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Vehicles available after Factory is destroyed?

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I have one simple question. Is it somehow possible to build vehicles after the Factory has been destroyed? The reason I'm asking is as follows:

On the snow map (with the tiberium hill between both bases, and the pilotable turrets), I managed to nuke the GDI Weapons Factory. "No more Mammoth Tank for you!", I thought. However, about five minutes later, the GDI forces rushed the NOD base with at least two APCs (can't remember if there were other vehicles). I can't believe those were vehicles built before the nuke, so I wondered if certain vehicles can be ordered egardless of the Factoy?


Not possible. Only way is for a vehicle crate, which odds increase slightly after the destruction of vehicle creation buildings. So it was either several lucky crates or they were bought before hand.


Okay, thanks. Those two APCs were probably saved from before then. IAdmittedly, I was a litte it aggravated because I was the only one who managed to take out a GDI building and nevertheless they won the round because those two APC carried enough saboteurs to blow our baase up ;)


For that long of time after, it was probably a crate, if not, then a bug.

I have noticed that the Q or a part of Q continues to build after the building goes down.

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