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Two questions:

1. Will you still be able destroy two buildings with one nuke/ion?

2. What is the limit on Remote C4s? Per team? Per person? On a side note, can you still put remote C4s on an ally and go suicide-bombing?

Edit: Longer question but how have the point-scoring system changed? Do you still get tons of points by shooting tanks with a Ramjet?

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If not what's the reason for not implementing them?


Thanks for the completely useless response, please leave it for the developers to answer.

All you're doing, is showing how much of a tool you are.

Two questions:

1. Will you still be able destroy two buildings with one nuke/ion?

2. What is the limit on Remote C4s? Per team? Per person? On a side note, can you still put remote C4s on an ally and go suicide-bombing?

Edit: Longer question but how have the point-scoring system changed? Do you still get tons of points by shooting tanks with a Ramjet?

1. You will only be able to destroy 2 buildings with one nuke/ion if they would be standing nearly against each other due to the range of the weapon. The range is huge in respect to all other weapons, but not large enough as no map has buildings so close to each other. So the short answer is no. You cannot destroy 2 buildings with one nuke/ion

2. The limit of C4 in Renegade Vanilla was per team. This is with near certainty the same with Renegade-X. It was also mentioned that the limit is set by the server per map, so expect different amounts of C4 for each map. I think they did not change the rules of C4 that much, so suicide-bombing should still be an option. Watch out though, some servers don't tolerate that kind of thing, so respect those rules.

You will still get points from shooting a tank, but probably more like the current scripted Renegade. The points you will get will be very low. We are talking about maybe even half points, but I'm not sure. Much better than the 30+ points you could get from a mammoth tank in the old days.

If not what's the reason for not implementing them?


Thanks for the completely useless response, please leave it for the developers to answer.

All you're doing, is showing how much of a tool you are.

He was just joking a little relax


I'm all in favor of pointsfix, so that's good to know.

I remember seeing the two buildings with one nuke in Volcano, but that map's actually not in Renegade X yet so I guess it doesn't matter.

Now I have a question about what happens when a vehicle turret clips into an enemy:

In one of the videos streamed by theGunrun, I saw a mammy vs. flame tank. The Flametank was directly up against the mammy, the mammy's turrets clipped into the flametank, and the mammy's shells didn't do any damage even though it was shooting directly at (or into) the flametank. I sort of remember this bug happening in the original Ren, but will this be fixed in Ren X?

Sorry another question:

Is it true that there is no splash damage through buildings? Example, if an arty is bombarding a building, the engis inside do not get hurt anymore?


The explosions, except for occasional bugs or if the doors open and let the splash damage in, do stop at walls. Walls stop explosion damage in the direction of the wall. Therefore, beacons and artillery do not damage through walls anymore. This does prevent repairmen inside structures from slowly dying to shells, as well as tunnel beacons and the walkway beacon on canyon and glacier (though those maps aren't explicitly discussed for RenX adaptation)

Turret clipping. That sounds like the kind of thing that happens and is ok in itself. The damage thing is a bug of course, I am not entirely sure if that exists but it would be nice if it didn't and if it did I really think one could aim along the edge of the flame tank to shoot and damage it instead of directly facing into it's chasis (so basically, shoot it's backmost tread edge instead)


Hmmm ...

I always felt like the slow damage to the engis repairing a building that is under heavy bombardment was a good thing ...

I not want to go for the "realism card" cuz imo that has nothing to do with gaming and specialy renegade

but it seems valid that a shockwave of a tankshell would do some kinde of damage inside the building ...

nuke/ion damage should still be stopped anyways

but after all, even if all walls stop all splashdamage, RenegadeX will still be fun i believe!


It has been discussed, yes, that tank shells were an unexpected side effect in Renegade but did still feel like it had a purpose after one had played the game a long time.

I wonder if eventually it might become a feature, that everyone inside the building will take 1 point of damage any time the building takes 1% point of damage, but no more than 5 points of damage at one time.

Neat to consider. That is asking for a lot of work from a dev team that has a lot to do elsewhere in the game, but it is always an idea for details and such.


you would not have to do like you say ...

