Jam Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Last update: May 9th, 2013 If you have an honest question about Renegade X, then please, ask it on this thread. We'll do our best to answer them for you, and those questions which we think are worthy of an FAQ page, will be immortalized, and officially listed right here. Q: When will the multiplayer standalone be released? A: The Renegade X multiplayer beta will be released on February 26th 2014. Other versions will follow. Q: Will this team remake the original Renegade maps for this mod? A: Many classic maps from C&C Renegade have been remade for Renegade X, including Field, Mesa, Islands, Walls_Flying, and Hourglass. We will also be making our own level designs. Q: Will we (the fans) be able to make our own maps? A: Unfortunately we will not be releasing an editor for Renegade X Q: What enhancements will we see in C&C mode? A: Airstrikes, items, tech buildings, sidearms, the UE3 graphics and physics, ADS, nightvision, new secondary fire modes, showing proximity mine counts and building status on the HUD, mounted chainguns on Transport Helicopters for passengers, vehicle purchase queues, and much more. Q: Will we be able to customize skins/sounds/boink/models with Renegade-X the way we could in C&C Renegade? A: No. This is for multiple reasons. The main reason is just the way data is handled in UT3 with materials, code, and packages. In order to change a skin you would essentially have to change the version of the mod, which means you wouldn't be able to play on servers, and even then the server would download the original "correct" files and use those anyways. A secondary reason is to prevent "advantage skin" exploits/cheats. Q: Will the multiplayer feature any new game-modes? A: There are plans to introduce new game modes sometime after the February 26th release. Q: What additions in terms of units and buildings will we see? A: You can expect to see tech buildings in some of Renegade X's maps. Q: Will Renegade X re-introduce third person view? A: Yes. Q: Will there be first person views inside vehicle cockpits? A: Yes. Q: Will Tiberium Fields look the same as they were in Renegade? A: The Tiberium Fields will stick to the C&C canon. We'll be using a mixture of the C&C3, Renegade, and Tiberian Dawn design of Tiberium crystals/pods and the ground underneath them. Q: C&C Renegade had a vehicle limit of 7 online. How will limits work in this mod? A: Vehicle limits will be totally up to the host of the server. It'll be a variable, so hosts can choose how many vehicles they want per team. Q: Some people found some of the bugs in C&C Renegade useful, such as using Purchase Terminals through walls on the Barracks or Weapons Factory. Will you keep some of the bugs intentionally? A: Sorry folks, you're not supposed to be able to use PTs through walls and you won't be able to in Renegade X. Some other bugs that we won't carry over are pistols not being preloaded, Stealth Black Hand reveal glitches, and disproportionate points awarded for sniping a tank. You're not getting points for that charlie, quit being a coward and face the tank like a man! Q: Will you have a game mode to allow for tunnel nukes? Some found this a valid tactic. A: No. Splash damage in the multiplayerl does pay attention to walls unlike in C&C Renegade. We would have to intentionally make the Nuke (and any other weapon) ignore splash collision. Although it does damage in a volume because it is a superweapon, we'll have to carefully adjust how it does damage. We might just make a volume in tunnels where beacons are just disabled from planting. Q: Will stealth soldiers and stanks periodically shimmer so they can be detected as in the old game? A: No, only when shot or you get really close to them. Q: Will MRLS missles seek the same way? A: They'll home in on a target if you hold your cursor over the target for a few moments to lock on. Q: Some sort of expanded communications would be nice. While full voice is available common now, listening to children is often not a good time. It would be nice to have the full commands from the old game supported like "defend the power plant". Add "I've mined the power plant" etc. A: The multiplayer will introduce a "spotting" mechanic that will allow you to communicate with your team, spot enemy targets, call for an attack on specific buildings, call for an defense of your buildings, call for repairs, and more. Q: Will buildings collapse when destroyed? A: The short answer is no. We believe it would cause more gameplay problems than it is worth. However, unlike in Renegade where a destroyed building only had a texture change, a few smoke emitters, and red lighting, we'll punch a few holes in the walls, knock over a few support objects, and make debris, but nothing as extreme as total structural collapse. Q: With the enhancements to Renegade you're making, will you allow passengers to fire out of vehicles? A: Only out of the Transport Helicopters. Q: How will character switching work? A: Exactly the same as in C&C Renegade. Walk up to a Purchase Terminal, hit the action/use key and navigate through the interface to switch characters if you have enough credits. Q: C&C Renegade has announcements like "Hand of Nod under attack" or "GDI Power Plant destroyed", will these be in Renegade X? A: Yes all the important informational announcements will be in Renegade X. Q: Is the kill boink sound going to make a return? A: You bet your ass it is! Q: Will Renegade X have AI bots? A: Yes! Bots will be able to play C&C mode, both offline and online. Those who have played C&C Renegade know that its bots were as dumb as a rock, in fact a server admin will be able to set up a system where bots fill empty spots on both teams until real people join, then they'll take one of the bots' places. This way servers can stay full or have small matches at their discretion. Q: Okay with that said, will the AI cheat like many AI's are known to do? A: Well if you're referring to the AI seeing invisible units, then no they won't if we can help it (aside from base defenses, which will still detect invisibility at all ranges due to gameplay reasons). The AI modified from Unreal's AI will follow rules (such as character/vehicle purchasing, credits use) better than the C&C Renegade AI ever could. Q: Since Unreal has better physics than C&C Renegade, will you alter some vehicles, such as the projectile physics for the Artillery actually being a parabolic arc? A: Artillery projectiles, grenade launchers, and C4s will all have an arc when fired. Most weapons are point-and-shoot. Q: Will you incorporate Free Aim? A: Yes. By default Unreal's cameras are locked to vehicle turrets, but if our coders can come up with a free aim system for locking the camera to the chassis (and unlocking free aim for infantry) then we'll have it. Q: Will Renegade X have the same scale as in C&C Renegade? A: Yes the scale of units/vehicles/structures/maps/movement speeds will be very close to those of C&C Renegade. The