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Renegade X - Release Date Unveiled (Trailer)

Check out our latest trailer below!



The End is the Beginning

The news that you've all been patiently waiting for has arrived. Renegade X is a free multiplayer Tactical FPS game that will be released on February 26, 2014. The release will coincide with the 12th birthday of C&C Renegade.

Renegade X is not an ordinary game. We are bringing the popular "Command & Conquer" RTS series to ground level as a large-scale team-based tactical shooter. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams - the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), a UN international military force committed to world order and peacekeeping, and the Brotherhood of Nod, a messianic international terrorist network that aims to push humanity into the next stage of human evolution.

Players will be able to manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more.

Each team will have a base of operations that composes of several key structures. Each structure has its own purpose. For example, the GDI Barracks gives GDI players access to special weapons and characters. If the Barracks is destroyed by Nod forces, GDI will lose the ability to purchase these special weapons.

We believe that this gamemode - "Command & Conquer Mode" - can potentially revolutionize the FPS genre. It is the gem that went unnoticed for many years. Now is the time to uncover it.

Release Date

Renegade X version 1.0 will be released on February 26th, 2014. Our journey began in 2007 - we released five betas for Unreal Tournament 3 in 2009 and 2010, and we released our singleplayer campaign Black Dawn in 2012.

Our original promise was to release Renegade X version 1.0 in 2013. The game went into its private beta phase in June 2013. We then decided to postpone the release from December to February, as the team believes that an additional few weeks of polishing is necessary. We'd like to deliver a stable and balanced game, and the extra development and testing time would produce that. We realize that this may disappoint some fans, but keep in mind that we are a non-profit team working on this game on our spare time. Our team has had six successful releases in the past, and we have always launched on time. This will be the first time that we postpone the game's deadline.

The closure of Victory Games (EALA) is definitely a factor in our delay. Without going into much detail, Victory Games was going to provide a supportive role in advertisement, distribution, and server and client-side features. Now that Victory Games has closed, we have a few more tasks on our hands.

The multiplayer release will be a beta. That means that although all core features will be in the game, it will not be the finished product. We plan on releasing patches, new maps, and new features throughout 2014. You will be able to post your suggestions for the game and issues with the game, and we will address all of them. With a game as large scale as Renegade X, a public beta is necessary to iron out any glitches and balance fixes that are necessary.

We will be pumping out a lot of news, videos, interviews, and updates from now until release. Can you keep up with us?

You are more than welcome to ask any questions either on this thread or on our Forums: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/

Other news

The leader of Nod's "Black Hand" special forces is this man: Gideon Raveshaw. General Raveshaw is a short, cold, unforgiving man. He possesses unmatched charisma and intelligence. The name "Gideon" is Hebrew for "Mighty Warrior"... that's pretty befitting for a man wielding a railgun that is almost his own size. Check him out.



Carlos Mendoza is mercenary who came to Nod after his methods became too extreme even for the extremists he was working for. He stays in General Raveshaw's employ due to the amount of money he receives for his services. Mendoza has a very confident and arrogant fighter, often insulting his enemies during firefights and gloating. He carries the electrifying Volt Autorifle.


Sniper Rifle

Here is the new and improved 500-credit sniper rifle. Shiny.


Sidearm Weapon Reveal

In Renegade X, all characters spawn with a default silenced pistol. We will be giving players the option to customize their weapon loudout. Advanced characters will be given the option to exchange their silenced pistol for either the Machine Pistol, a short-ranged fast-firing weapon, or the Heavy Pistol, a handgun with incendiary armour-piercing rounds. We will be discussing other secondary weapon customization options in later updates.



Kenz, one of our beta testers, has begun working on Renegade X's first fanmap, "X-Mountain". The first version of X-Mountain was featured in the UT3 version of Renegade X back in 2009. It quickly became a favourite, and now Kenz is working on a remake for the upcoming release. It's looking really good, check it out below.



Keep an eye out

We're very excited to be finally releasing Renegade X version 1.0. This is the summation of seven years of hard work. The game is finally playing the way we want it to, and it brings a grin to all of our faces. We'd like to thank you all for your continued support! See you on the battlefield.

