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I believe they are very confident the servers can handle the download numbers.

When Black Dawn was released there weren't any problems.

P.S. Is there an exact time of release? Feb 26 doesn't mean much due to the different time zones.

probably around noon UTC

That's a solid guess. I'm just wondering because if they release it at midnight UTC on the 26th, I would actually get it at 4 PM on the 25th as I live in PST (-8:00). And that would please me greatly because I hate the last few days of waiting the most.

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I would like the oddles of steam members to see the game when they go surfing for shtuff to play.

I have steam but wouldn't opt to get this on it if it has standalone.

If its possible for them to do steam, please do, but I suspect a game they can't do any form of monetization from is going to somehow not meet some form of criteria for Steam. Which would suck but thats life.

Im sure if Valve is such an awesome publisher, theyd have no problem with RenX. /sarcasm

Anywho, its possible Valve would allow it on Steam if they got ad revenue from it, but the only ads on Steam are for Steam. If you look at something similar, like Black Mesa, they even started charging for that to put it on Steam. Valve may play the negotiator and try to convince EA to allow such a thing, but considering how obsessed EA is with Origin, I doubt it.

Valve charged the Black Mesa team for steam placement?

I'd like to extend a HUGE thankyou to everyone involved in the development of Renegade-X. The nostalgia it brings is priceless. I played Renegade multiplayer religiously back in 2002-06 and can honestly say that nothing compares. The CnC series (mostly Westwood era [Tibsun and RA2 specifically] ) are the best games I've ever played. I feel a constant sense of remorse knowing that it will never be the same and the golden era of CnC left over 12 years ago. I'm so glad to see that there are others who are still dedicated to the series. I've followed this mod for years, bought UT3:B for it a few years ago also. I am so glad that it is finally being released and it looks fucking INCREDIBLE! Great job guys! Thanks for being a light of hope in the CNC universe!
This. I've been telling all my friends (who didn't even know about C&C Renegade), and we can't wait to play. Y'all are the best.

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