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I think there should be a specialized infantry for either side that can see stealth further away (maybe twice as far). Heck you could even make the crappy Officer able to do this. This would give a new way to patrol for stealth units and make a pretty useless character class more useful.


I don't really agree. Right now stealth is overpowered, period. Needs a drastic nerf. Its right next to me that its incredibly difficult to spot. Its just insane. More specific counters would be nice but the basics needs a fixing.


I'm not sure what basics are wrong. Aside from the obvious (WF ledge need fixed on flying maps), they're not that hard to spot and follow. I spent an hour chasing down and pistoling SBHs on Islands yesterday with hotwire without one of them getting away once I spotted them.

Perhaps you need to adjust your graphics to use fewer effects? I turned off lens flare and a couple other lighting options on mine to help with stuff like this.


if I remember correct Hotwires and Moebius units were able to see stealthunits a little better than regular GDI units... in classic renegade

not to forget that in classic renegade stealthunits did kinda flash or blink if they got hit by any projectile, if they got in contact with tiberium of any kind or took any damage... that is totaly missing in renegade-x so far

stanks had to avoid tiberium fields like infantery ...


I think the stank would visibly kick up chunks of tiberium when it drove over it. All tanks did this but you could easily see it when a stank did it.


No i am not talking about picking up chunks of tiberium ...

Stanks did flicker their blue transparent skin a little when they were moving on a tiberium field

not like Nod sees it but you could see them much better if you were close enough

I remember this beeing an issue on City for example ...

when you plan a stankrush to the WF through the gap under the bridge and BEHIND the tiberiumfield ...

sometimes some stanks went ahead and waited at that field, showing a randomly passing GDI unit that there is something ...

even if that not did reveal the whole rush it opened a fight that at least did delay the rush ... some bullet spray may

also hit other stanks that have been more carefull


I usually hid my stank on City behind the bridge support in that field and never had any issues. If you see GDI tanks when going out that side you shouldn't go out. GDI tends to shoot all around there anyway because it is a common place for stanks.


It's a pity they don't have something similar to a dog unit like they did in the RA games, maybe an AI dog patrol that automatically makes sweeps across the yard and barks/attacks when something is found. Hehe.


I dont think stealth is that over powered. Its definitely not game breaking. Maybe if stealth had a slight mirage effect while moving and if your close enough you can see it (like infiltrators in planetside2).

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