exception is that Renegade X has a "sprint" function. Q: There are also a lot of new features implemented by server side mods on C&C Renegade nowadays such as veterancy levels, many crate pickups, vehicle shells which can be restored, ammo packs/backpacks, health, or armor that players drop when they are killed etc... Are you guys considering of implementing any of it? A: Yes we'll be making a lot of those enhancements in Renegade X (But not all of them). Most of them will be options that server admins can turn on or off, and by default they will be off. Q: Will you have different sets of camouflage for buildings and vehicles depending on the map environment? (E.g. snow, desert, forest, urban) A: Unfortunately not. Q: Will you tell new players to this gametype how it works? A: Yes we will make some tutorial videos about the basics of C&C Mode, tips, tricks, etc. in a manner similar to the Unreal gametype tutorials. Q: Will you stop Base-to-Base missile fire exploits? A: This is a map problem, and yes, we will be making alterations to maps to prevent it. (Such as a natural rock bridge blocking MRLS-to-HoN missiles from next to the GDI Barracks on Islands.) Q: Will helicopters have a realistic Rotor volume, so it hits and does damage to things if it comes into contact with certain things? A: No, they won't do damage to other things (like cutting up infantry), and your helicopter won't take damage. However, if you're flying really fast and smash into a wall at high velocity, then yes your aircraft will take damage. In fact, all vehicles will take a little damage if you crash into stuff at high speeds. Q: Will there be weather like snow/fog/rain/dust storms? A: Yes. It might be on a timer, or it might always be on. This will be on a map-by-map basis. Q: Will this weather make it easier to spot stealthed units? (Like water rolling off of an invisible object.) A: No, because it would break the balance if you could see invisible people on many of the maps. Little movement puff of dust/water/snow that were in Renegade already will probably stay though. Q: Will harvesters work like original CCR? A: Yes. Harvesters will function the same way as in Renegade. AI Harvester goes to and from the field/Refinery which gives you credits. They'll follow a predetermined path and will not take evasive action. Q: Will you address how weird it looks when you disarm a Nuke beacon 2 seconds before the nuke detonates only to have the missile vanish/do nothing? A: Yes. The idea we're considering is just delaying the actual attack animation until after your 30 seconds are up. So the Nuke/Ion animation wouldn't start playing until after the 30-seconds-to-disarm period is over and there is no way to stop the attack. Q: Can we lock vehicles to prevent team theft? A: Yes, vehicles will be automatically bound to you when you buy them. You can then control who has access to them or just lock them. You can unlock them to give them to someone else by pressing L. Enemies will always be able to steal your vehicle if you leave it empty. You can only have one vehicle bound/locked to you. Instead of needing to type a command you'll probably be able to push a button for all bind/lock/kick functions. Q: Might you add Blue Tiberium to certain maps? A: Yes - Mesa. Q: Are you going to bring over some of the more specific animations from Renegade like specific death animations, or those fun animations like saluting? A: Maybe. Q: When you die, will your body disappear immediately like in Renegade? A: Bodies (or body parts) linger for a few moments depending on how you were killed (rocket launcher vs bullet vs Tiberium, etc.). Q: Will the explosions throw players around? A: Only upon death. Q: Does that mean we'll be able to wall-jump with some explosions? A: No. Q: Will we be able to spectate at any time? A: No, but we will be including RypelCam with Renegade X, which allows players to record their games, watch them from any angle, slow them down, speed them up, and make cool videos out of them. Q: Will names of enemies only be displayed if you target them or hit them? A: We're doing names the same way that they were done in Renegade. Quote
Blade Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 What is going to happen to the "old" Command & Conquer (soundtrack)? Just because I liked it a lot. Quote
NodCommander Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Are you going to update the first post in this thread? Quote
Lomztein Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 I don't know if its just me having a bad aim , but snipers seem quite powerful at 20+ meters in the original Renegade. How effective will they be at different ranges in Renegade X? Quote
Jam Posted May 9, 2013 Author Posted May 9, 2013 What is going to happen to the "old" Command & Conquer (soundtrack)? Just because I liked it a lot. What do you mean with what will happen to the old Command and Conquer soundtrack? Are you going to update the first post in this thread? You got it. I don't know if its just me having a bad aim , but snipers seem quite powerful at 20+ meters in the original Renegade. How effective will they be at different ranges in Renegade X? Range will not affect damage done, if an enemy is in range on the other side of the map, it will deal the same damage as if that enemy was right in front of you. Much like C&C Renegade. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted May 10, 2013 Posted May 10, 2013 I don't know if its just me having a bad aim , but snipers seem quite powerful at 20+ meters in the original Renegade. How effective will they be at different ranges in Renegade X? Range will not affect damage done, if an enemy is in range on the other side of the map, it will deal the same damage as if that enemy was right in front of you. Much like C&C Renegade. i think that he means if you're at a large distance from an enemy, it will be easier to hit someone, because aiming in C&C Renegade was pretty stiff. it's hard to explain for me, but the pointer always seems to move a fixed amount of pixels, even with the smallest movement of your mouse. understand? Quote
Blade Posted May 12, 2013 Posted May 12, 2013 What is going to happen to the "old" Command & Conquer (soundtrack)? Just because I liked it a lot. What do you mean with what will happen to the old Command and Conquer soundtrack? I guess that was not clear enough, sorry. I mean this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSgztTl1mJ4 Quote
Jam Posted May 12, 2013 Author Posted May 12, 2013 What is going to happen to the "old" Command & Conquer (soundtrack)? Just because I liked it a lot. What do you mean with what will happen to the old Command and Conquer soundtrack? I guess that was not clear enough, sorry. I mean this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSgztTl1mJ4 There are no plans to use it so far. Quote
NodCommander Posted May 12, 2013 Posted May 12, 2013 There are no plans to use it so far. Wasnt there some talk about an ingame music player, much like the one found in pre-Renegade Westwood titles? Quote
