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When you walk outside, seeing a red bike driving the way, immediately try hitting F3 and type in: "FLAME RUSH INC!!!"


You know you're a CnC Renegade player....

When you can heal yourself by hitting the c4 that is on your own body with a repairgun.

When you can plant a nuke inside the chimney of a powerplant.

When you press "E" while flying an aircraft.

When you can win the map by nuking the pedestal, because no one even bothered to defend it.

When you can access the purchase terminal from the outside of the building.

When a vehicle disappears of the map after another vehicle ran into it.

When you can score 200 points per shot by hitting the ceiling guns on the map Jungle.

When you kill an enemy with a c4, placed on the harvester.

When some n00b is throwing mines on your sbh.

When you place some mines on the spawning places of the enemy, after destroying the building.


- When you drive accros a construction site and see the little yellow helmets and want a 500 sniper

- When you are stuck in traffic and you think "Don't Get In My Way! Don't Get In My Way! Don't Get In My Way! Don't Get In My Way!" and you want a mammoth tank to get past the traffic to get to your house.

Those 2 I remembered from that one website that was DEDICATED to these quotes.

  • 2 weeks later...

-when you can plant a nuke#ion in the worste place of an building and nobody come to see where it is and you are alone AND YOU SUCCES TO BLOW IT.

-killing other vehicle with a hundred of mine placed in front of your apc.

-killing 10 and more infantry with an single shot of an noobjet.

  • Totem Arts Staff

That's actually impossible with the gun as it cannot go through 10 people consecutively. That would also mean many of those killed would be headshots - you'll never have that many heads in a row at any moment anyway.


My max with he noobjet was 3.

Sidenote: I really hated using the ramjet for sniping, I felt like a major nub. 500 reloads faster, fires faster, and has no bullet time. Both are OHKO's to the head so the choice is obvious on which to pick. However, I've never managed a double headshot kill with the 500 sniper before... Is this because only the ramjet pierces past one person?


When your sitting in a park and notice a twig move (blown by the wind), then suddently yell at he top of your lungs: "stank rush!." and continuously repeat the phrase: "Defend The Base!" even if your at the park by yourself.


QUOTE (thrash300 @ Jul 26 2009, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When your sitting in a park and notice a twig move (blown by the wind), then suddently yell at he top of your lungs: "stank rush!." and continuously repeat the phrase: "Defend The Base!" even if your at the park by yourself.


when you see a twig move and feel an urge to pull out an automatic rifle and shoot at random to see if you can find the SBH.
QUOTE (xmillion @ Jun 30 2009, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
-Doing Mammoth Tank rushes that WORK (you need the element of suprise, try a mammy rush on hourglass with me)[/b]



and not just 1, but 7 (or 8) of them, GOING 5 MILES AN HOUR, MAKING A LOT OF NOISE

and you expect it to be a surprise?


on the ramjet topic, the bullit often seems to change his path slightly after hitting a person. The more distance between shot and person, the less it seems to be.
So its really hard.
  • 2 weeks later...

When you watch a super violent video of some guy in Iraq getting blown to peices by stepping on a land mine... and you automatically wispering to yourself...boink.

When seeing a guy in a construction site with a yellow hat getting ran over makes you laugh.

Extreme... But funny.



...When you wait 20 minutes as a SBH for one of the guys in a mammoth tank to pull back and get out, then charging into your own base while all other mammoth tanks were oblivious to your most sneaky theft.

(And also...)

Racing your fellow SBH to the nearest recently emptied mammoth tank whilst the lil'engineer starts to repair it into the green.


- when you hear the sound when placing a nuke and immediately pressing ctrl+alt+6

- youre running into an enemy building, heading for the MTC and after 3-4 seconds you passed the door.. youre DEAD - outside!

- when you got some sniperrifle luckshots on the same guy like 3-4 times in a row.. he calls you a hacker/cheater.. while everyone else are just a progamers o_O wtf!

- running around in your own base and pressing the firebutton all the tome when you have a nuke.. making GDI going crazy.. lol

- when you see like 6 SBHs in field doing nothing while GDI rapes your base xD

QUOTE (Techno @ Jul 26 2009, 02:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My max with he noobjet was 3.

Sidenote: I really hated using the ramjet for sniping, I felt like a major nub. 500 reloads faster, fires faster, and has no bullet time. Both are OHKO's to the head so the choice is obvious on which to pick. However, I've never managed a double headshot kill with the 500 sniper before... Is this because only the ramjet pierces past one person?[/b]

yes, only the ramjet (and PIC/railgun) fires through multiple persons.

