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Hey renegade fans,

just finished renegade singleplayer on hard again a few days ago. So i checked out this site again.

I was waiting (with others) for RenegadeX to be released as stand-alone game since this website exists.

Now i think you screwed it.

A lot of people wanted this multiplayergame and you got a lot of awards, but this happened years ago.

It really is a shame that you were not able to release this finished multiplayergame as stand alone in an adequate timespan.

Even if you will release it in a few months 98% of the former interested players will not recognize or play it, but i think you will never release the stand alone version.

The mod itself was a very good idea, but even the release of this very poor singleplayer was no good comercial for you.

Anyway, Thanks for all the hard work!

  • Totem Arts Staff

and here is some one that thinks everything should be rushed like all the big game devs do (EA THQ) ... all the rushed games are crap and buggy !

im sure the MP game is being worked on, it takes a lot of time for a "small" team of people that have jobs, school and lives to deal with, to make a game like this its not like modding renegade changing some code and files its all from scratch.

i disagree with you about the fans not recognize or play and that they will never release the game .. this is a dumb and uneducated guess and i find it a bit argent for a post like this to be made with out any other post before hand and not even "hay Devs any chance of some news about the mp version ... any progress" but if you cant wait thats your problem ... im willing

  • Like 1

Well, I do think the team have taken too much time to create it tbh. I know, and respect, that they are a small team, and not on a fulltime job towards this mod, but as for the popularity, it took too long.

Also, we hardly hear anything from the big bosses around Renegade X. Of course there are no 'hard' updates, but atleast keep your visitors satisfied by updating things or share facts I don't know.

As for the SP, I think it was a good way to let your targetgroup 'feel' the way of the new Renegade X gameplay, but honestly, I think most of us would be more appreciated that all that effort was put into the MP...

The thing is, people are used to wait for a game approximately one to two years. Because in this case, it is a mod from sketch, people do respect the time you need and would wait like 3 years, or 4 at max. I know you first created the mod within a respectable time, and from there started to 'rebuild' it. But as for your players, it takes ages since the first announcement, and most of people lost interest...

I really HOPE you guys will bring us GOOD news ASAP


Internally we have been reorganizing and relooking at things in order to achieve our goals easier and better. Obviously we want a better more stable version for MP. Hopefully soon they will make a news post to give you guys an update.

Thanks for you vote of confidence. You seems like you know exactly what is going on. Maybe we should just listen to someone with 1 post and just stop now.


Would it be helpful to have people volunteer to help(program, etc.). I understand this is a small team and maybe a few volunteers could help out. Even if it is just on some small things.

Hey renegade fans,

just finished renegade singleplayer on hard again a few days ago. So i checked out this site again.

I was waiting (with others) for RenegadeX to be released as stand-alone game since this website exists.

Now i think you screwed it.

A lot of people wanted this multiplayergame and you got a lot of awards, but this happened years ago.

It really is a shame that you were not able to release this finished multiplayergame as stand alone in an adequate timespan.

Even if you will release it in a few months 98% of the former interested players will not recognize or play it, but i think you will never release the stand alone version.

The mod itself was a very good idea, but even the release of this very poor singleplayer was no good comercial for you.

Anyway, Thanks for all the hard work!

Bad dude, dont speak like your opinion is the opinion of the world... maybe... you are that one dude that is not made for this game ;) .

Hey renegade fans,

just finished renegade singleplayer on hard again a few days ago. So i checked out this site again.

I was waiting (with others) for RenegadeX to be released as stand-alone game since this website exists.

Now i think you screwed it.

A lot of people wanted this multiplayergame and you got a lot of awards, but this happened years ago.

It really is a shame that you were not able to release this finished multiplayergame as stand alone in an adequate timespan.

Even if you will release it in a few months 98% of the former interested players will not recognize or play it, but i think you will never release the stand alone version.

The mod itself was a very good idea, but even the release of this very poor singleplayer was no good comercial for you.

Anyway, Thanks for all the hard work!

look. C&C renegade wasn't rushed either. did that make it lose all it's customers? no.