Ban4life Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Heyy everyone, After just watching a lot of footage of renegade-x of the last years, I had some questions. I don't know if they have been voiced before, nor could I find the questions in other topics. AI So my first concern is the AI. It is a great idea, but it can have some really bad side effects. I suppose that AI is being replaced if more people are joining the game. What if this happens when the AI is in a vehicle? or supporting/attacking? It would mean that a bot/vehicle that you where counting on suddenly disappears, and the vehicle might be left empty or be completely removed from the game. You'll get a broke real player, while the opponent might still have a rich bot that might have been set to a high difficulty setting. How are these issues going to be solved? Also, can you order AI around, like asking to repair you? And if you can, is it restricted to admins and team leaders or for everyone? Will they do that until they are killed, they fulfil their objective (you are repaired), after a certain time or will they do this until ordered otherwise? Or is the AI control more general, as in "defending", "attacking", "supporting"? Rocket launcher The new rocket launcher is a good idea, but I'm wondering if it won't be too strong for a low cost unit, even with a long downtime. In walls for example. If you have 2 rocket units in the hallway leading to your base, they can just wait around the corner and sometimes fill the hallway with a large heavily damaging rocket, while staying mostly out of harm. I would not attack that, even with the large downtime on their part. Also, their range, damage and usefulness against moving targets might outweigh the value of a gunner or most other anti tank units. I still like the change though. Air-strikes and the like Its great to have a good way to deal with stalemates! This goes both ways though. My concern is that is easier to use against the defending team, as the attackers often have more money and often more manoeuvrability to deploy such things. Only a minor thing though, as I guess that the losing team won't be much behind on credits at the start of the camping. It spawns so many new tactics, like letting the enemy come close to your base early on and counter with an early air-strike. Are they also going to cost 1000? Are they going to do damage or is it a kill-zone? I hope it won't work very well on buildings, as APC rushes might get a bit overpowered with everyone an air-strike (and ion/nuke for double trouble) and no1 has to enter a building to take it down. Overall tactics I've seen some changes in the units, like the mammoth tank able to fire normally and a barrage of missiles at the same time. Though the downtime has been changed, I still feel that this is a great tactical advantage for the mammoth tank. Needed though, as it was a pretty overpriced tank. The MRLS would get a rotating turret that you could lock in the position you wanted (right?). This means at least two large tactical changes for GDI in their favour and I've seen none for Nod yet. The biggest change I've seen so far is the laser rifle that has a less distinctive sound, the artillery has a fire arc and the rockets of the stank firing just after each other instead of at the same time. Can we expect more changes for Nod? Are the vehicles handling so much different that it balances out? Also I've seen something about the blue Tiberium. It said more valuable, so I guess it gives more money? It also said more dangerous to units and vehicles. So vehicles get damage from it too? Or only the low armoured vehicles? Final remarks Most of the concerns above are just that. Concerns. The mod is just getting awesome. I left out tips and suggestions, as this is not the topic for that. The orca/apache look to be handling well. Lots of changes that will add tactical considerations I normally see in RTS. The ambience is awesome. The less stale aiming will be hard though, as you'll get more damage from random scatter. If this would come out in stores, I would have bought it without hesitation. I guess I just have to wait for the release, but I hope some questions will be answered before that. I had some more concerns and I'll post them when I remember them. Sincerely, *Edit 1* some grammatical changes *Edit 2* With downtime I mean all time between firing. This means reload times or times between shot one and shot two of the same clip Quote
DrummerX Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 I'll try to answer the questions per section based on the experience I've received so far in the testing... AI The system is still be developed and how it will act on live servers still hasn't been fully addressed. But as for how they act, basically take having your friend on teamspeak with you and you tell them "Hey go repair the Obelisk" well he should go repair if he's close enough and isn't already actively engaged in defending. Now the AI act almost exactly like this, except they are a bit more responsive and more likely to pull off an attacking target to complete the task that they were given. Rocket Launcher You can't spam it like you can in most games and the damage isn't as wide spread as you think, takes some work to hit your target even at medium ranges. Air-Strikes and the like I haven't seen anything other than ION/NUKES in and i haven't heard anything about air strikes Overall Tactics The mammoth CANNOT fire main cannons and missiles at the same time. The missile rack for the MRLS turns with the camera, no locking position but does allow for tracking after a certain amount of time on flying vehicles (quite annoying IMO >.>) The laser rifle has gotten an upgrade and actually sounds pretty awesome when its fired, and you can hear it at quite the distance. They are keeping the balance of the vehicles to the original ren as much as possible, the arty does have an arc, but not a major one, and the missiles on the stank do fire right after each other but the time delay is minimal to prevent collision of the rockets ( i'd assume). As for the blue Tiberium, i can't speak much about this since there isn't much information on this just yet and of course it too is still being developed. Final remarks Keep in mind the game is still in heavy development, watch out for Fobby's updates for more sneak peeks! I hope i relieved some of your concerns! Quote
NodCommander Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 There have been talk about airstrikes on official updates on Renegade X. As for Blue tiberium, I believe there might have been plans to make it explosive like it should be, lore-wise. Quote