Which made me think of a question: is there something like a neck-shot in game? I've seen it before that someone deals 1,5 times the damage of a normal shot (against me) but I've never actually done it myself as far as I know.

-When you got a good day and you notice someone was around a corner after you shot him through the head
-when you notice at the endscore that your nuke just bought you most kills in game after your speakers blew up


- TD kicks the shit outta you in a 1v1

- You use the PHrase g?G

-You hold a 2v2 field and drop 4 harvesters with 2 hummers + 2 patches ( <3 FiNMaN)

-You g?G a pp on under with no more than a hotty with ob/pp up and no vehicle/ob glitch assistance.

-You kill 2-3 ppl with 1 nubjet bullet.

-You 1 man ref hop field, every time without fail.

-You never didge



You are a CnC Renegade player when :

-You destroy a structure using the pistol (did this :P)

-You plant a beacon with a SBH and actually manage to defend it long enough for the nuke to hit and live..........on a FULL server (did this!)

-When you manage to sneak into the Nod base and plant a beacon on the pedestal unnoticed on Islands......On the 100 players day at Jelly Marathon (Did this once........but i was spotted planting the Ion :( )

-When you KILL Kane

-When you play as a 'Visceroid' :P


-When you are way better than the ingame mods of the server that they decide to kick you for being better than them -HAPPENED TO ME WAY TOO MUCH >=(

-When you drive a harvester on fan made maps to the tiberium feild and back to the ref only to discover that it gives you no credits.

-When you are an SBH with repair gun and steal a GDI vehicle and repair it and it gets stolen by the former owner, then you steal it from him for repairing it, then he steals it from you, then he steals it agian from you; all in the course of like 30 seconds. -Happened to me LOL

-When your playing as NOD on Under in a server with like 60 players and you go with a Sakura into the GDI tunnels, take a random shot down, and get 5 kills of free infantry :V -Happened to me like 15 times in the same game(Marathon, no time limit) LOL priceless memories. The team was like "Nice hacks you got there." and I get PMed by mods too many times LOL but they knew I didn't hack.


You played the CNC renegade demo like it was a full game.

You pick the 500 sniper for honor over the 1000.

You screw around in tunnels sniping the whole game.


When you attach a timed c4 onto a n00bjet users head and manage to get out of there alive.

When you plant a timed c4 onto Deadeyes head(Guess he is worth his name then).

When you place a timed c4 and a nuke beacon at your enemys base and they cant defuse it due to your timed c4 blowing there engineers up.

(Yes,I know lots of timed c4,gotta love that stuff)

When you steal the enemys medium tank INSIDE there own fully operational base when the litle engineer jumps out and starts to repair it.

When you spam Affirmitave everytime something good happens.


....When you steal a mammoth tank being repaired behind 2 mammoth tanks using a SBH and make it back to base ( liek meh ;P)

....When you had to re-install windows and the first thing you do after that is play CnC Renegade :P

....When you have times C4s.............INSIDE your head ! (this happened to me today...........very.......humiliating.....)


When you own 5 GDI minigunners using a Nod Minigunner all alone (;P did this and i swear it took me like half an hour to stop laughing)

when you try to go GTA 'style' on a hummer or buggy on your enemy's troops

When you make a thread on a Renegade forum called "You know you're a CnC Renegade player....."

QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 23 2009, 03:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
....When you steal a mammoth tank being repaired behind 2 mammoth tanks using a SBH and make it back to base ( liek meh ;P)

....When you had to re-install windows and the first thing you do after that is play CnC Renegade :P

....When you have times C4s.............INSIDE your head ! (this happened to me today...........very.......humiliating.....)[/b]

in n00bstories i recently did the ammmoth thing this guy got out to rep and i got in and started driving back 2 base and he kept repin it for a while :P then he realized it was me and i get back to the artys (islands) and blew up 2 mammyes with getting reps and 3 meds and alot of ppl and covered a beacon on the GDI wf...all with an SBH xD

Ijust updated to Windows 7 Ultimate RTM and got rene ready and played xD

nothi9ng with c4s tho :(

OMG don't you just LOVE stealing vehicles which are being repaired from the back by their owner and as soon as you enter you begin driving backwards!!!???!?!?!!! LOL I killed a few enjis and techies that way when I stole an arty from a group of artys being repaired they didn't know what hit them LOL.