The dev team is trying to get a decent game out of this. sure, you can release an update every month, and get feedback at least once in a week like at bluehell productions, but did that give them lots of players? no.

i downloaded RA: A Path Beyond 4 days ago, but when i looked at the server list, there only were like 10 players online. was it worth the frequent updates? i don't know. did it make any diffrence? probably not.

sure, people like to know what is going on, but if there is nothing to tell, why waste your time. though this would be a good moment to at least say how far they came so far.

honestly i don't want to wait either. but i have to, and i accept it. if the dev team could work with the UDK since the beginning, the standalone MP version most probably would have come out now. maybe it would be smarter to do so by now, because you can get some beta testers to send some feedback. this way you at least know what the fans want. but you would decrease the overall satisfaction, because people already played it, and there will be less to wait for. so, some more updates would be nice, maybe some teasers or something, or maybe send a monthly broadcast (e-mail) to all people registered to the forums, so they at least remember they were waiting for a game.

if you really can't wait a little longer for the standalone version to come out, the exit is at the red button at the upper-right corner. becuase it isn't gonna get released soon. and maybe it's supposed this way.

EDIT: 200th post lol

and here is some one that thinks everything should be rushed like all the big game devs do (EA THQ) ... all the rushed games are crap and buggy !

Renegade X is/was very well playable. Not sure when the last mod update was, i think 1 or 2 years ago.

if I remember the latest news (which are half a year old lol) correctly, the developers want to add a lot of new features into the game that were neither in the mod version nor in the original renegade. So they got away from the target of creating a remake and thats why it is tzaking so long.

Imo, thats very sad, because I liked both the original Renegade and the Renegade-X mod like it was - a pure remake of one of the best multiplayer games ever with really good graphics.


you should be aware that unfinished indie games like this are still flexible. what's what the über long beta period is for. so you can more easily improve or simply delete something. if a secondary fire is too powerful, the tactical rifle just sucks, maybe some game modes aren't that addicting as they should be, or a map is too big, you can always change them. and that is about it, if we're talking about NEW features, really. or am i wrong... Dum Dum Duuuum...

so... why be so sad? there's no need for that! :D

One thing really: i would love to see silo's make an appearence. in Tiberian dawn, one refinery could hold a max of 2000 credits. one silo could hold 1500 credits. so it wouldn't be a shame to duplicate that in C&C renegade... right? 1 person can have a max of 3500 credits at a time if the silo and refinery is still online, and 2000 if the silo is destroyed?

who knows... :P

  • 2 weeks later...
So many people are quitting Renegade left and right, I feel as though Ren X is the last hope to save this great game.

it is not, really. tons of people may be waiting for the MP version to be released. but there is more really! nearly every single C&C game is being remade at this very moment.

Red alert 1, 2 and tiberian sun and tiberian wars has been modded to work with the SDK/UDK engine, to give that classic renegade feeling back, with a new twist. C&C tiberian dawn, red alert 1, 2 and 3, generals and more is being modded to rebalance it, or finish wat westwood simply couldn't.

all those people want renegade back, and we are not alone really. sure, this forum might be a bit silent lately, but that doesn't mean people are leaving! most of us are simply waiting for the right moment.

and as i would love to say now,

'He who loves the game, mods the game. He who mods the game, lives the game.'

- Project Perfect Mod.


"but i think you will never release the stand alone version." - we will. We finished the UT3 version, we finished Black Dawn and we will also finish the stand alone version. It might take some time but atleast we´ll finish it. Im sure we will give out more information about it once we get closer to relase.


Remember, it took two years for Renegade X (Originally Renegade 2007) to release on UT3. And they had most of the code already built on it. This project is far higher, and IIRC, they intend to remove all the placeholders.


Please take all the time needed, I don't want to drop out of college because off playing renegade-x 24/7



I think many people are doing things a bit like me:

I used to check this site every day, multiple times, as there isn't anything new to report for some time, I check it occasionally when I feel like it, when they finally release some content (and they have had more awesome updates then 'meh' one's), I'll check it again every day for discussions and nerdgasms.

People haven't forgotten about this mod, if it fails, it will fail, and the site will go down. Then people will know. As long as this site is up, I have my hopes.

Yours sincerely,



i LOL'd at this thread, isomorph, thanks for showing your idiocy, make you would care to take a hand at doing the High poly models, low poly models, unwrapping, texturing, AO maps, normal maps, rigging, character animation trees, unreal script, sql scripting for front end services, script a back-end for the MP section of the game, testing, fixing, testing fixing, and more testing and more fixing.

I will lay it out quite simple for you.

If you don't like how long it takes, don't check up on us, were a group of individuals in a team, we all have jobs, families, friends, and our own agendas to abide by. This project is a learning path, development path, and a hobby for all of us. so show some god damn respect and be god damn patient.


And yet again, people complain for a "FREE" game. I think that most of you don't even know how hard it can be to make a game for free. Just imagine the time for each single model, texture or piece of code... We have to deal with our on life while making sure you won't wait too long. Dude, just FUCK OFF! :D

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