Ban4life Posted May 19, 2013 Posted May 19, 2013 Thanks for the answers Drummerx and Atlas! For all beta testers, be careful with divulging information. I think you aren't allowed to do that? Don't get kicked out of the beta because you wanted to answer my questions! For Drummer: they talk about the air-strike in the podcast (check the 17:20 mark for the whole items talk, 17:50 mark for the air-strike mark) They also mention it on page 2 of the "beta preview" http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=51084 The mammoth tank in Back Down could not fire simultaneously, but switching to firing the barrage when it's loaded and switching back to the main guns would increase the overall damage a LOT in comparison with only firing the main guns. That's my feeling at least. With normal Renegade the rockets felt a little stronger, but switching from one to another did not give a large advantage in damage. That said, it is now a better tank for its (used to be) too high price. Welcome changes. The delay on the rockets of the Stank is only a minor disadvantage when giving the finishing blow, but a large advantage against units, as you can "blanket" a larger area. I think its a good thing. I really thought they would give the option to lock the turret of the MRLS? It would be a very welcome addition, making it a much more versatile vehicle. Shooting around blockades and rocks would be nice, as you could shoot everything with a small horizontal arc. If I would just press Q or F or something to lock it down and make it rotate again, I would be very happy. Its added value against aircraft is a needed one, as they will be harder to hit from the footage I saw. Much more manoeuvrable and a more hit and return tactic based vehicle. That and the MRLS isn't dead the moment you encounter an aircraft. What you told me about the AI is enough for now. The rest will be interesting to hear/watch as they develop it more. The rocket trooper will be interesting to watch as it is developed. I never saw a lot of use in the gunner or the rocket trooper, but I think I have a new favourite low cost unit for later in the game. I'll check in more often for updates. See you at the release! Ban4life Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted May 19, 2013 Posted May 19, 2013 (edited) Air-Strikes and the like I haven't seen anything other than ION/NUKES in and i haven't heard anything about air strikes D-5Pi-bCvAI Go to 17:35 fobby talks about airstrikes and how they might use the AC130. Edit: I have a few questions that might be a big deal for server owners. Will there be a built in admin bot or will we need to install a third party one? -If we have to install a third party one is there one being developed? If not I would suggest seeing if B3 might make one they did make a b3 for MW2 when the game originally didn't support dedi's a guy by the name NTauthority modified the game to have a dedicated server list. http://www.bigbrotherbot.net/ Will server owners be able to make server side mods like in many other multiplayer games? Can you give us an estimate of how much resources(ram/CPU/Network) a Renegade X server will need? (I would really like to know so that I can be prepared for the release.) What will the maximum player slots be? Will you guys have any sort of anticheat or will that come when/if needed? (I feel like you guys need to consider working on some sort of anticheat) OT: I have a question about the forum group "Server Owners" I own a Command and Conquer Renegade server, a few Call of duty servers and a TF2 server plus I will be putting up a Renegade X server on release hopefully, would that qualify me to be in that group or is it meant for something else? http://thepeopleclan.net if you need to verify. Edited May 21, 2013 by Guest Quote
Ban4life Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 Another quick question. Will there be a vehicle kill count? As I sometimes hunt vehicles very specifically I would like to know how much I killed. Quote
Lomztein Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 I've always found it quite odd how flame tanks are ineffective against infantry in the original Renegade, unless you hit the infantry directly with the flames. What are your thoughts on that for Renegade X? Quote
Ban4life Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 @Lomztein Have you tried alt-fire? The damage (nearly) doubles on the left side and is zero on the right. Even though the graphics show two beams, you are firing one stronger firehoze on the left flank. This makes dealing with infantry (and tanks that are not optimal to hit with both beams) much easier to deal with. I know it still isnt the killer you expect from a flame tank, but its surely not weak. Also, it doesnt seem to exactly double, so normal fire on all targets that you can hit with both! Quote
Lomztein Posted May 21, 2013 Posted May 21, 2013 @LomzteinHave you tried alt-fire? The damage (nearly) doubles on the left side and is zero on the right. Even though the graphics show two beams, you are firing one stronger firehoze on the left flank. That sounds illogical, but possible when talking Renegade. I'll give it a try Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 (edited) I wonder if I am going to get a response to my questions. Edited November 27, 2013 by Guest Quote
NoSoldier Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 I've always found it quite odd how flame tanks are ineffective against infantry in the original Renegade, unless you hit the infantry directly with the flames. What are your thoughts on that for Renegade X? This is actually because of the way how the Flamer works in Ren. I think I heard some time back that it ACTUALLY just shoots from one side of the tank. (We all know, WW were lazy ) Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 I've always found it quite odd how flame tanks are ineffective against infantry in the original Renegade, unless you hit the infantry directly with the flames. What are your thoughts on that for Renegade X? This is actually because of the way how the Flamer works in Ren. I think I heard some time back that it ACTUALLY just shoots from one side of the tank. (We all know, WW were lazy ) Westwood wasn't lazy they just had other things that were more important to do renegade was an extremely impressive game for its time. They did a whole lot for what they had to work with. Sure there are a lot of bugs in the game but they had accomplished something great. Quote
NoSoldier Posted May 25, 2013 Posted May 25, 2013 I've always found it quite odd how flame tanks are ineffective against infantry in the original Renegade, unless you hit the infantry directly with the flames. What are your thoughts on that for Renegade X? This is actually because of the way how the Flamer works in Ren. I think I heard some time back that it ACTUALLY just shoots from one side of the tank. (We all know, WW were lazy ) Westwood wasn't lazy they just had other things that were more important to do renegade was an extremely impressive game for its time. They did a whole lot for what they had to work with. Sure there are a lot of bugs in the game but they had accomplished something great. They were lazy. If you ever mod a CnC game you'll notice this. But it wasn't something bad. Actually I praise lazy people because they're achieving things on the simpliest (most efficient) way. And before you get offended, I love the work WW did. Don't worry Quote