I believe it would be more easy to just block 95-99% of the splash damage of shells and rockets through a wall ...

and keep it close to the wall ...

but well, we will see ...

I think this big public beta is mainly meant to polish the game and gather the feedback of the community

Bugfinding is not to much importand i believe ... i mean TA already said that the most bugs are found, and i think the public beta is already locked up

just keep the beta comming and then discuss again about those things :)

Now I have a question about what happens when a vehicle turret clips into an enemy:

In one of the videos streamed by theGunrun, I saw a mammy vs. flame tank. The Flametank was directly up against the mammy, the mammy's turrets clipped into the flametank, and the mammy's shells didn't do any damage even though it was shooting directly at (or into) the flametank. I sort of remember this bug happening in the original Ren, but will this be fixed in Ren X?

That was definitely in the original. I remember because it was literally the only reason I ever used the rockets on the mammy (since only the cannon or rocket could be fired at any one time). The rockets were further back, so werent affected by that clipping issue. With the new mammy, I hope they fixed that.


This happens in the original renegade with any tank turret. It's not a glitch though. The only glitch would be that if it counts the shot for the tank, and forces it to reload after it. Otherwise, a turret inside any type of vehicle/structure should not have the ability to shoot.

Video I'm talking about: http://www.twitch.tv/thegunrun/b/496565080

Skip to 1:11:00

You hear the guy playing say "That was weird, it didn't register damage."

Yes that is a problem, as the guns nearly never touch the flame tank. I agree with HaTe that if your gun's go inside a building it should not fire, but not registering damage at distance, even if it's this small, should not happen.

The rockets look pretty powerful though. 30% damage! that's 240 damage without breaking a sweat. Then 2 quick shots with the normal guns...

Still it looks like it might be glitched or something. It was from 66% to 0 in a few seconds, and a flame tank and a mammy together would take a few seconds longer if I'm any judge. The rockets first did only a few % damage at the start (not hitting everything I know), but nowhere near 30%. Maybe some of the damage was only registered much later than the rockets? I think it's not a glitch with clipping, but a registering problem.

(btw if I understand it correctly, clipping is that your guns go inside a structure or are so close to an obstacle that it won't fire/will not do damage?)


Yes. And Hate is right if I recall correctly.

In Renegade, anytime your tank barrel was stuffed inside of a structure, it would not fire (obviously because if it were allowed, you would stick it inside walls and kill people inside buildings with it. Same with tanks, although in high tension moments like that it might only just barely be, in which case you would get the firing animation on your screen but wouldn't actually fire because the ammo won't go down (because the game will shutter badly delayed lag and teleport you back in time a few seconds and shtuff)

In that video, it is probably different though. Probably. Have no clue what causes that kind of thing.


Can't open the video on my tablet, so I'll have to check it out later.

As far as damage goes, balance is still being tweaked regularly, and it will almost positively need the open beta players' help in determining an equal balance. It is hard to do with the rather limited amount of players and playing time, currently.


My point might not be completely clear. The damage of the barrels seem to be partly "stored" and partly wasted. It does not do damage while the rockets are (about 6-10% damage per volley, some rockets miss). It is taken down to 66% in about 50 seconds. A GDI flame tank comes to the scene, a rocket barrage seems to do 27+% damage, (it has 39% left) and then it just explodes with the GDI flame tank flaming it. The increase of damage of the rockets might be a late release of that "stored" damage.

All just a theory, but it just looks so weird. It could also be a lag issue or something, but it doesn't explain why the rockets do have instant damage.

So it's not a matter of the rockets doing an incredible amount of damage, but I suspect something else.

Yes. And Hate is right if I recall correctly.

In Renegade, anytime your tank barrel was stuffed inside of a structure, it would not fire (obviously because if it were allowed, you would stick it inside walls and kill people inside buildings with it. Same with tanks, although in high tension moments like that it might only just barely be, in which case you would get the firing animation on your screen but wouldn't actually fire because the ammo won't go down (because the game will shutter badly delayed lag and teleport you back in time a few seconds and shtuff)

In that video, it is probably different though. Probably. Have no clue what causes that kind of thing.

