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Westwood Studios Were the Creators of the Original Command And Conquer:Renegade. It Was The First C&C FPS Ever Released And Brought Along A Cult Following Including Tons And Tons of Successful Mods (Renegade X is the Successor of the original Renegade Thanks to Totem Arts). Sadly Westwood Studios Was Closed By EA And Thousands Of Workers Were Unemployed.But then A Small....Small Sprinkle Of Hope..................

And Now.........

The Team that Started It All Have Returned

The Team Of Westwood Studios That Were Unemployed Decided They Would Create Their Own Company. One That Would Bring the Light back to them Once again. So they Created Petroglyph Games. They Went Their Own Way And Became Known By Creating Star Wars:Empire At War Which was A Blockbuster Success Then they Created Universe At War:Earth Assault then Panzer General: Allied Assault And then Guardians Of Graxia, Heroes Of Graxia, Mytheon. Those Games Were Great To But Not as Nearly As Successful as the Next Well Known Game, Rise Of The Immortals, A well known 2011 Hit And then, End Of Nations. End Of Nations Was A Idea That got Everyone Excited. It Was A MMORTS That had Full-Scale War. I played the Beta.....IT WAS AWESOME. And Now the Game Is Not Even Mentioned As It Was Given To Trion Worlds And Its In Limbo :( And then We Never Heard from Petroglyph Again for 3 Years. BUT THEY ARE BACK NOW AND THEY ARE SERIOUS. Now they've got THE ORIGINAL COMMAND AND CONQUER Creators on their team And People That Made Supreme Commander 1+2 On Their Team too and are creating A Game Known As Grey Goo.

Here Is A Link To the Game Website: http://greygoo.greybox.com/

Tell The People at Totem Arts That Westwood Is Back As Petroglyph Games Cause Now They've Made Themselves Seriously known With The new Game Grey Goo.

Terrible name, sounds like a free iPhone app or something.

The Reason Its Called Grey Goo Is Because of Eric Drexler Created A End-Of-The-World Theory/Scenario Where Nanomachines Kill Everyone On Earth. He Himself Said He Has No Idea Why He called the Theory Grey Goo. Thats what the game's based off of but that name at first sounds goofy

Why Do You Cap Each Fking Word.

Makes Ur Sh1t Hard To Read And Makes You Look Like A COMPLETE TOOL!

Because Why Not. Also How Does It Make It Hard To Read And Make Me Look Like A Tool.

If Your Going To Insult Me Atleast Give Me A Reason Why.

Why Do You Cap Each Fking Word.

Makes Ur Sh1t Hard To Read And Makes You Look Like A COMPLETE TOOL!

Because Why Not. Also How Does It Make It Hard To Read And Make Me Look Like A Tool.

If Your Going To Insult Me Atleast Give Me A Reason Why.

One reason would be because when you're reading a sentence, in any language, you anticipate it to adhere to some degree to some particular form. When you break too far away from this form in such a way that is extremely uncommon, your message either becomes incomprehensible, or extremely difficult to read.

Another would be that each instance of you doing that is grammatically incorrect.

Translation: It Hurts Our Fucking Eyes To Read Crap Like This When It Isn't A TitTlE BeCauSE noBody elSe doeS this unLess theY wAnt To be takEn as a j0ke.

Why Do You Cap Each Fking Word.

Makes Ur Sh1t Hard To Read And Makes You Look Like A COMPLETE TOOL!

Because Why Not. Also How Does It Make It Hard To Read And Make Me Look Like A Tool.

If Your Going To Insult Me Atleast Give Me A Reason Why.

One reason would be because when you're reading a sentence, in any language, you anticipate it to adhere to some degree to some particular form. When you break too far away from this form in such a way that is extremely uncommon, your message either becomes incomprehensible, or extremely difficult to read.

Another would be that each instance of you doing that is grammatically incorrect.

Translation: It Hurts Our Fucking Eyes To Read Crap Like This When It Isn't A TitTlE BeCauSE noBody elSe doeS this unLess theY wAnt To be takEn as a j0ke.

....What you just said makes so much since i.....i guess ill stop caplocking the letters :P


The thread title is misleading, because "Westwood" isn't back and probably never will, as the name itself was also bought by EA and thus cannot be used without EA's consent.

Grey Goo is a silly name for a game, regardless what it's based off, but I like the concept, so I'm gonna follow it.

The thread title is misleading, because "Westwood" isn't back and probably never will, as the name itself was also bought by EA and thus cannot be used without EA's consent.

Grey Goo is a silly name for a game, regardless what it's based off, but I like the concept, so I'm gonna follow it.

What i meant by Westwood Is back is that The Team And the People of it is back. And yes I know Grey Goo is a silly name buts its actually a Placeholder name from what i've heard So Expect it to be Changed Soon.


Petroglyph was an awesome company, but it wasnt all the Westwood peeps (for EG, "Kane" wasnt among them).

And I havent heard any news about any of their stuff for quite some time.

BTW, I will agree (but wont be quite so direct) in saying the caps thing is kind of annoying.


Westwood returning with a vengeance, and they are making themselves seriously known with Grey Goo! LOL. This has to be a troll post. Please don't capitalize every word of every sentence and please refrain from such sensationalist hyperbolic bullshit posts. We have no idea how this game will turn out, or whether it will even make it past initial stages of development, so everything you are saying is just ridiculous hearsay. While I am excited that they are making another game, this is an entirely misleading and laughable post.

Westwood returning with a vengeance, and they are making themselves seriously known with Grey Goo! LOL. This has to be a troll post. Please don't capitalize every word of every sentence and please refrain from such sensationalist hyperbolic bullshit posts. We have no idea how this game will turn out, or whether it will even make it past initial stages of development, so everything you are saying is just ridiculous hearsay. While I am excited that they are making another game, this is an entirely misleading and laughable post.

Jeez, man. Were you really excited for Daikatana and got burned by its release? Because you sound phenomenally bitter.

How can this be a troll post? I'd imagine that most of us are fans of Westwood, or at least some of their work. Is it really so trollish to be cheering on Petroglyph's attempt to get the band back together for a new game, hoping that they make waves with the new title?

Or is it because the title of the game sounds too silly to be real? If that's what you think, well, "grey goo" is a rather firmly established concept in sci-fi as redeath123 pointed out.



  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
What Is With The Constant Caps? It's Extremely Fucking Annoying!

No It's Not, He's Just Linking To Crappy Films With Stupidly Long Titles

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