Ban4life Posted May 25, 2013 Posted May 25, 2013 Ok I'm done with discussions like the one's below. Can anyone direct me to a program to record your screen? I'll make a video to show the difference between alt-fire and normal fire in a flame tank. As I already stated before in this threat: Normal fire shoots from both nuzzles, whatever you do. You can see this in damage and scorch marks if you have the graphics turned up high enough. With alt-fire you will only fire from the left side. It is double or nearly double damage, amounting to (nearly) the full damage of normal fire. You can also see this, again, by looking at the scorch marks. Flame on a wall and you will see only scorch marks on the left side, even if you see two fire cones. You can really notice if you try it on an enemy APC. They suddenly die A LOT quicker. I get the notion that to prevent only using alt-fire, the normal fire is a little stronger in comparison. So if anyone can direct me to a program to record my screen, I can just post that video whenever such a discussion is formed about the magical ways your flame tank works. While I'm busy, I might give an overview of all alt-fire's, as there seems to be a lot of confusion about normal fire and alt-fire. The Renegade team can also consider these alt-fire's for in the mod too. At least I'll have my tactical advantages then. Lots of weapons and vehicles have a different alt-fire, so just experiment for half a day and you will figure most of them out yourself. Some are more difficult to detect but are certainly a help if you know the difference. Sincerely, Ban4life ps. the frank question of Lomztein is ok. Its the weird discussions that are based on nothing that grind my gear I've always found it quite odd how flame tanks are ineffective against infantry in the original Renegade, unless you hit the infantry directly with the flames. What are your thoughts on that for Renegade X? This is actually because of the way how the Flamer works in Ren. I think I heard some time back that it ACTUALLY just shoots from one side of the tank. (We all know, WW were lazy ) Westwood wasn't lazy they just had other things that were more important to do renegade was an extremely impressive game for its time. They did a whole lot for what they had to work with. Sure there are a lot of bugs in the game but they had accomplished something great. Quote
NoSoldier Posted May 25, 2013 Posted May 25, 2013 Ok I'm done with discussions like the one's below. Can anyone direct me to a program to record your screen? I'll make a video to show the difference between alt-fire and normal fire in a flame tank.As I already stated before in this threat: Normal fire shoots from both nuzzles, whatever you do. You can see this in damage and scorch marks if you have the graphics turned up high enough. With alt-fire you will only fire from the left side. It is double or nearly double damage, amounting to (nearly) the full damage of normal fire. You can also see this, again, by looking at the scorch marks. Flame on a wall and you will see only scorch marks on the left side, even if you see two fire cones. You can really notice if you try it on an enemy APC. They suddenly die A LOT quicker. I get the notion that to prevent only using alt-fire, the normal fire is a little stronger in comparison. So if anyone can direct me to a program to record my screen, I can just post that video whenever such a discussion is formed about the magical ways your flame tank works. While I'm busy, I might give an overview of all alt-fire's, as there seems to be a lot of confusion about normal fire and alt-fire. The Renegade team can also consider these alt-fire's for in the mod too. At least I'll have my tactical advantages then. Lots of weapons and vehicles have a different alt-fire, so just experiment for half a day and you will figure most of them out yourself. Some are more difficult to detect but are certainly a help if you know the difference. Sincerely, Ban4life ps. the frank question of Lomztein is ok. Its the weird discussions that are based on nothing that grind my gear Allright, taking my hat down then. Had not known that there's an alt-fire for the Flame tank Quote
RypeL Posted May 25, 2013 Posted May 25, 2013 Will there be a built in admin bot or will we need to install a third party one? -If we have to install a third party one is there one being developed? If not I would suggest seeing if B3 might make one they did make a b3 for MW2 when the game originally didn't support dedi's a guy by the name NTauthority modified the game to have a dedicated server list. http://www.bigbrotherbot.net/ I dont know what you mean with "admin bot" but UDK supports dedicated servers and there will be a server list. Will server owners be able to make server side mods like in many other multiplayer games? Yes Can you give us an estimate of how much resources(ram/CPU/Network) a Renegade X server will need? (I would really like to know so that I can be prepared for the release.) We wont know for sure till we had some games with a full server. But an estimate is: A dual core with 2 GB ram reserved for RenX. What will the maximum player slots be? Theoretically there isent really a limit. We will have to wait and see how many players a server can realistically handle. Will you guys have any sort of anticheat or will that come when/if needed? (I feel like you guys need to consider working on some sort of anticheat) We have some ingame checks and hope to have VAC support if we get on Steam, but we dont have someone with the time and knowledge atm to code us our own full anticheat. People ask all those fancy features but sadly not enough people want to join the team to actually help. This is a project started from the community for the community and we hope that in the future more people will help the project by joining and/or doing mods/websites/servers etc. OT: I have a question about the forum group "Server Owners" I own a Command and Conquer Renegade server, a few Call of duty servers and a TF2 server plus I will be putting up a Renegade X server on release hopefully, would that qualify me to be in that group or is it meant for something else? http://thepeopleclan.net if you need to verify. This is reserved for RenegadeX server hosters and so i guess we will only assign people to this group after release and if they host a RenX server then. Quote
Ban4life Posted May 25, 2013 Posted May 25, 2013 Allright, taking my hat down then. Had not known that there's an alt-fire for the Flame tank I did not mean to offend or anything. I will try to get some proof. Its hard to tell what is what sometimes. Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted May 26, 2013 Posted May 26, 2013 I dont know what you mean with "admin bot" but UDK supports dedicated servers and there will be a server list. Brenbot, night regulator, cloud bot, ect ect... Typically they have commands such as: !kick !ban !warn !lookup Quote