For most tanks yes it just stops you from shooting, but I remember from experience that if you position a flame tank close enough to a building, you'd shoot inside the building and do no damage.

If this is indeed the problem, perhaps a simple solution would be to move the actual tip of the barrel closer to the tank, but visually, the length of the barrel stays the same.

Yes. And Hate is right if I recall correctly.

In Renegade, anytime your tank barrel was stuffed inside of a structure, it would not fire (obviously because if it were allowed, you would stick it inside walls and kill people inside buildings with it. Same with tanks, although in high tension moments like that it might only just barely be, in which case you would get the firing animation on your screen but wouldn't actually fire because the ammo won't go down (because the game will shutter badly delayed lag and teleport you back in time a few seconds and shtuff)

In that video, it is probably different though. Probably. Have no clue what causes that kind of thing.

For most tanks yes it just stops you from shooting, but I remember from experience that if you position a flame tank close enough to a building, you'd shoot inside the building and do no damage.

If this is indeed the problem, perhaps a simple solution would be to move the actual tip of the barrel closer to the tank, but visually, the length of the barrel stays the same.

You know, that actually solves both problems, and that is really cool.

And just to specify, that just means the orgin of the tank shell starts at the base of the barrel (sort of) so if your barrel is stuffed it will still damage just wherever it hits mid-barrel. Still not realistic, but straightforward nonetheless. If your barrel is stuffed, you hit whatever your barrel is stuffed in, not what is inside it.

Just make sure to make the tank immune to it's own splash damage.


I get what you're saying.

That may work for the flame tank specifically (though it would indeed look weird), but it wouldn't really work for any tank with a shell warhead. The shell then would have the potential to explode mid barrel if the tip of the turret was in contact with any other unit. That changes up the splash radius, makes the smoke and explosion closer to the view of the user (especially in first person tank view, which is new to renegade x), and the worst part is that it would throw off any elevation change. If your vehicle is on a slant and you are shooting, the shell would then appear to exit the turret of the tank in the middle, instead of passing all the way through. It's an interesting idea that sounds logical for the flametank, though.


@The Yeti: although I'm not a dev, I think this one is a certain yes. Did you read all the FAQ's?

I checked some video's (thank you Gunrun amd Kenz3001) and have some questions. My first question is regarding the manned base defenses in Hourglass. Apparently both teams can enter the turrets. Would this not be too powerful for SBH? They can just enter the turrets at an unguarded moment, creating havoc. Especially if 4 try it at the same time, you can make the way for a great assault. It's difficult of course and good teams will probably have some people in the turrets at all times due to the quick pace of the map, but certainly a danger. Especially for small teams or contests.

A second problem is teamspeak (ts). Is it on the server or through a ts program? And I don't see who is talking, making possible abuse a problem. I don't know how it is organised though. Is it possible to address your whole team, or only your squad? How do you join a ts squad? Is that just some friends who decided to connect on one ts frequency or something? I only have experience with planet side 2 ts and I have the feeling that this will be completely different.

The remote C4 doesn't seem to have a time between throwing and blowing up? At least that's what it seems like in the Kenz3001 movies. He blows himself up all the time barely a second after throwing (movie 6 at least)

I had more questions, but forgot them. Maybe later


Hourglass 2 is renamed as Whiteout, but I can't say much on the turrets.

Any community can set up a ts server onto their server box. In the past, major communities have supported minor ones and allowed them to have their own channel on their ts server. I haven't been on renx and ts together yet actually, but I would assume some sort of overlay either already exists or already does exist (ts3 has a specific feature for this iirc). You can join whatever channel you like, and talk to whomever you like. All channels can be set up with different settings as well. In renegade, there was a script that would auto switch players from the subchannel GDI or Nod, based on which team they were on in the renegade server. You can join ts whenever you like, and talk to whoever you like, as long as it follows the rules of the community.

Renegade's remote c4s worked the same way as what you just described.

A second problem is teamspeak (ts). Is it on the server or through a ts program? And I don't see who is talking, making possible abuse a problem. I don't know how it is organised though. Is it possible to address your whole team, or only your squad? How do you join a ts squad? Is that just some friends who decided to connect on one ts frequency or something? I only have experience with planet side 2 ts and I have the feeling that this will be completely different.

