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Hello Rene-X devs,

I think I speak for everyone who signed up for the beta phase testing when I ask: when is will our application's status be updated!? I've been ambitiously checking the website at least once a day for any sort of update. April is the month of months, correct?

In any case, keep up the great work, gentlemen.


Patiently Waiting Beta Tester

  • Totem Arts Staff

if you read the beta application post you would of seen that it says "all accepted beta testers will get an email those who didnt make the cut will not get an email" ... you might not of made the cut ...

but i dont know if any emails have been sent out yet just sit back and wait ... bitching about it wont make it go any faster or may hinder your chances of getting the position

Well, good luck everyone. Hope to see you in game - that's if this project isn't just a troll.

Lmfao yeah that would be freakin' awesome

if you read the beta application post you would of seen that it says "all accepted beta testers will get an email those who didnt make the cut will not get an email" ... you might not of made the cut ...

but i dont know if any emails have been sent out yet just sit back and wait ... bitching about it wont make it go any faster or may hinder your chances of getting the position

This thread was not started to complain about the lack of any beta update, simply the curiosity of an eager Renegade-X player.

Who pissed in your Cheerios, brah?

Fobby[GEN]]The beta has not yet started. Expect to hear from us by the end of April.

To get you guys a rough idea, about 75% of the applicants will be accepted.

This post dang well made my day.

Are people going to be allowed to stream or make youtube videos for those who don't make it into beta or is it going to be kept under under wraps until release? If streaming is allowed I'd advertise and stream regularly

  • Totem Arts Staff
This thread was not started to complain about the lack of any beta update, simply the curiosity of an eager Renegade-X player.

Who pissed in your Cheerios, brah?

sorry man did not mean it that way was just having a little Troll :P

This post dang well made my day.

Are people going to be allowed to stream or make youtube videos for those who don't make it into beta or is it going to be kept under under wraps until release? If streaming is allowed I'd advertise and stream regularly

No you are not allowed to do that. Its still a closed and not an open beta. If you leak info about it you risk beeing banned from the beta. As we get closer to release the team will release more info about the game.

sorry man did not mean it that way was just having a little Troll :P

No worries.

Love your map editing tutorials, man. Would've been a shame to discover you are a complete dick on the forums. lol


I cannot believe the Beta hasn't been launched I would love to play the Beta but my computer can't handle the game yet. I'm assuming that because of the lag I went through with black dawn. Since there is no streaming or youtube video to look forward to during the beta phase are you guys working on other ways to keep the non-beta testers in the loop as far as progress and gameplay?

  • Totem Arts Staff

We do updates pretty often, anyone not in the beta could follow our updates. For those who haven't seen it yet, this is the latest trailer:

And here is our Game Design video showcase:


Are you guys going to implement a stealth shader in any form? I personally think it looks better then what is currently used.

In addition: Is that a new version of I Got a Present for Ya? Why wasn't the one from Chicajo used?


75% of applicants will be accepted? That is awfully generous i must say! Hope i get in, semester ends May 9th and i wont have anything worth doing if i dont get in! lol

  • 4 weeks later...

There is a hidden section in the forums that you can view, there is plenty of information for you to get the beta build and how to get into the servers, check it out.

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