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  • Totem Arts Staff

Hey guys!

We hope you're enjoying the Renegade X 0.55 release so far! We certainly have been. If you haven't tried the beta yet, what are you waiting for? Pick up Unreal Tournament 3, get the latest patch, and download Renegade X 0.55 here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/downloads/renegade-x-055-beta-ut3

The first Dev Night will be this Sunday, October 10th, at 3:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). Dev Night is your opportunity to play with the Renegade X developers, ask questions, team up with us or against us, and get some classic R&R&R: Rest, Relaxation, and Renegade!

We will be playing on MP-Gaming's RenegadeXServer.com

We also encourage the use of Teamspeak 2 voice chat for this game - the details to the TS2 IP will be made available this Saturday.

The developers hope to see you this Sunday at 3:00pm EST!


Teamspeak 2 Information:

We will be using the official Renegade X TS2. The IP is:


Honestly, I have no idea what time that is. Since it isnt even written in GMT. Could you please, now and for future events, write the time in GMT +0 as well? Since it's pretty much the most "neutral" time, if you see what I mean.

But yes, sounds like fun! As long as it isnt too late that is!

  • Totem Arts Staff

its easy lol -5GMT is EST yes so if you add 5 to the event time, 3 + 5 = 8 so its 8:00 pm GMT, if you are in a + time zone (GMT+1) just add it to the equation 3 + 5 + ? = ?


I'm in! I'll be recording everything and put it on YouTube.

Jam, the video I'm trying to make has to wait. my youtube downloader is giving me hickups. My program to make video's stops when I'm loading one of your video's.

At first I thought it must be the type of file you saved them in, but all programs I download since I updated my downloader are corrupted somehow. So I'll have to figure it out on my end.

I can't be with the devnight, I'll be on the other side of my country.

Yours sincerely,



EST is -4 hours, EDT is -5.

EST and EDT are the same timezone just during different parts of the year. EDT (or Eastern Daylight Time) is -5 hours and takes place during the summer half of the year. At the moment, it's still EDT, so -5 hours would be correct.

However, next month, on November 7, EDT changes back to EST and -4 hours.

Umm... I have TeamSpeak 3... will I still be able to connect to the TeamSpeak 2 server? Or will I have to downgrade?

Just try it. I'm in there right now.


You will have to downgrade.

I hope I can make it. Everyone decided to come to my parents today so there are no more PCs free. I'll try and see if I can kick someone off.


gg everyone.

Before the game, I spoke to the guy in TS who made Islands (I think his name was zixxer or something correct me if I am wrong), and he asked me what kind of setting I'd like to see in a map.

It hit me a bit later that a forest type setting would be pretty cool, as well as something new. Lots of trees would mix gameplay up a bit for infantry and vehicles both me thinks.

Just thought I would throw that out there in case he reads the forums...

  • Totem Arts Staff

Two maps with forest settings are in the works yes.

Biggest problem thusfar is the speed / quality of the trees and overall optimisation.


Speaking of Islands there: On Islands, and only Islands, when you drive a vehicle of any kind, it throws up dirt behind its wheels which is quite cool. However, it KILLS the FPS badly! And it's a bit too much dirt to look realistic. Just a tip, but I think the effect should be drasticly decreased.

Speaking of Islands there: On Islands, and only Islands, when you drive a vehicle of any kind, it throws up dirt behind its wheels which is quite cool. However, it KILLS the FPS badly! And it's a bit too much dirt to look realistic. Just a tip, but I think the effect should be drasticly decreased.

This is a client side setting, you'll need to alter your video settings for this, i'm not sure what setting needs to be changed but i have it disabled or turned down myself.

This is a client side setting, you'll need to alter your video settings for this, i'm not sure what setting needs to be changed but i have it disabled or turned down myself.

Yea, but doing that would reduce other effects that work the same way but actually look halfway decent.

The water/dirt kickup that vehicles do is just plain ugly and it reduces performance a lot. I suggest just flat out removing it.

Yea, but doing that would reduce other effects that work the same way but actually look halfway decent.

The water/dirt kickup that vehicles do is just plain ugly and it reduces performance a lot. I suggest just flat out removing it.

Agree'd. It's fine on all other maps. It's just on Islands that it's overdone and kills FPS. I want to keep the nice effects on the other maps you know!

  • Totem Arts Staff
I got a acceptable fps on Islands :o

Everything on high exccept there is no antialiasing..

FPS does drop a bit though on the dirtpathways and stuff but.. it still runs smooth..

hang on UT3 dose not support antialiasing you have to force it via nevidia CP or a therd party app like Nhancer, the 2XX.xx driver will not force any antialiasing in UT3 witch is a bumber


I never use antialiasing. It costs too much resources and I really don't see the visual improvements it supposidly makes. I know it's supposed to smooth out jagged edges... but I never notice the jagged edges unless I really look at the edge of something.

IMO it's just a pointless performance causting resourse hog. So I turn it off on almost every game I own.

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