


i kinda liked the recommendation from the dragonade servers ...

having some badges on your character or maybe show them only on the TAB screen (team only) ...

for different things ... good sniper, good tanksupport, good basedefense, good tank ... no other perks


As I said before, I could agree with some kind of visual unlocks. Eg a different "costume". Or a huge BOINK when you get your tenth kill. But no change in balance.

R31, I used to play COD WAW a lot and I can say that unlocks did make a big difference. But opinions :).

Veterancy is absolutely against the core principles of this game. The whole idea of being on par with your team mates and opponents- except for skill or experience is one of ren' s key principles.

Tell me just why would someone who semingly is doing good in the game should get an extra reward in that his char becomes better. If anything it would make more sens to make his char worse to level the playingfield?!

All this veterancy rubbish is linked to games like cod where you get unlocks the more you play and where a new player has no chance of winning anything.

I really hope this does not get introduced.

Veterancy was used in Tiberian Sun and its never caused such problems of being unable to win anything in Tiberian Sun Reborn because it's very challenging to stay alive for that long. However, it did make players care much more about their character and try to stay alive for longer.

It is a problem if people scare to die ... sometimes people need to die or run a high risk ...

Check out the Bluehell Veterancy feedback thread. https://www.bluehellproductions.com/for ... opic=27475

More specific to your concern...

The veteran system is great and puts more challenge into the gameplay. Since im usually the dude that runs in to distract the entire enemy team I now find myself trying to survive more since I wanna get rank 3 and such.

In short it was a great addition to the game :)

I know they are two different games but they still have quite a bit in common. When I played that game, I wasn't afraid to die but I definately found myself thinking more about tactics, cover, distraction and health in order to try to stay alive longer to get some veterancy perks. I think as long as veterancy perks vanish when you die it will be fine. I doubt anyone will add veterancy to Renegade X though but it would be an interesting server side experiment.

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