Teamspeak is a 3rd party program that isn't included in Renegade X. Basic chat in Renegade X is the same as it was in Renegade: text.

Some servers might have their own TS server that you can join, but that is up to the server. Also, the way the TS channel is managed and organized is also up to the server. Some might have everyone in one channel while others might split them between two teamed channels. Again, up to the server.

As far as seeing who is speaking, Teamspeak recently partnered with Overwolf (a 3rd party overlay program that is designed to provide a slew of in game apps people can use including a TS overlay.) Unfortunately, Overwolf currently doesn't support the UDK afaik and therefore the TS overlay doesn't work. I use Overwolf a lot in other games, so it's disappointing for me, but it's that that big of a deal.


People still use Teamspeak? I thought Ventrillo had dominated.

I will be looking forward to Vent servers with team specific locked subchannels. Lord knows the classic "I need repairs" can get a bit annoying over time, even when used properly. Such is a mark of an age long past, an age Id like to selectively feel nostalgic about.

Most gamers have a second monitor they can put their TS/Vent window in so they can see. If you dont...how do you live?

People still use Teamspeak? I thought Ventrillo had dominated.

Thought the same about ventrilo ... thought its already dead

Most gamers have a second monitor they can put their TS/Vent window in so they can see. If you dont...how do you live?

thats new to me ...

i do not know anybody with a second monitor, nor do i have

(except for work reasons in the office)


Huh, completely opposite. You in Europe? Im in the US. Very odd, I dont know a single PC gamer that doesnt have dual monitors and I havent needed to bother with TS in years.


I am sure there a lot people who have a 2nd monitor for gaming here in europe, but i would not say "the most" ...

ofcourse also depending on your social environment!

and depending on the priorities people have ...

I do rather keep my money to travel i.e.

does not mean i think spending money on pc-hardware is bad thing, just up for everybody to decide for them self

Posted (edited)

Another question. Will there be a "language file" which can easily be edited to add our own languages ? I would like to translate the game to german.


2. Will it be possible to pre-download the (locked) MP client to avoid massive server traffic on release of the open beta?

3. Will it be necessary to create a account for RenX to play the game?

Edited by Guest
People still use Teamspeak? I thought Ventrillo had dominated.

I will be looking forward to Vent servers with team specific locked subchannels. Lord knows the classic "I need repairs" can get a bit annoying over time, even when used properly. Such is a mark of an age long past, an age Id like to selectively feel nostalgic about.

Most gamers have a second monitor they can put their TS/Vent window in so they can see. If you dont...how do you live?

Well I live in the cupboard under the stairs with my 20'' flat-screen and I can't fit another one. It came by mail when I was 11.

Seriously though it's like omega79 says, some people have other priorities. I have a small screen to begin with, but a second one costs a lot of Euro's (hurrah for Europe!). From that money I can buy a return ticket for 500-1000 km (310.686-621.371 miles for your convenience) most of the time. It can even be stretched to much further in some occasions, not counting hitch-hiking. One of these trips is much more awesome than having a second monitor, so I only have the one.

I called it teamspeak because it was team speak in many ways. I don't care about all the programs that are made to speak to each other, I just want to know how it will work in Renegade-X. So far my guess is to get some people you know, debate what program you use, connect and start playing.


I would prefer a an ingame voice support ... like in NS2 or other games ...

so the whole team would automaticly be in the same channel without any other tool or connecting to TS ...

(otheres would still use TS or ventrilo as a second voicechat)

Another question. Will there be a "language file" which can easily be edited to add our own languages ? I would like to translate the game to german.


2. Will it be possible to pre-download the (locked) MP client to avoid massive server traffic on release of the open beta?

3. Will it be necessary to create a account for RenX to play the game?

Any chance to get some anwsers ? :P

The explosions, except for occasional bugs or if the doors open and let the splash damage in, do stop at walls. Walls stop explosion damage in the direction of the wall. Therefore, beacons and artillery do not damage through walls anymore. This does prevent repairmen inside structures from slowly dying to shells, as well as tunnel beacons and the walkway beacon on canyon and glacier (though those maps aren't explicitly discussed for RenX adaptation)

This is a huge buff to infantry in general. Positions that were difficult to disrupt by tanks are now literally impossible to disrupt, which I see as a problem because of this.

