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Just how exactly does it work? From what I've noticed, score granted from shooting buildings just far blows the score granted from shooting people or tanks out of the water. It's also much higher than score granted from repairing buildings. Getting into range for buildings with vehicles is pretty difficult on big pop servers unless if it's heavy pushes, but it's really easy for GDI to simply go gunner and spam their rockets which has really long range. Nod doesn't have any equivalent to this at all.

You can simply get overwhelming amount of score by taking potshots/spamming at buildings - the score is still there even if they repair them. I'm seeing games where GDI has 2-3 of the buildings destroyed while Nod none and they still simply win by scoring. It's really easy to see it as well, scoreboard for long going game is usually 3-4 people sitting at 5000 score and then the people behind that at maybe 1200 score or so.


Camping buildings is a long Renegade tradition and while it's a tad lame, it also keeps the enemy busy in their base repairing the buildings. So it is a valid tactic in a way, though I completely see where you're coming from. Airstrikes are a nice way of removing the campers though.


The problem isn't really tactical or the camping buildings it self. It's the fact that the score gained from shooting buildings is way too high, you can have 3-4 people contributing essentially nothing but taking potshots at a building which keeps one paygineer busy repairing the control panel and by the end of the game they'll have huge score compared to others and their team could have very high scores without actually doing well.

I mean, you barely get any score for killing the guy or the car shooting at your buildings. If everyone went for score you'll eventually see games where people are either rushing to shoot the opponents buildings or repairing their own buildings without caring about killing each other.


Oh yeah? Well what if I want to be on top of the leaderboards all the time? What if other people want to be on the leaderboards? Why should people having to the "mudane" things such as killing others tanks or repair the tanks shooting at buildings? Or ? Yes I know, if noone did the "mudane" things the the enemy might just do this and that which screw up your base making your team lose. So did the team lose because of the players fault or because of the poorly put out scoring system that puts certain roles on the pedestal and by doing so pretty much discourages teamplay?


If they don't bother shooting you at all, then go for it. 95% of the time you'll want to kill the tank first though, so that the other team isn't getting as many points, while your team is. That's why field control is important. If they aren't willing to shoot your tank, then take theirs out. If they are, then they aren't getting as many points by doing so. Either way, you win out by attacking them.


It's an RTS. Vehicles taking "potshots" at buildings is meant to keep the enemy occupied. This allows your teammates to either infantry rush (when possible) or just rush in with vehicles into beacon placement.

Also, building give most points because you're meant to destroy them. Why would anybody even bother attacking them if they didn't give more points than anything else?

My only complaint with scoring is that it is too important to the game. The game will consider a point lead more important than the fact a team is down to a single building compared to the other team having everything if the clock runs down.

Having only one remaining building is a pretty huge disadvantage. If the enemy team only has one building left and is still winning in points, then your team has horrible strategy. You don't win by doing nothing.


Dom: Ask any player. Any real player. It don't matter if you win by a point or a million. Winning's winning.

[Crowd cheers in agreement]


Yea,that's one of my biggest gripes with this game so far(if not the biggest)this hole spam buildings/repair them endless loop.

And it's not the point so much,I dont really play for points anyway,it's the fact that the hole thing feels just sooo boring to me.

It takes no skill shooting a stationary building just like it takes no skill repairing a stationary terminal,yet some people just stand there holding mouse 1 doing that for 20 mins(and what is even more rediculos is that you NEED people to do that and they get insanely rewarded for it).

I know that's how it use to be in the original,so it stays that way,but honestly it a really dumb system that doesnt really reward skill or tactics all that much and leads to very boring stalemates.

And I ll give you a perfect example of this with a game I had yesterday:

We were GDI and the NOD team was completely roflstomping us,we were down to only our barracks,all other building destroyed.

Enemy tanks were in our base completely surrounding the barracks,the second you went outside you got insta gibbed by a flametank.

Yet the game lasted for over 10 mins like that,with 20 engineers repairing the damn building and a few guys with shotguns camping the doors.

Needless to say it was boring as f***.

I for one would like to see a system which prevents a building/vehicle from beeing repaired for the next 5 seconds after getting hit.

I know this sounds way to radical and too big of a change,so it will never happen,but if it did,it would make the game much more dynamic and punishing to bad teams and pretty much remove boring stalemates,which I would personaly love.

Yea,that's one of my biggest gripes with this game so far(if not the biggest)this hole spam buildings/repair them endless loop.

And it's not the point so much,I dont really play for points anyway,it's the fact that the hole thing feels just sooo boring to me.

It takes no skill shooting a stationary building just like it takes no skill repairing a stationary terminal,yet some people just stand there holding mouse 1 doing that for 20 mins(and what is even more rediculos is that you NEED people to do that and they get insanely rewarded for it).

I know that's how it use to be in the original,so it stays that way,but honestly it a really dumb system that doesnt really reward skill or tactics all that much and leads to very boring stalemates.

And I ll give you a perfect example of this with a game I had yesterday:

We were GDI and the NOD team was completely roflstomping us,we were down to only our barracks,all other building destroyed.

Enemy tanks were in our base completely surrounding the barracks,the second you went outside you got insta gibbed by a flametank.

Yet the game lasted for over 10 mins like that,with 20 engineers repairing the damn building and a few guys with shotguns camping the doors.

Needless to say it was boring as f***.

I for one would like to see a system which prevents a building/vehicle from beeing repaired for the next 5 seconds after getting hit.

I know this sounds way to radical and too big of a change,so it will never happen,but if it did,it would make the game much more dynamic and punishing to bad teams and pretty much remove boring stalemates,which I would personaly love.

I would say that's because the game just isn't really designed (or balanced) for these massive servers. Mind you I'm not saying they shouldn't exist or that people shouldn't enjoy them, just that the experience will be completely different than playing on a 16, 24, or 32 player server for instance.

Personally I enjoy 16 or 24 player servers the most, because any more than that and it starts to feel spammy and tactics/gameplay/mechanics begin breaking down.


It is a bit weird. I know PTFO should be rewarded and I don't really care about points in a game like this but it always feels weird when I'm going 25-1 defending the base against vehicle rushes chopper/engineer attempts and only having a couple hundred points when some guy with an arty is just holding his mouse button on the enemy power plant, racking up thousands while feeding the enemy thousands in repair points.


Play marathon mode if you're against points deciding the game.

The addition of the ped will help games end quicker in situations like that in some servers. If the enemy team can't get a nuke off at the last building, they will at least be able to get a ped nuke set, hopefully.

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