Jam Posted May 26, 2013 Author Posted May 26, 2013 Brenbot, night regulator, cloud bot, ect ect...Typically they have commands such as: !kick !ban !warn !lookup These will likely return with Renegade X (third-party implementations). We have recruited a beta tester for this specifically, however, everyone will be able to make their own server bot. Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted May 26, 2013 Posted May 26, 2013 Brenbot, night regulator, cloud bot, ect ect...Typically they have commands such as: !kick !ban !warn !lookup These will likely return with Renegade X (third-party implementations). We have recruited a beta tester for this specifically, however, everyone will be able to make their own server bot. Okay awesome so there might be one up around release?(Can't wait to see this awesome game you have made) I believe that would be an important feature to have around the release of the game. Quote
TheGroundsKeeper Posted May 27, 2013 Posted May 27, 2013 The original game had bad net coding, and didn't support many players in the same server. While i do not know anything about the net coding, I remember 127 player games O_o that is more than 99.9999% of all shooters nowaday, and back then ze interntz connections were like 100x smaller. I know the hosters of theese games probably had some badass servers and back bone connections, but 127 players in the same game is hardly "not many players" So unless you plan on 512player c&c mode(Drooool!)... Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted June 26, 2013 Posted June 26, 2013 I have a small question about the medium tank name. The med is so obviously based off of an M1 Abrams tank will it continue to have the name medium tank or will you fix it's name? I only ask because it's such a weird way to name a tank in the first place also M1 Abrams sounds a whole lot cooler. Quote
Ban4life Posted June 26, 2013 Posted June 26, 2013 I have a small question about the medium tank name. The med is so obviously based off of an M1 Abrams tank will it continue to have the name medium tank or will you fix it's name? I only ask because it's such a weird way to name a tank in the first place also M1 Abrams sounds a whole lot cooler. I think it will stay medium tank. Its a cnc kind of way to name the tank, and avoid lawsuits and whatever in the process. A better example might be the car industry. In GTA they don't use the exact cars and names. This would cost way too much. Also, I'm too used to Med. If I have to change to M1 I would lose my precious little mind. Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted June 26, 2013 Posted June 26, 2013 I think it will stay medium tank. Its a cnc kind of way to name the tank, and avoid lawsuits and whatever in the process. A better example might be the car industry. In GTA they don't use the exact cars and names. This would cost way too much. Also, I'm too used to Med. If I have to change to M1 I would lose my precious little mind. I highly doubt that anyone cares if you use their cars. A more likely reason they don't name the cars in the GTA games is because they where not paid for the "product placement" so they removed the name so that there would be no free advertisement. Also why does no one care if they have an Apache by your logic they should. Anyways nah you can use any name you want aside from video game "intellectual ownership". Quote
Ban4life Posted June 27, 2013 Posted June 27, 2013 I highly doubt that anyone cares if you use their cars. A more likely reason they don't name the cars in the GTA games is because they where not paid for the "product placement" so they removed the name so that there would be no free advertisement. Also why does no one care if they have an Apache by your logic they should. Anyways nah you can use any name you want aside from video game "intellectual ownership". They actually do care, and care a lot. Intellectual ownership means that the creators are the only people who are allowed to use it. If you want to recreate their cars physically or in game, you have to make a contract with them. This happens in games like Assetto Corsa a lot. In the GTA series they base their cars on real counterparts, but change them enough to not infringe intellectual property. The difference with product placing is that the owners actively want to promote their product and will contact you. The same counts for less physical stuff, like creatures from dungeons and dragons. They don't think its free advertising. Its theft (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0032.html). Also, design is very expansive. If you could just design the new attack fighter Joint Strike Fighter in game, other countries could save millions in design costs. same goes for (nuclear) bombs and all that stuff. If you create a game right now with just the name JSF on a plane, you will get your *ss sued. The Apache name can be used, as it is a public name for the AH-64A to AH-64E type of helicopter. The Apache design in Renegade is very different from all of these, so there is no infringement there either. The design of the medium tank is different enough for sure, and maybe the M1 name isn't protected by these laws (some names and designs get released to the public), so there might be no problem implementing the real name. The name medium tank is still sufficient for me though. Besides, I think most people don't want it changed. They are used to the Med. Sincerely, Ban4life Quote
KwisatzHaderach Posted June 28, 2013 Posted June 28, 2013 I highly doubt that anyone cares if you use their cars. A more likely reason they don't name the cars in the GTA games is because they where not paid for the "product placement" so they removed the name so that there would be no free advertisement. Also why does no one care if they have an Apache by your logic they should. Anyways nah you can use any name you want aside from video game "intellectual ownership". Just like Ban4life said, they do a great deal. This might be interesting in that regard: http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in ... 07944.html Also: please don't change it to M1. This is not a modern military shooter, it is C&C and the med had been the med since my dawn of gaming. Don't take it away, it's mine. My... Medcious! Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted June 28, 2013 Posted June 28, 2013 "EA says its use of the choppers — specifically the AH-1Z Viper, the UH-1Y, and the V-22 Osprey — are protected under the First Amendment and constitute fair use. Textron argues they were used without permission and EA failed to pay licensing fees." This is not illegal it is a problem that companies like to abuse the fact that they have good lawyers. It's really common for that to happen if you have a good enough lawyer you can twist the law to mean what you want it to mean. I just had an idea it's not a big deal also. Quote