Stay connected:





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Looks absolutely fantastic I can not wait to play it!

Thanks for giving us a release date. Sorry about being so pushy on the topic of a release date but from a server owners prospective it's a big deal.(have to have server resources and such ready for it.)


OMG! This looks amazing. I can't wait to play it, I'll make sure I get a new PC by then :) There's nothing better than teaming up with 8 people to flame tank rush the GDI base! Looking forward to that, thanks for your hard work guys.


I can only say that you have outdone the expectations and yourself again. Compliments!

Airstrikes look like small area's. In the wider maps it will feature quite nicely I think. Still worried about the weapon recoil.


Excellent news, [NE]Fobby[GEN]. :cool:

Say, how big is the game when it's released? And PLEASE, please split the huge download in 2GB parts as RAR files. I don't want to use a download manager again for this one.


Incredible! Can't believe that after five years of following this project and checking the forums every few days, we finally have a set release date! And the game looks to be much more promising than I ever dreamed of. I really hope, this project will fuel the carriers of all the talent working on this over at Totem Arts during their spare time!

It is now up to us, the community, to get the word out and gather some momentum for the upcoming release.

The new models and the map look sweeeeet!!!


We believe that this gamemode - "Command & Conquer Mode" - can potentially revolutionize the FPS genre. It is the gem that went unnoticed for many years. Now is the time to uncover it.

I agree that there is nothing quite like C&C mode. Still, I couldn't resist the urge to mention indie games Natural Selection (1+2) that very successfully merged FPS and RTS elements, including base building, commander mode and even asymmetrical gameplay. Check it out, it is one of the finest MP games there is imo!


I hope this thread will not be regarded as flaming this great and long awaited announcement. I genuinly think that many ppl here might appreciate the info though.



I'm one happy girl after hearing this is back! (Yes I like shooters. :P)

Very excited, nostalgia is already flowing back to me. Woo! Great models by the way, very sharp.

Good luck guys for the launch! =)


I have completely lost track of how many times I've watched the new trailer. Its so beautiful and perfectly made :D

On a related sidenote: I noticed the news update while at school, and as I tried to navigate to this post, my hand was just shaking from pure excitement! I also couldn't concentrate at all after that.


Ah yes, finally. Been lurking for a while now and its finally coming together. I'm extremely excited to see what you guys have put together as it looks absolutely fantastic!

I just have one questions, and pardon me if its been answered elsewhere, but how is the project going to be maintained? I believe I read that the game is releasing for free and they are unable to acquire any sort of money due to legal reasons. Is their the ability to donate to the developers if we want or? Just looking for how I can support the developers and all their hard work!

Ah yes, finally. Been lurking for a while now and its finally coming together. I'm extremely excited to see what you guys have put together as it looks absolutely fantastic!

I just have one questions, and pardon me if its been answered elsewhere, but how is the project going to be maintained? I believe I read that the game is releasing for free and they are unable to acquire any sort of money due to legal reasons. Is their the ability to donate to the developers if we want or? Just looking for how I can support the developers and all their hard work!

Unfortunately there is not. EA won't allow them to monetarize on this as far as I've heard. The only way I can think of supporting the devs is posting some cash to a physical adress.

BTW: yay, my favorite gaming site has already covered the reveal!!!

http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/11 ... ease-date/

Ah yes, finally. Been lurking for a while now and its finally coming together. I'm extremely excited to see what you guys have put together as it looks absolutely fantastic!

I just have one questions, and pardon me if its been answered elsewhere, but how is the project going to be maintained? I believe I read that the game is releasing for free and they are unable to acquire any sort of money due to legal reasons. Is their the ability to donate to the developers if we want or? Just looking for how I can support the developers and all their hard work!

The development is probably not over once released. Anyway, the community is big enough to keep it up-to-date and running, even when the current team is not able to offer support anymore (however they are some damm good developers so we better hope it will never happen).