When you JUMP THE F**K OFF of the highest point of the middle part in Walls_Flying and throw a timed C4 midway through your jump, which lands dead center on an enemy artillery that they got from a crate in a game where both the airstrip and weapons factory were destroyed, and that artillery was the only vehicle, and after you die from the drop and respawn...

Some driver of an artillery is going "WTF" when his artillery explodes and you're like "TIMED C4 BITCH"

oh god I wish I had recorded that

QUOTE (Treeky @ Sep 10 2009, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When you JUMP THE F**K OFF of the highest point of the middle part in Walls_Flying and throw a timed C4 midway through your jump, which lands dead center on an enemy artillery that they got from a crate in a game where both the airstrip and weapons factory were destroyed, and that artillery was the only vehicle, and after you die from the drop and respawn...

Some driver of an artillery is going "WTF" when his artillery explodes and you're like "TIMED C4 BITCH"

oh god I wish I had recorded that[/b]

Thats uber cool.

One of the many reasons I love Renegade.
  • 3 weeks later...

You know you're a cnc renegade player when:

- You try to aim your timed C4 onto the nozzle of the med tank to render it useless

- You and your whole team are always engineers at the start of C&C_Walls

- You sometimes feel like you the only person on your team (srsly, TP PEOPLE, ARGH!)

Im to tired to come up with any others lol


I read the topic, I know it to be true. From the spamming of messages to stank and flamer. Especially when someone said, "Everyone get flamers. We're rushing." Okay, it wasn't written nicely like I did, but you get the point; it was the first time I heard the term. I was surprised but pleasant at the same time, as it finally didn't have a demeaning meaning. How often does that happen on-line? I mean, really?

Only a Renegade player would get the humor, and I got quite a laugh.


-When you know that the shotgun is just a free, close range sniper rifle.

-If you've ever typed the words "Mine Limit"

-If you know the joys of n00bjetting on City_Flying once the enemy defenses and barracks/HoN are gone.

-If you've spent more than 5 hours on one game in a marathon server.

-If you own the action figures.

-If you start each respawn by loading your pistol.

-If you've ever Ref Hopped

-Died placing a beacon inside/behind the WF because someone bought a tank.

-Had you stank crushed by someone's buggy getting dropped on the Strip before you got there.

-Gunner Rush.

QUOTE (Techno @ May 22 2009, 05:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It does.

If you're any good of a sniper, it means that you'll be getting headshots consistently. Since a headshot with both the 500 and the Ramjet are one hit kills, and the 500 sniper is considerably faster, the 500 is the better weapon of choice for any skilled sniper.

Now, if someone's a noob and their just randomly firing around hoping to get at least a body shot, than yes the Ramjet is a better weapon. If you have skill though, the 500 is better.[/b]

Ramjet is best, a Ramjet can kill Infantry with ease and kill light vehicles with ease, there is no better Anti-Air weapon than a Ramjet or if you want to kill Buggys/Humvess.

500's have only one thing going for them, they cheap and don't give your spot away, but that only lasts once, afterwards a sniper will take you out...

How many years have people played Renegade, everyone knows where everyone snipes from, it's not hard to locate a 500er.
QUOTE (IronWarrior @ Oct 1 2009, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ramjet is best, a Ramjet can kill Infantry with ease and kill light vehicles with ease, there is no better Anti-Air weapon than a Ramjet or if you want to kill Buggys/Humvess.

500's have only one thing going for them, they cheap and don't give your spot away, but that only lasts once, afterwards a sniper will take you out...

How many years have people played Renegade, everyone knows where everyone snipes from, it's not hard to locate a 500er.[/b]

I'm talking about killing people. A 500 is the better weapon if you have any worth as a sniper.

Faster rate of fire means you can kill more people in less time than a Ramjet. No bullet time means instant death as soon as you click on the head. It is also cheaper as well.

For aircraft, MRLs, and Mobile Artys of course you use the Ramjet. If you are patroling the tunnels though, especially in Islands and Hourglass you are better off with a 500.


-When You Steal GDI Vehs with SBH

-When people complain on the opposite team about u being a sbh sniper...

-When you memorize your FULL renegade serial number O_O lmao


Hehe i wont tell lol i lost ma serial info but i memorized it lmao

  • 3 weeks later...
QUOTE (thrash300 @ Jun 12 2009, 10:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
-You willingly sacrifice your life by jumping on proximity mines just so that the teamate behind you can make it past the mined area.

Damn it I know there is a website that has all of these and the best ones!!! I serached the Renegade forums & Googled it but couldn't find it.[/b]

i often do this and the stupid idiots just stand there like noobs or run back to base, and i pass them going back for the last mine.

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