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  • Totem Arts Staff

The Renegade X Open Beta will be released on February 26th, 2014. Our gamemode is the unique FPS-RTS hybrid, Command & Conquer mode. Below is a basic video tutorial introducing the gamemode and the new features offered in Renegade X.


On February 26th, Renegade X will be released for free. Find it at http://www.renegade-x.com and http://renxgame.com

The guy who narrated this has a strangely soothing voice.

As far as I know, that's Fobby's voice. Who isn't soothed by someone who has heard the call of the boink?


Will this video and other future videos be in the game itself? This would help orient new players a great deal if it popped up before they joined a server.

Will this video and other future videos be in the game itself? This would help orient new players a great deal if it popped up before they joined a server.


Perhaps you could take the NS2 approach, showing tiny 'how to' in game video snippets each time player is waiting to respawn.

Will this video and other future videos be in the game itself? This would help orient new players a great deal if it popped up before they joined a server.


Perhaps you could take the NS2 approach, showing tiny 'how to' in game video snippets each time player is waiting to respawn.

That wouldn't work as respawn is pretty much instant.

Instead you could have a tutorial section in the game menu.


Hey guys, recently heard about this game and just downloaded it but I'm skeptical. I'm a very competitive FPS player and play Natural Selection 2 at a pretty good level.

I'm vaguely familiar with the mechanics of Renegade but not familiar with the gameplay, strategy and teamwork elements. I've looked a little on the forums but I'm ignorant of anything beyond the basics. Can anyone recommend me a server that tolerates/teaches rookies well and also any advanced guide or indepth information regarding the game.

My main reason for this post is that after playing NS2 for over a year I found that a complex game can warrant a lot of hate from veterans if you play in servers that don't tolerate rookies.

I'm excited and interested in giving this game a good try as it seems similar to NS2 but I would like a bit of knowledge before I dive in head first. Thanks.


The way Renegade works is very noob friendly. Especially now, with all these 64 player servers. There are so many things to do in a match that you will need to devote several rounds to just learning the ropes of how it works.

Play a map and just fight it out in the tunnels. On another map, use vehicles. On another, try sniping. On another, try supporting friendly vehicles with repairs. And that's only scratching the surface.

There is just so much you can do and now is the perfect time to learn. You won't get better if you don't toss yourself in!

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