You can support this project by keep playing it. If you feel needed to spend money on the game, then you always could consider to start your own Ren-x server.


congrats guys - two questions

#1 Does the community here want me to set up a clan league on clanwars.cc? I run that site and the old renegade community had a popular league running over there, I could probably get spoony to manage it again (if you all remember him)

#2 How will multiplayer work regarding client/server - cheat prevention etc... I would be willing to run an official server - just let me know


congrats guys - two questions

#1 Does the community here want me to set up a clan league on clanwars.cc? I run that site and the old renegade community had a popular league running over there, I could probably get spoony to manage it again (if you all remember him)

#2 How will multiplayer work regarding client/server - cheat prevention etc... I would be willing to run an official server - just let me know


Hey, yeah we would definatly like to see that! Your leagues are very cool!

In regards to servers and cheatprotection: We support dedicated servers (only windows systems though as UDK does not support have linux server support) and we try to have a bit of built in cheatprotection code. Other than that its UDK´s own anti cheat protection like fileversion checks. And then theres serverdemos you can take where you can watch everyone again from their point of view.


Wow it looks amazing! It is amazing what people can create when they put quality time into a project such as this. I know this was talked about before but i don't remember a final decision being made so i ask will renegade x be put on steam? or will EA not allow that? And maybe a PS4 version since it allows indie games? I'm very excited to play this game. Nice work! ohh and since you can not legally rechieve money for the game by selling it. can we start a kickstarter or gofundme?

Wow it looks amazing! It is amazing what people can create when they put quality time into a project such as this. I know this was talked about before but i don't remember a final decision being made so i ask will renegade x be put on steam? or will EA not allow that? And maybe a PS4 version since it allows indie games? I'm very excited to play this game. Nice work! ohh and since you can not legally rechieve money for the game by selling it. can we start a kickstarter or gofundme?

You could support the game by:

1) Playing the game to keep it populated

2) Donate to official/unofficial servers to keep their server running (for example multiplayerforums.com, so they can provide Renegade-X with a game-server or even more)

3) Rent your own server(box) so people have more servers to play in.

4) Tell others

5) Map-making

6) Be a great moderator on one of the available servers.

Donations for "Gamedevelopment" are not allowed however EA has nothing to say about donations for renting a server-box. But Totem Arts is only developing the game so it will probably not legally possible to donate them somehow for their service.



This is the most epic shit I've seen for a while! Can't wait for it

When I remember how this Game evolved from the 1st version I playerd (0.35)...awesome job everyone!!! You make dreams come true!


will this game be as susceptible as things like big head, bones etc... As the original game?

to the devs - if you want to package game results and send them to me I can collect the match data and sort it out and even flag games as clan matches based on the participants - I did this for halo wars on the cw.cc site - hit me up if you want to chat about it

email is best: Patrick.mckula@gmail.com

again though great work guys I really hope this game picks up steam I'll be pimping it for you guys as best I can. Have you contacted anyone at IGN to write a piece about it?


So beautiful!

After St0rm and Atomix died again, I switched to planetside 2. So excited for the release. Been waiting so long =P The game is looking so beautiful. Time to post this on my outfit's website.

So beautiful!

After St0rm and Atomix died again, I switched to planetside 2. So excited for the release. Been waiting so long =P The game is looking so beautiful. Time to post this on my outfit's website.

Whats with all the Planetside 2 references suddenly? I've played it and I'll grant you some similarities. Buying tanks and units and start killing each other.

That being said, it is a totally different game. Different units, sides and economy. One of these things is the taking over stuff. You fight over a piece of land (awesome), sometimes for a long time (also awesome) and then you win or lose. Does it matter? Not much, because you can take it back later. Every victory is a bit like a "thats nice" and every defeat is a "meh" moment. Your progress or defeat doesn't feel like it matter. There is no true defeat, nor true victory. This allows for a lot of people not to take it seriously, making it a not very committing game to me.

With Renegade there is a defeat of a team. When you destroy a building, it is gone for the rest of the game. When you destroy a tank, it feels much more like a tactical advancement. You try your best not to lose. If you come back from certain death, the victory is all the sweeter. In Planetside it can only be taken from you again.


Wow, such anger over ps2. No need to turn this into a flamewar. I appreciate both games for their similarities and differences. Keep the butthurt from polluting the forums <3

Back to the thread, I feel Totem Arts is the true successor to Westwood. Been sad watching C&C slowly die over the years and diligently watched this project grow. Be sure to build a strong community. Renegade suffered in this respect.