Walls should not prevent all splash damage. I see this as a problem. Its fine for beacons, because beacons are highly abusable, but thats it.

Now to an actual question:

Can we customize or standardize the in-game crosshair? What I've seen is that everything has a different crosshair, and some are really bad. Dots for precise weapon is really the worst part of it, I literally cannot aim with those and that is a worrying problem.

Ironically, the Renegade crosshair has become my favorite in any game. Will there be a way to use the same crosshair globally?

The explosions, except for occasional bugs or if the doors open and let the splash damage in, do stop at walls. Walls stop explosion damage in the direction of the wall. Therefore, beacons and artillery do not damage through walls anymore. This does prevent repairmen inside structures from slowly dying to shells, as well as tunnel beacons and the walkway beacon on canyon and glacier (though those maps aren't explicitly discussed for RenX adaptation)

This is a huge buff to infantry in general. Positions that were difficult to disrupt by tanks are now literally impossible to disrupt, which I see as a problem because of this.

Walls should not prevent all splash damage. I see this as a problem. Its fine for beacons, because beacons are highly abusable, but thats it.

Now to an actual question:

Can we customize or standardize the in-game crosshair? What I've seen is that everything has a different crosshair, and some are really bad. Dots for precise weapon is really the worst part of it, I literally cannot aim with those and that is a worrying problem.

Ironically, the Renegade crosshair has become my favorite in any game. Will there be a way to use the same crosshair globally?

I agree with both points.

There should be splash damage though building walls, otherwise you could just leave your engineer repairing a building and go afk. Tunnel beacons need to be fixed though.

I also don't like some of the crosshairs, especially the one in Mammy tank and others that takes up almost half your screen. But I doubt there will be an option to change them.


I can't answer any language file or traffic questions because that is not publicly known yet to my knowledge. The username question is a mystery to me as of now as well. Currently, beta testers have to be signed into steam to play, and so the username comes from that. That is just for security reasons for the beta though, and so as far as I have seen, how username registration/usage will work is a work in progress.

Damaging through walls works as intended. It was always a massive advantage for nod, and that advantage has been decreased. Crosshairs are indeed per weapon, and provide a harder use for certain weapons, as well as a more convenient use for others, as intended. Sniper no scoping should be harder than it was in renegade, and that is one of the multiple ways renegade x accomplished this, for instance.


That sounds a bit ridiculous, if you don't mind me saying it. You don't nerf by making the a bad crosshair -> you might as well remove it, people will just plaster a more obvious sticker in the middle of their screen then.

Its not that I want no scoping to be nerfed or not (I'm putting my opinion on that totally aside), but because you want to nerf, I (the players) should feel discomfort at aiming with, say, a personal ion cannon? You create what I see as a pretty big lacking in the UI's basic functionality just to satisfy a nerf.

Thats why I say ridiculous, I don't mean any offense with this. A crosshair is a very basic part of any shooter and having some (arguably) terrible crosshairs forced on people is hardly doing anything good.

And I'm only talking about one of them, the dots. There's a lot of very intrusive crosshair that I've never really seen any serious player using in fast paced shooters, for good reasons. The "arc" thing thats more obscuring than helpful, the very large tank crosshairs that, well, god knows why they are that large.

I have to hope that some level of customization for this will come down the road.

Another question. Will there be a "language file" which can easily be edited to add our own languages ? I would like to translate the game to german.


2. Will it be possible to pre-download the (locked) MP client to avoid massive server traffic on release of the open beta?

3. Will it be necessary to create a account for RenX to play the game?

Any chance to get some anwsers ? :P

Hate might not be able to answer you, but I can try on what I've seen.

There were several threads, requesting to translate Black Dawn. I think they had some people already translating for Renegade-X, so there will probably be an in-game option to change to several languages (including German I think). Maybe not at first release though.

