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  • Totem Arts Staff

I trust we are all playing Renegade X 0.35, and have had a chance to try each weapon and vehicle. If not, what are you waiting for?

What is your favourite weapon or vehicle in Renegade X? What do you like to use most?

For me right now it would be the GDI Gunner. How about you?


I like the Light tank the most, but I neglect to use it enough. I use the GDI MRLS most often.

As for infantry, I like the shotgunner/basic soldier the best. Not for any particular reason other than that I like the way the weapons look.


on Nod Artillery and on GDI Mammoth Tank. Imo they've been improved in contrast to normal Ren. Mammy just feels better and is slightly faster than it was in Ren and as we all know arti is just OP lol. as for infantry i mostly use the normal soldier :)



NOD & GDI: Engineer/Technician


NOD: Light tank (because its enormous fast), Artillery, sometimes Stealth Tank and Flame Tank

GDI: MRLS, Mammoth


I like the engineers, it's just fun going to refill and hearing a boink sound.

I like the light vehicles aswell as APC's.


Infantry - SBH (Stealth Black Hand); Strictly because I like not being able to be seen, although the SBH needs fixing (which I believe you are well aware of)

Vehicle - NOD Artillery (Arty); It beats the living shit outta everything, seriously.. and if you have 2 or 3 of those bad boys you can rape.

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