Wow, such anger over ps2. No need to turn this into a flamewar. I appreciate both games for their similarities and differences. Keep the butthurt from polluting the forums <3

Back to the thread, I feel Totem Arts is the true successor to Westwood. Been sad watching C&C slowly die over the years and diligently watched this project grow. Be sure to build a strong community. Renegade suffered in this respect.

Oh dont go and make every word so extreme. I like ps2 very much. Its just that Renegade can give a real rush where ps2 doesnt give you that satisfaction. Ps2 is still the best modern shooter I've played. Everything nowadays is build on the mindless killing and mostly sniping. Ps and Renegade make a difference here.

About making a stong community. Dont worry about that. The website will go up soon and the I expect some extra categories for the forums too. The news is also helping. Just look at the "Renegade in the news" part and smile.

@oompah. The game should be resilient to a lot of cheats. Bh and changing skins will essentially change the version, making it incompatible to play. There is also an inbuilt anti cheat thingy that is supposed to be a good standard anti cheat measure. I believe it. The current Renegade mint community seems less into cheating (at least with extreme cheats like bh. Some do have spongebob timed c4 I hear). There is also the program renguard that was made by the community, preventing cheats. So it will be the new guys you have to watch out for.

@drunkill. Why not join xwiss and go on a renegade mint server today?


Having no level system helps fighting the war versus the hackers. What is the point of cheating when it does not make you better. And additionally it is up to the moderators to keep their servers clean. Once they are banned they wil have a hard time to get back ingame.

Having no level system helps fighting the war versus the hackers. What is the point of cheating when it does not make you better. And additionally it is up to the moderators to keep their servers clean. Once they are banned they wil have a hard time to get back ingame.

Maybe being able to kill easily and show off? Lots of people have done things just to "win". Cheats that killed everyone with the press of a button. A repairbeam with infinite range that killed instantly. Big head, auto aim, cheats that filled the hp one team and lots of others Ive seen. All because they wanted an advantage to win. Not having a level system is just a minor reason why not to cheat, as the cheating itself makes you better already.


I will be really interested to see the size of the community for this game.

I admit I am probably considered a first generation PC gamer - I am not trying to brag, trust me, I feel very dated anymore in gaming circles. But the fact is I really got into gaming in the early 90s - playing all of these great games (imo) that had no persistence, or leveling or micro transactions or any F2P mechanics.

I LOVED the original Renegade and I am very very excited to see a good multiplayer - team based, session based, non persistent experience and see how well received it is.

I think the renegade formula is unique and very fun, but will this generation of gamers want an experience that is, at it's core a more hardcore experience. Hardcore because excluding any cheating or hacks it's always a very fair symettrical skill based experience. You can't buy any advantages and while you role play a bit - it's nothing like LoL or WoT where you have a very specific role based on your tank or character. Here you can very rapidly change roles and should depending on the situation.

I tried PS2 and I admit I am old and slow, but wow it was just too overwhelming - too fast, too large, too confusing. Renegade is the perfect bite sized, session based experience, games are fast but confined and don't last hours and there is always an outcome. With that comes some ownership of that outcome, - I am referring to arranged team games btw.

I am very curious to see how well this game is received.


Just received an e-mail from this site (haven't logged in since I made the account in 2009) and watched the release video. I must say... it looks incredible. I'll definitely be downloading it once it's released! I hope to bump into some old Renegade players as well. And hey, Oompah! I remember you from ClanWars.cc! Do you still keep in contact with Trunks and/or Stripey (s/p)? I think those were their aliases anyway.


registered when i first heard of this great mod, as i played the original a decade ago.

checked every now and then, and today i got the mail that release date is announced!

great news, love the concept of the game, and thank you very much for reviving one of the coolest multiplayer experiences of my youth <3


From a dev standpoint, how would you see this game playing out as an eSport game? You have to consider really the 4 qualifications you need for a competitive game is:

1. Spec. Mode

2. Built-in Recorder (ie. demo recorder for valve games)

3. Good hit registry/netcode

4. A Unique experience!

This game looks pretty cool! Can't wait to play it!

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