Ban4life Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 "EA says its use of the choppers — specifically the AH-1Z Viper, the UH-1Y, and the V-22 Osprey — are protected under the First Amendment and constitute fair use. Textron argues they were used without permission and EA failed to pay licensing fees." This is not illegal it is a problem that companies like to abuse the fact that they have good lawyers. It's really common for that to happen if you have a good enough lawyer you can twist the law to mean what you want it to mean. I just had an idea it's not a big deal also. EA never tries to force such things due to good lawyers Seriously though, just incorporating someone else's idea into your game without asking is just rude. If some Renegade player had created Havoc in the Unreal 3 engine, and the Renegade-X team would suddenly use it without asking, they would (in most cases) get mad. Your time and effort isn't acknowledged, which is a bad thing. EA not asking nor paying for the AH-1Z Viper, the UH-1Y, and the V-22 Osprey is rude. Just quoting the First Amendment and constitute fair use with everything you do is not enough. And even if you are right by law in the end, it does not make you less of an *sshole. The reason this Renegade-X exists, is because they asked permission to use all intellectual property of the original game, and being free to modify it to their best insights (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I read it somewhere during development). As this game might become a big hit in the community, EA would certainly take notice and might have sued their *sses if they hadn't asked for this permission. Common curtsy and common sense. Even if they weren't the original creators, they bought those rights. The First Amendment and constitute fair use of an old game won't help here. Something to do about good lawyers and lots of money I guess. I still have another question for the team that hasn't been answered yet. Is there going to be a vehicle kill/death count? In some games you destroy a LOT of vehicles, which sometimes makes more of a difference then kill/death count. Sometimes people are only killing, but not really contributing to the end of the match. Killing 20 vehicles in a explosive match while the rest only does 5 shows more skill and achievement which I personally crave next to my K/D ratio. It might also focus some people more on vehicle killing and making a more tactical decision than just going for killing a man instead of a mammoth tank, because you can show only kill to the others. Also, there was mentioned that there would be no global statistic count for all servers, due to individual modding of every server. It would be up to the server to keep these records, if they want it. Is it still possible for two separate servers to share their count, due to (more or less) similar settings? sincerely, Ban4life Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted July 31, 2013 Posted July 31, 2013 EA never tries to force such things due to good lawyers Seriously though, just incorporating someone else's idea into your game without asking is just rude. If some Renegade player had created Havoc in the Unreal 3 engine, and the Renegade-X team would suddenly use it without asking, they would (in most cases) get mad. Your time and effort isn't acknowledged, which is a bad thing. EA not asking nor paying for the AH-1Z Viper, the UH-1Y, and the V-22 Osprey is rude. Just quoting the First Amendment and constitute fair use with everything you do is not enough. And even if you are right by law in the end, it does not make you less of an *sshole. The reason this Renegade-X exists, is because they asked permission to use all intellectual property of the original game, and being free to modify it to their best insights (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I read it somewhere during development). As this game might become a big hit in the community, EA would certainly take notice and might have sued their *sses if they hadn't asked for this permission. Common curtsy and common sense. Even if they weren't the original creators, they bought those rights. The First Amendment and constitute fair use of an old game won't help here. Something to do about good lawyers and lots of money I guess. Well I am not a fan of groups abusing the intellectual property laws such as Monsanto's war on local non-GMO farms around the US. I see using their name as free advertising and this should not be a reason to sue I do not care if it is rude I think it is more rude to sue for that. Also free speech does protect it but recently it seems the US government likes to steal peoples rights.(The Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act) If I were to wright a nonfiction book would I not be allowed to name a car that I own? In my opinion the book is the same thing just different medium of media. Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted October 28, 2013 Posted October 28, 2013 Will the server files be released to server owners before the game is released? I would love to have my server up right when people start opening their renegade x clients. If loads of players get on they are going to want to play online so I think it would be best to release those files a day before the release. That day would give us server owners time to set up the servers and have them up and configured properly. Oh by the way I love the new screenshot on facebook looks like you guys really made first person look fantastic. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... nt_count=1 Edit: oops sorry about double posting Quote
Jam Posted October 28, 2013 Author Posted October 28, 2013 Will the server files be released to server owners before the game is released? Definitely. Quote
PROCOPSS Posted November 2, 2013 Posted November 2, 2013 Don't know if someone asked this already, but, what about system requirements? Are they gonna be the same as Black Dawn? Cause I was able to run it smoothly on max settings and I like when I can run games like that. Quote
Jam Posted November 2, 2013 Author Posted November 2, 2013 Don't know if someone asked this already, but, what about system requirements? Are they gonna be the same as Black Dawn? Cause I was able to run it smoothly on max settings and I like when I can run games like that. They will be the same. In fact, the multiplayer will probably run even better. Quote
Ban4life Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 On the subject of air-strikes, how do they hurt turrets? They are hit differently than buildings and tanks, but I'm worried they are easily destroyed by the air-strikes. Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted November 7, 2013 Posted November 7, 2013 Will renegade x have bullet penetration? If so will people be able to shoot players when they are in base buildings?(I think base buildings should be "armored" so you are safe in your base but all other walls are penetrable) Quote