Again, I advise against changing it on your own. It might be unstable and bar access to servers. My knowledge in this is severely limited, so best to wait on a dev.

I think it's too much hassle to create a locked version, so no early downloads. They do have torrent possibility besides the sites, so my suggestion is go torrent, seed in the time you have spared yourself and then start playing. My computer can't handle the game atm, but will provide a 5mb/s upload for some time.


There is a set plan on downloading so as to limit the stress on the downloading servers as well. I can't release any information on it though, as it is private. Stay tuned.

As far as crosshairs go, you've never played call of duty I'm assuming? Or any other modern fps game? Crosshairs normally change per weapon nowadays, and you're naturally going to like some and dislike others. Changing them provides an advantage, and so it isn't going to be a feature, I understand your view on it, but that's just the way it is.

As far as crosshairs go, you've never played call of duty I'm assuming? Or any other modern fps game? Crosshairs normally change per weapon nowadays, and you're naturally going to like some and dislike others. Changing them provides an advantage, and so it isn't going to be a feature, I understand your view on it, but that's just the way it is.



I don't play all the really bad modern FPS, no. Thats kind of the point. Modern FPS should never be used as an example and I hope that they didn't actually inspire themselves from those more, otherwise I'm in for a scare. Do tell, the game doesn't decrease accuracy when moving or even jumping, right? Does it even let me fire when jumping? Ironsights do NOT increase the weapon's accuracy, right? You seriously worried me with that one comparison.

I'm flabbergasted by your stance on this. Its utterly illogical and has no merit, you just hold it to the ground for no reason.

Perhaps to make a point, I'll just make sure I'm using a program to create a crosshair overlay to get that "advantage" over every player this shortsightedness creates.


The target box on any unit only becomes visible when part of the reticle is on that target. So, for instance, if you are sniping and searching for a sniper that you are not aware of his position entirely, you scan for him with your reticle. The smaller the reticle, the harder it is to get the target box.

That's why the artillery reticle is so vertically large in renegade x. The shot arcs down slightly, and so you have to aim slightly above the target to hit him. Without the extended vertical crosshair, you wouldn't have a hitbox visible on that target, and so you would have no idea on the health status. A reticle isn't purely for visible purposes in renegade or renegade x is the point - it has function. Any edit to these can provide an advantage (it's not solely preference as you seem to believe). Sometimes, for a unit that has no projecticle spread, a precise weapon crosshair provides an advantage even (small circle reticle in renegade for sniping).

That's not a modernization either, it's just the truth in the game. And no, reticles do not change based on stance. It's still an arcade like game. I was simply letting you know that to have one reticle per every weapon is rather silly in any type of fps game (that's coming from a player who has played renegade extensively since its release).

Please don't imply that I say things for no reason without ever actually asking me to explain that reason. I had no clue how much detail you wanted, because I do not know you. Thanks.


I'm sorry, its just that I was making an argument, but you didn't really answer with arguments.

What you say about the crosshair is news to me, and definitely a new function of Renegade X, since the old Renegade uses only the dot in the very middle, I assumed every crosshair showed the box only when the very center of the crosshair was targetting them.

This is actually a fair point of difference between Renegade and Renegade X, it could be a bit difficult to offer customization around this particular feature without being unfair, though its not impossible.

The basis of my concerns here essentially, are actually this: Crosshairs without a dot/something in their very center, and crosshairs that only have the dot and have nothing around them, so its too easy to lose sight of the crosshair. I think options could be made to make this possible without changing the "targetting box" size per weapon. I know, its a bit of stretch.

In any case, you've put a better reason on the table, so thank you. I understand now if crosshair customization is not going to happen.

I still don't agree however that any crosshair should be "insufficient" for the weapon, so I'd argue at the very least that they should consider updating some crosshairs. Like I said, a mere dot is just something that will annoy certain people, but won't stop others from being godly accurate with it. Plus in those specific instances, you could still leave the targeting box only on the dot.

Thats one thing that the Renegade circle-dot crosshair did universally well, its a crosshair everybody can work with, while not everyone can aim as easily with just the small dot. (though I've seen some good players use them in fast shooters)

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