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Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available!

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Uninstalling Renegade X Beta 1 deletes C:\Users\[uSER]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder which contains Internet Explorer + Startup Items and god knows what else.

Please confirm if this is fixed in Beta 2.

FYI - This happened to all three computers that had Renegade X Beta 1 uninstalled.

I don't have a backup :mad:


Uninstalling Renegade X Beta 1 deletes C:\Users\[uSER]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder which contains Internet Explorer + Startup Items and god knows what else.

Please confirm if this is fixed in Beta 2.

FYI - This happened to all three computers that had Renegade X Beta 1 uninstalled.

I don't have a backup :mad:

Is that folder really that important? System32 levels of important?


Hello all,

I want to thank you for the new version of C & C Renegade, I've played a lot back in the day.

There are some great memories, and still some friends i met bij Renegade.

I hope that some old clanmates come back and also try the game.



Guys, it is time to release a Beta-3.... I am not even able to join a server anymore without those crashes.

Ah, must not be RenX-related, but who else get such system freezes? There is no any free day without such a freeze:


On some days, 90% of the time I try to join any server I crash before Ive got into the game. Explosions cause either freezes for about 1-2 minutes or complete crashes. Ive been in games where the Nuke beacon explosion has causes almost every single person to crash and some of them never came back.

Things like this can really damage the potential of this game. In the first release, most crashes were only on Map changes and rarely at any other time.

Confirming that it is also happening under Windows XP64 (Service Pack 2). The uninstaller cleaned out my entire Start Menu folder for Administrator. (Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\).

I'm about to see whether or not it has seriously affected my system by restarting; it didn't touch anything in the All Users version of the start menu (thankfully), but this whole thing makes me concerned as to what Renegade X is doing with the registry when installing and uninstalling, as that part is glossed over by the installation log. Considering I have had a rash of BSoDs happen after installing and playing Renegade X's Open Beta 1 (and I only had, like, one BSoD throughout all of last year) ... I've got reason to worry.

While I'm at it, why exactly does Renegade X's installer require a restart? I can't recall many other games that do this, and in fact (at least on XP64) the installer is pushy about it, shutting down programs even as it's asking if you want to restart now or later.

Yeah I'm in the same boat. I may have to reformat, same issues lie with open beta 2.


Don't reformat if this happened to you, instead do the following (this guide is written for Windows 7, but you can adapt it for other versions).

1: Click the Start Menu, then right-click All Programs and click Open.

2: Go up a directory.

3: Right-click the Start Menu folder, and click Properties.

4: Go to Previous Versions.

5: Select a previous version that had all of the items and click Restore...

6: Read and accept the warning that this action is irreversible.

Note: This won't work if you have System Restore disabled or turned off for the C: drive.

Just a few questions: can we count on add units and their skills, like in C&C3? E.g. APC can deploy mine field, or zone squad can fly on jetpacks.

I think that has a 0% chance!

Renegade is set in the Tiberium Dawn era (you know, the C&C game from 1995?) Ren X is the updated version of that game, whilst maintaining the gameplay during that era.

No fancy dancy stupid EA "improvements" (read: stupidity) for this game please!

EA ruined the C&C series

Just a few questions: can we count on add units and their skills, like in C&C3? E.g. APC can deploy mine field, or zone squad can fly on jetpacks.

I think that has a 0% chance!

Renegade is set in the Tiberium Dawn era (you know, the C&C game from 1995?) Ren X is the updated version of that game, whilst maintaining the gameplay during that era.

No fancy dancy stupid EA "improvements" (read: stupidity) for this game please!

EA ruined the C&C series

Not everything about Cnc3 was a fail and any positive points should be considered to improve on Renegade X. Renegade X doesn't just have to be an updated version of the one from 1995 and it already isn't. They have added things that weren't in the original and it has made it better.

I don't agree with APC mines but there may be other small improvements that can be made that were never in the original and I think they should be considered if they fit in.

  • 2 weeks later...
My game never crashes if i join first game. If i dont move mouse a few seconds before game ends, till new respawn it also crashes not that often.

I thought it was just me, I can confirm that if i don't click/move my mouse then I crash less often as well.

My game never crashes if i join first game. If i dont move mouse a few seconds before game ends, till new respawn it also crashes not that often.

I thought it was just me, I can confirm that if i don't click/move my mouse then I crash less often as well.

Very interesting, I'll have to test this. I was trying the opposite constantly, maybe that's why I crash so much ih1mck.jpg

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's really cool, I been streaming the game when I can, twitch is a good way to encourage a game. It really is a snowball thing unfortunately and it doesn't hold a lot of people when only 1 server is active, but I try to join scant servers all the time to pull players in, I streamed earlier me playing 2v2s, they were crazy.

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