NodCommander Posted November 7, 2013 Posted November 7, 2013 On the subject of air-strikes, how do they hurt turrets? They are hit differently than buildings and tanks, but I'm worried they are easily destroyed by the air-strikes. As far as I know, airstrike balance is still being worked on and nothing is 100% determined yet. Will renegade x have bullet penetration? If so will people be able to shoot players when they are in base buildings?(I think base buildings should be "armored" so you are safe in your base but all other walls are penetrable) If you are being talked about being hurt through walls, then thats a no. If you remember repairing buildings in Old-Renegade you could get hurt by explosions through walls, this is not the case anymore with Renegade X, even in the UT3-beta. I have a small question about the medium tank name. The med is so obviously based off of an M1 Abrams tank will it continue to have the name medium tank or will you fix it's name? I only ask because it's such a weird way to name a tank in the first place also M1 Abrams sounds a whole lot cooler. I know your post is old, but I felt like replying to it anyways: While the Allied Medium Tank from the GWWII is based off of the real life M1 Abrams, in the C&C universe its not producued by the USA, but rather some nation of the Allies (Western Europe). The GDI Medium Tank is based off of the Allies Medium Tank as well, though of course, modernised. Quote
TigerXtrm Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 Will the server files be released to server owners before the game is released? Definitely. As a follow up question, how does one apply to be a server owner? Will server files be publicly available from the site or is there some sort of application process? Also what platform will server files be available for? Windows, Linux? Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 Will the server files be released to server owners before the game is released? Definitely. As a follow up question, how does one apply to be a server owner? they have told me on this: OT: I have a question about the forum group "Server Owners" I own a Command and Conquer Renegade server, a few Call of duty servers and a TF2 server plus I will be putting up a Renegade X server on release hopefully, would that qualify me to be in that group or is it meant for something else? http://thepeopleclan.net if you need to verify. This is reserved for RenegadeX server hosters and so i guess we will only assign people to this group after release and if they host a RenX server then. Will server files be publicly available from the site or is there some sort of application process? Also what platform will server files be available for? Windows, Linux? I'd assume on the site I highly doubt they would make it have an application process. I am pretty sure it is a Windows only but they might make a Linux server software available. Quote
Anonymously Posted December 1, 2013 Posted December 1, 2013 Hello there. I have a few questions that I am curious about for Renegade X. I have not played the beta and my experience in Black Dawn was extremely limited, so please be patient with me if any of these were already extensively answered or widely known. The website is also currently under construction, so I'm not sure where the best place to find updates is. Free-aim update please - will all infantry be able to use this, and can you still assign it to any button? Sniping - will sniping be just as easy as it is in Renegade? Meaning no hip-fire spread and 4 shots per reload for both the SR and Ramjet? Airstike update please - Will this definitely be in the game, and will it have the effects stated in the pre-alpha podcast video? Will glitches like 2 man wall hopping that have become a core component of Renegade's gameplay be removed? What will the anti-cheat system in Renegade X be like? Is it highly secure, or will moderators/administrators be highly relied on to catch and rid cheaters? Will the reticle change colors when targeting an enemy or friendly structure like they do in Renegade? Will SBH's kick up snow/dirt/water, and will they move bushes and shrubbery when passing through them? *What is the status on the character replacing the tib Sydney? What type of gun will this character wield? How are one of these "Tech Buildings" to be captured, and what is the credit bonus when captured? Will there be screen shake by default, or will explosions simply move enemies? *How exactly does this dodge/roll ability work? Can you simply do it whenever you want? In the beta I remember that bunny hopping allowed you to move faster than just walking. Will this still be the case? Will the vehicle queue mechanics have priorities? Meaning the logic to stop one person from purchasing vehicles nonstop, causing others to wait an extended period of time. How editable will server options be? Renegade servers nowadays rely on server mods to stay active (such as unlimited ammo, pointsfix, AI, etc.). *Is sprinting unlimited? How exactly does that work? Any new vehicles at all? Why is the health status of units displayed so far above their heads? Why not slightly above or even below? How exactly will Rypelcam work and be implemented into the game? I have a few more, but i assume this is overwhelming enough for one post. Any official answers would be greatly appreciated, thank you! *Edit: I have found info on these questions that have answered them. The questions with an asterisks are no longer are relevant. Quote
cirex Posted December 1, 2013 Posted December 1, 2013 *What is the status on the character replacing the tib Sydney? What type of gun will this character wield? *How exactly does this dodge/roll ability work? Can you simply do it whenever you want? In the beta I remember that bunny hopping allowed you to move faster than just walking. Will this still be the case? *Is sprinting unlimited? How exactly does that work? Any new vehicles at all? *What is the status on the character replacing the tib Sydney? What type of gun will this character wield? Sydney replacement: McFarland It has a gun that can fire both grenades as shotgun-bullets. *How exactly does this dodge/roll ability work? Can you simply do it whenever you want? Roll ability in BlackDawn did work by pressing double-W /A /D. However as tester, I don't know or they will be use rolling/dodging in the final build. In the beta I remember that bunny hopping allowed you to move faster than just walking. Will this still be the case? You can already run, jumping will cost you energy. *Is sprinting unlimited? How exactly does that work? You will have an energy "bar", each second you run or each jump will cost some energy. Energy will be slowly be refilled over time. Any new vehicles at all? No new vehicles so far, however they work a bit different/better as the original Renegade. Quote
woandre Posted December 1, 2013 Posted December 1, 2013 Jam, you might want to update the first post on this topic Quote
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